International Simulation Football League
*From ASFL To NSFL - Printable Version

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*From ASFL To NSFL - LiathTheSquirrel - 10-01-2019

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]From ASFL To NSFL
The Story of how an Austrailan country boy Become the Member of the DSFL Draft

[/div]So my name is Jessica Winters and This is The Blitz: Rookie edition!
Today I’ll be talking with Jordan Jackson, a kicker in the upcoming DSFL Draft.

Q. So Jordan, my first question is, how are you feeling?

A. Well Jessie, I can call you Jessie right?

Jessica: Sure you can!

A. Cool thanks, well I’m feeling great and looking forward to the draft.

Q. Well that’s awesome to hear, now for the real questions. What has your training been like leading up to the draft? And what’s different from what you have been doing lately and what you did in Australia?

A. Hmmm not that much really. The only main difference is back in Australia I would have to do a lot more cardio training then I have been doing since I moved to the USA. Oh, also my kicking training is a lot different since I used to do a lot more kicking on the run but all that means is my kicking base for the league is a lot more solid.

Q. That's very interesting so you’re saying that your kicking will be more accurate or more powerful?

A. I would say accuracy is more important to me.

Q. Now where would you like to go in the draft?

A. Honestly, I don’t mind going anywhere but if I haaaaaaad to pick it would have to be somewhere with great weather, great beaches and great food like somewhere in Southern California.

Q. Then maybe the Tijuana Luchadores or if you don’t mind the east coast the Palm Beach Solar Bears?

A. Well at the end of the day I don’t mind where I end up as long as I have a good team around me and an awesome time so I can show off all of my elite skills.

*From ASFL To NSFL - Frostbite - 10-02-2019

Kicker Gang is alive