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Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Kendrick - 05-19-2017

[Image: 9580629-ncaa-football-kansas-state-west-...50x560.jpg]

Mayran Jackson has chosen to forgo his final season at The University of Iowa (home of the Hawkeyes) in favour of joining the NSFL draft. He will take questions from the media and anyone else who stumbled into the press room by accident. Jackson is primarily listed as a free safety but has been open to playing multiple positions in multiple different defensive schemes. His past statistics show that he is a ball hawk and a player that other teams quarterbacks have to account for in their route trees. Mayran is a longtime Tennessee Titans fan and grew up watching Eddie George and Steve McNair battle for championships.

Quote:What makes your player so special?
My player mixes raw talent with athleticsm and the ability to change a quarterbacks thinking. I'm not going to provide a massive open field hit or anything, but will make a play on the ball. Think Charles Woodson with some more length to him. I realize Woodson played cornerback for a large majority of his career, but my game is tailored for me to move freely and be a rover. If a team wanted me to adjust and play any other position, I would do whats needed to acquire the know-how at the new spot. I adapt and by doing so I give myself a good advantage over players who are locked in at one position.

Quote:Which team would you like to draft you?
I'm not a huge fan of the Outlaws really, I think it's the prospect of playing in Arizona. I'm more of an east coast guy so Baltimore really intrigues me. Not a huge fan of the Otter either just because an Otter doesn't really scare anyone. I base my decisions largely on what the team sounds like. I would like going to Yellowknife as that would be something new. However, I think the Ravens are my favourite team so far from the list. The location, atmosphere and fanbase make it a prime location for prospects.

Quote:Is there any team you don't want to draft you?
Arizona and Orange County. I think they are too west coast for my liking. San Jose isn't the greatest location for me either. I'm a West Virginia boy so thats my home. Also I feel the whole Outlaws thing is drawn out a bit more in football leagues. If I was their owner I would've chosen a better name. Creativity in a name means the franchise is creative and I'd like to be used in creative ways with schemes. Not too mention their General Manager already came to my press conference and gave some attitude.

Quote:Do you have foreskin?
Only the highest quality of foreskin available actually. Ask anybody, they'll tell you my foreskin is greater than anyones. Foreskin for days. Girls dig a good crop of foreskin on a guy believe it or not. You go to a club and try to sway a chick with a fat wallet, sure she might say yes for the next hour. You go to the same girl and tell her you got foreskin for miles and she'll want to say yes for years. Just don't tell your fiancé about that secret.

Quote:What kind if defensive philosophy do you think you'd best fit into?
Cover 2 maybe? In college we changed fronts so much that I can hardly remember what position I played. However, I do rover a lot so it's easy for me to fit in where I'm needed. I like to float around and lining up on the line of scrimmage is no mystery to me either as I did come off the edge sometimes to rush the quarterback. I'm a box presence but also a deep ball hawk and can exploit routes with my length and aggressive swarming ability. Best thing about being a safety is you can be the last line of defense or the first point of contact for an opposing rusher.

Quote:What are your thoughts on being a kick/punt returner for a team?
I'd be more than willing to return kicks and punts. I did a little in highschool but in college of course guys are recruited for that very reason. I like to run back kicks in practice just to see if I can find a lane. I'm no Devin Hester but I do use breakout speed when I'm in the open field. I enjoy interceptions and running them back away from fat offensive lineman. Punts are even more interesting because the coverage changes so quickly and your blocking schemes become different. I remember being a gunner in college for special teams and it was always cool to then look at it from the other side and determine what lane I would've gone down. One slip by a gunner and I could make him regret it with a long run back.

Quote:Would you be willing to play out of position if the team needed you to?
I could play corner or a hybrid linebacker if needed. I can cover big tight ends and jam receivers from the line of scrimmage. I'm versatile and can help out in any area. Hell if they wanted to send me on a blitz, I'd like that too. I just look at a defense as a squad that a coordinator can mould and place in different positions. If a guy can flat out run and make it around an offensive tackle, send him on a blitz. If a guy can cover those dual threat tight ends, let him go be in their face. I'm ready for whatever challenge a coordinator throws my way.

Quote:Will not playing your senior year hinder your progress to the NSFL?
I don't think so. I felt it was time and the coaches at West Virginia agreed when we sat down that this would be my best step to take and to take it now. They mentioned they would've loved to have me on their squad for my Senior season, but they also didn't want to hold me back from being drafted early. I chose to declare for the NSFL draft and not the NFL draft because I feel this new league has some very good positives. I don't know where I will be drafted but it should be fun to watch. I'm very excited and I feel like this entire process is very nerve-wracking but thrilling.

