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*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - Printable Version

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*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - IsaStarcrossed - 09-24-2019

Please split this 475 words to @IsaStarcrossed and 602 words to @YoungTB

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is Bjørn Ironside reporting in from the S18 Sports Center. We're bringing you all the off season action and today is a spicy one as we're told Marquise Brown has demanded his trade out of Philadelphia. He's a veteran play maker who recently signed back with the team that drafted him, but with a change of leadership he has again decided to move on. He's giving us an exclusive look into this decision, so let's dive in."

Ironside: "One season ago you were a key part of a potential championship run with Baltimore. You came back to Philadelphia hoping to help them compete for a run of their own. Obviously that didn't happen. It was highs and lows as you also reached a personal goal of yours. What were your reactions as the season played out?"

YoungTB: “Well this season definitely has had it’s ups and downs, one thing I can say though is that it’s really been crazy. From the new front office regime coming in, to moving up to second in total career rushing yards… It’s been nuts. I can’t say this season wasn’t a disappointment though. We were all hoping we’d make another run but it just didn’t end up happening.”

Ironside: "You've officially demanded your trade from Philadelphia. What helped you come to this decision?"

YoungTB: “It was definitely a hard decision to make. I just signed here, but with the new GMs coming in, I think we both agreed that we had different outlooks for the next few years. In the end, we couldn’t see eye-to-eye, so we both decided that it’d be best for me to find somewhere else to play next season.”

Ironside: "Obviously you're on the tail end of your career. You should be chasing championships. Do you no longer feel that you have that chance in Philadelphia?"

YoungTB: “Well Philly’s full of talent, no doubt about it. But they’re building for the future, and they don’t see me in that future. That’s fine with me, but I’m still going to be playing. I’m hoping that I can go somewhere with a chance of winning a ring. At the same time, I want to play for a team that will actually want me there.”

Ironside: "As we all know, there is fairly new leadership in Philadelphia. How did they react to your trade demands? Has it all be amicable?"

YoungTB: “I can’t say we left on fantastic terms. However, both sides handled the situation professionally I feel, and I’m just glad that we can go our separate ways.”

Ironside: "You've been on this team for a while. It couldn't have all been bad. What was your favorite moment in Philadelphia?"

YoungTB: “God, there’s been so many. I’ve loved playing for Philly. They were the guys that drafted me with the third pick in the S9 draft. They truly believed in me, and I appreciate that former front office for that, it’s a shame that most of them are gone, but it’s a business after all. But in terms of moments that stand out… I think our first win after the 0-14 season was a pretty memorable moment. That was Falconi’s first win. Obviously breaking the single season rushing yardage record back in S10 during my rookie season was amazing as well. The game winning touchdown at the opening game of S13 was fun too… I’ll always cherish the times I had in Philly.”

Ironside: "What has it been like watching your former team head to a championship now?"

YoungTB: “It’s bittersweet to see your former team get to the big game without you. On one hand, you’re happy that all your former teammates get the chance to play for a ring. But during those two championship runs from Philly that ultimately didn’t come to fruition, I sometimes wished I was back in the blue and gold and competing with them. Of course, I had gotten my own ring down in Baltimore which I appreciate, but I certainly had dreams of winning a ring in Philly colors.”

Ironside: "Now that you're on the block, are you looking at any teams specifically that you would like to make offers for you?"

YoungTB: “I think I’m open to any team that has the chance to contend right now. I’m not too picky. But I do want the chance to be able to win a ring this season.”

Ironside: "You've got at least one more run left in you after a fairly long fight with time. How long are you planning to fight your retirement?"

YoungTB: “I’m gonna try and play as long as I can. I love the game of football and I think I’ve definitely got some more great years in me.”

Ironside: "As you likely head to a new team and a new environment, what goals do you have left for yourself? Aside from championships, what keeps you pushing forward?"

YoungTB: “I’m trying to bolster my résumé for the Hall, overall just solidifying my career. Like I said, I love the game of football, and I’m gonna play for as long as I can.”

Ironside: "You have a lot of experience in this league as a player. There is a lot of turnover currently in team leadership. Have you thought about taking on a role as a general manager as your career enters its twilight?"

YoungTB: “Absolutely. I’d be very interested in taking on a managerial role in the league after my career ends. I think I have the experience to do so, and leading a team sounds like a whole lot of fun to me.”

Ironside: "Finally are there any closing remarks you would make towards the fans or other players on the team?"

YoungTB: “I just wanna say thank you to the city of Philly, to my teammates, I’m sorry we couldn’t make things work but I wish them all the best.”

"Clearly Brown still thinks he has a lot to offer the league. He's trying to cement his legacy and part of that is trying to win a title. He no longer thinks that is in Philadelphia's immediate future and wants to spend his last seasons somewhere that gives him the best chance to win now. It couldn't have been an easy decision after his long history with the team, but sometimes you have to do what you think is best for you. This has been another Ironside’s Blindside. Ironside signing off."

*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - ValorX77 - 09-24-2019

BjørnBomb strikes again

*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - iamslm22 - 09-24-2019

this is a great read especially because nunc and I agreed on a trade to send YTB to Baltimore and he begged not to be traded so we decided not to. Then he changed his mind and demanded a trade and I think we have a great deal worked out. Stay tuned.


*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - Jiggly_333 - 09-24-2019

So much drama this season.

I blame Isa.

*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - YoungTB - 09-24-2019

(09-24-2019, 09:27 AM)iamslm22 Wrote:this is a great read especially because nunc and I agreed on a trade to send YTB to Baltimore and he begged not to be traded so we decided not to. Then he changed his mind and demanded a trade and I think we have a great deal worked out. Stay tuned.

So to get me back for it you make me Hank’s backup and give me 10 carries a game. You wanted me out all this time and I obliged, what’s the big deal?

*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - Fordhammer - 09-24-2019

(09-24-2019, 11:52 AM)YoungTB Wrote:So to get me back for it you make me Hank’s backup and give me 10 carries a game. You wanted me out all this time and I obliged, what’s the big deal?

We decided to give our young guys some more playing time since the season was lost. Then you asked to be released from your contract due to not playing enough, I guess? I didn't get a reason.

I wish you the best at your next stop, but we weren't punishing you for not wanting to be traded.

*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - YoungTB - 09-24-2019

(09-24-2019, 11:18 AM)Fordhammer Wrote:We decided to give our young guys some more playing time since the season was lost. Then you asked to be released from your contract due to not playing enough, I guess? I didn't get a reason.

I wish you the best at your next stop, but we weren't punishing you for not wanting to be traded.

I just find it a little odd that my carries significantly decreased right after I insisted on staying in Philly. Call it whatever you want but I call it scummy.

*Ironside's Blindside Marquise Brown Demands Trade - iseedoug - 09-24-2019
