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*Thoroughfare to Glory (TTG) #9 - Printable Version

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*Thoroughfare to Glory (TTG) #9 - Opera_Phantom - 09-24-2019

Ladies and gentleman, welcome again to ESPNSFL. My name is Zerin Nandrews and this is episode number 9 of our “Thoroughfare to Glory” (TTG) saga, bringing you the life of Season 18 QB prospect, the “Portuguese Phenom”, Jay “Football” Cue.

The Portland Pythons are in the Ultimini match! What an amazing season it has been. Jay took the DSFL by storm and managed to help the team reach the championship game. And the game is already tomorrow. Let us see what Jay thinks about the decisive game.

Dirk – Hello Jay, and congratulations on reaching the final game.

Jay – Thanks Dirk. It is great to get to this point of the season and see the fruit of our labor. We worked so hard for this, we had ups and downs, but tomorrow finally is the day that we have all been working for.

Dirk – Is the locker room confident that the trophy is coming to Portland?

Jay – We are not overly confident, but we fell like we have a very good chance to win. We played them 2 times this year, lost one, beat them on the other when the home field advantage was on the line… We just need to play our game, it got us this far. We are 60 minutes away from the Ultimini Trophy, and I can already feel it on my hands.

Dirk - After the season you guys had and the number you put up, how much of a personal disappointment will be if you do not win the title?

Jay - I mean, losing is always hard, and losing finals is even worse because you saw the finish line and just fell short. I had a great season, the Pythons had a great season, that is a given and no one can say otherwise. But without the title, I feel that great season will be kind of forgotten.

Dirk - Talking about your season, what about the MVP award?

Jay - I am waiting for the awards to be announced and even though i feel i have a decent shout at winning, i can't forget that there are a few players, both offense and defense, that had great seasons. So i am quietly confident.

Dirk - Even though you have an important game tomorrow, we definitely cannot forget that the draft is upon us. Any new developments since last time we talked about it? Are GMs actively looking for you?

Jay - I would rather think about it after tomorrows game Dirk. But I am in contact with most of the NSFL teams, some showed real interest, some others only felt i was the right choice if the draft occurred a certain way... But we will see, I have no real preference on the team, because i know i can and will be successful.

Dirk - Well, we will have team to discuss the Draft on a later date, so for now, good luck tomorrow on the Ultimini game, looking forward to see you perform on your first title match.

Jay - Thanks Dirk, i can't wait to be on the field.

And this is all the time we have for today, stay tuned for more interviews and information on our TTG. This was Zerin Nandrews, for ESPNSFL at the Portland Pythons training facility, goodbye, see you next time.