Quote:What type of receiver do you feel the least comfortable covering (small slot receiver, big sideline guy, tight end, deep threat, etc)?
Small slot receivers probably give me the most worry because I am a taller press defensive back. Luckily I have a bit of a cushion off the line that helps me get into stride before they come. However, a small quicker receiver with agility is tough to cover. I think if a guy can turn on a dime, he is a huge threat for an opposing defense and I'd say that's my weakness.

Quote:What do you consider more important for a center fielder safety: Instincts, speed, or technique?
I'd have to say instincts. Speed is great and I fancy myself a very fast center field threat, but if you can't pair that speed with smarts than you are done. Look in any sport and you'll see that the smarter players usually stick around longer because their wisdom prevails. Technique only really comes into play with certain aspects of the game. Tackling, catching and everything else is reliant on technique but if you aren't smart enough you won't ever be able to use technique.

Quote:If given the option of facing an elite receiver or an elite quarterback, what would you choose?
Elite receiver because you can't often times see them slip up and then the ball is a free for all. With an elite quarterback he is the most important part of a team and is the engine that runs the vehicle. A receiver still has to have another player get him the ball, whereas a quarterback is the one who decides where the ball goes off to.

Quote:Who else on your team is your success most contingent upon?
The defensive line is the most important part for my game. If they get a good rush on the quarterback than my job become easier. The pressure can force poor throws and sometimes even fumbles. Forcing an offensive lineman back on cinderblocks makes the quarterback doing some crazy things under pressure. Look at Jay Cutler as someone who was drastically affected by the pressure.

Quote:What do you say to teams that don't have you as the first safety on their board?
I say they will see that I am the real deal and be very upset they didn't get their hands on me. I showed in the All-American game that I can bring the heat and rack up the tackles. I have my helmet in on every play and it allows teams to have a strong force in their defensive backfield. If I am not first on their board, that is fine; I will make people regret it either way.

Quote:You go by the nickname "Juice" Is OJ Simpson a role model for you?
Hell no, he was a great player at USC but not the best character off the field. I am nicknamed Juice because my full name is Mayran Julius Jackson. My friends growing up called me Orange Julius and "Juice" for short. I thought it was clever and my entire life people have called me Juice, I like it.

Quote:Do you like vegetable juice or fruit juice? What's your favorite kind of juice?
I actually like both vegetable and fruit juice for different reasons. I like freshly squeezed/pressed juice and the vegetable juice is very healthy for you. Fruit juice has a less bitter taste. My favourite type of juice is Mango Juice. They serve the best mango juice down in Mexico. I had gone down their with some of my teammates during the off-season and we just kept ordering mango juice the entire time from the bartender.

Quote:When you were in college did you ever have any off-field incidents that led to any kind of punishment?
No not really. I come from very strict grandparents and they would hear about every situation that happens. They would've spanked me so hard I wouldn't be able to sit down ever again. As a young man and as a college student I just stuck to playing football. At times I think Football saved me from getting in trouble with bad influences. The guys on the team all love football and thats why it helps you stay focused. I was a straight edge guy I could say.

Quote:What is the worst case scenario for you personally in the draft?
Worst case scenario is that the teams see me as the worst safety on their boards and they decide that I'm not worth an early-mid round pick. I'll be a winner wherever I go because I know that I can stay strong mentally and physically. I'm a smart player and if they choose to pass over me that is their choice, but I'm telling them it is a bad choice.

Quote:If you were a GM, where would you pick yourself in this year's draft?
I'd say fourth round seems about right considering I can lead a defense and be a vocal leader. I love being a captain and feel it is the best thing your peers can place on you. I don't think I'd draft myself in the first three rounds because I think you pick offensive players in those rounds right away. I'm excited and it should be a fun experience regardless of where I end up.

Quote:If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?
I would make sure I saw all my family in some form even if it's over Skype. I would then bungee jump from an airplane, travel the worlds mirror and go dune riding on the Sahara! Wouldn't it be fun to do all this and feel like you accomplished something really really fun without worrying about what happens to you.

Quote:Are you good at climbing trees?
Yeah I actually am pretty good at climbing trees. In Fact I'd say my tree climbing ability is top notch. There are a lot of trees out in West Virginia so we had good practice. I once fell off a very tall tree (had to be 2nd story height) and broke my hand as a youngster. That was not the height of my tree climbing career.

Quote:If the whole world were listening, what would you say?
I would to work together. I feel like the world is a better place when people work together. They don't have to agree on everything, but to work together doing something it builds a relationship. I have seen different races work together to get a job done and they put their differences aside for that. They then have a lasting relationship and treat each other with more respect. This world is better when everyone lends an equal hand.

Quote:Are you good at computer games?
I'm good at the old EA Sports NCAA Football games and that is about it. I'd say I suck at shooter games and other sports games. Call of Duty escapes me a lot because I always am too slow on the trigger and can't navigate the maps like other nerds can.

Quote:If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?
I would have to say the song that describes my life is Cochise by Audioslave. It's an upbeat song with a sound that sounds like an engine roaring. I always try to keep moving and keep the dream alive.

Quote:When did you realize you had such great talent as a defender?
When I was in high school one of my coaches noticed that I had a good knack for coming back to the ball and had decent hands. He mentioned that if I could play on both sides of the ball I might get noticed more by college scouts. I believed him and eventually just stuck to safety and not slot receiver. I owe a lot to my coaches in high school for finding that avenue for me.

Quote:What makes you such a ball hawk?
I want the football and I don't really think the intended target is entitled to anything just because he wears an offensive number. I will attack the route and make sure it is hard for a receiver to get his mitts on an intended pass. I don't sit back and wait for things, I attack the ball.

Quote:How do you feel you compare to other safeties athletically?
I feel I'm pretty athletic and my length and speed stack up very well. Depending on what General Managers are looking for, I believe I can adapt to their schemes and thats what make me truly athletic.

Quote:Do you think you have the right size for your position?
I don't think I'm too small or too big for it? It's an odd question because what I am is what I am and I play great in the body I am. If I changed I might be slower or I might be too small to cover certain receivers if need be.

Quote:How did college prepare you for the pros?
I worked out with former NFL pro Rod Woodson and Charles Woodson at their safety camp called "Out in the Woods". We practice typical ballhawking techniques and when to bite on certain routes and where to be.

Quote:There's a trend that your presser answers get smaller and smaller the more you answer. Did you realize that?
I didn't realize that until now. Maybe it's because the media has been hounding me and they are tiring me out? I'm not sure but that might just be a coincidence because I didn't notice that until now. I don't think anyone should take offence to it as I only answer whats in front of me. I don't shy away from any question and just for you I will make this answer longer than normal to throw you off. I enjoy the media and I like to give my analysis to them in case they want fallout explanations. It's fun talking to them and also picking the media's brains.

Quote:Would you say you started the process of answering pressers energized and excited and now it's kind of a chore?
Lol that could be the case. I think the questions just got too close together in regards to topic. A lot of my answers relate to other answers because the same question is asked differently.

Quote:Anyways, any reason for the name Mayran Jackson?
Well Jackson is my dad's last name and Mayran was just a name my parents both liked. Apparently Mayran is older than I thought in regards to it's history. I'm told it dates back to the Egyptian Pharaoh days.

Quote:Team asks you to play CB, you cool with it?
Of course. I will fill in where they need me regardless of spot. I'll play Fullback if they want.

Quote:Team asks you to play Nickle.... now you cool with it?
Also fair, I would play there if needed. I can adapt and learn positions on the fly.

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Official DT - 05-22-2017

1. What makes your player so special?
2. Which team would you like to draft you?
3. Is there any team you don't want to draft you?

(Will you ask me some back?)

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Kendrick - 05-22-2017

Quote:1. What makes your player so special?
My player mixes raw talent with athleticsm and the ability to change a quarterbacks thinking. I'm not going to provide a massive open field hit or anything, but will make a play on the ball. Think Charles Woodson with some more length to him. I realize Woodson played cornerback for a large majority of his career, but my game is tailored for me to move freely and be a rover.

Quote:2. Which team would you like to draft you?
I'm not a huge fan of the Outlaws really, I think it's the prospect of playing in Arizona. I'm more of an east coast guy so Baltimore really intrigues me. Not a huge fan of the Otter either just because an Otter doesn't really scare anyone. I base my decisions largely on what the team sounds like lol

Quote:3. Is there any team you don't want to draft you?
Arizona and Orange County. I think they are too west coast for my liking. San Jose isn't the greatest location for me either. I'm a West Virginia boy so thats my home.

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - ADwyer87 - 05-23-2017

well fine, we didnt want you anyway!

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Kendrick - 05-23-2017

(05-23-2017, 03:16 AM)ADwyer87 Wrote:well fine, we didnt want you anyway!
nothin personal i just don't like the west coast teams as much from the get go here

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Bafetimbi Gomis - 05-23-2017

Do you have foreskin?

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Kendrick - 05-23-2017

(05-23-2017, 12:48 PM)Bafetimbi Gomis Wrote:Do you have foreskin?
Answered. Thanks!

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Bafetimbi Gomis - 05-23-2017

(05-19-2017, 02:59 PM)Juice Wrote:Only the highest quality of foreskin available actually. Ask anybody, they'll tell you my foreskin is greater than anyones. Foreskin for days.

You wanna compare?

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - Kendrick - 05-23-2017

(05-23-2017, 02:13 PM)Bafetimbi Gomis Wrote:You wanna compare?
sure send your pics to

Mayran Jackson Fields Questions - evryday - 05-23-2017

What kind if defensive philosophy do you think you'd best fit into?

What are your thoughts on being a kick/punt returner for a team?

Would you be willing to play out of position if the team needed you to?