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(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - Printable Version

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(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - Huskies311 - 12-02-2019

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start!

Complete the weekly Point Task to earn 3 TPE! All written responses must be at least 200 words. All graphic responses must show at least some effort. Do not claim this TPE until it has been graded and posted to the S19 claim thread. Also, if you try to build your word count by being super repetitive and rambling on, you will not get full credit.

This task is due next Sunday, December 8th, at 11:59 EST. Have fun and get writing!

Written Option: A new season means renewed optimism for everyone! Write about how you and your teammates spent the offseason forgetting last season and preparing for the new one. It can be a training regimen, studying, team-bonding, what they did over the holiday, etc.


Graphic Option: Make a graphic depicting your new-look team, or make a graphic showcasing your offseason activities.

As always, you can link your affiliate PT:

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - SabaDonutMan - 12-02-2019

Place holder

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - Toasty - 12-02-2019

Place holder

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - IsaStarcrossed - 12-02-2019

After a tough end of the season, New Orleans knew something had to change. What started off promising end up simply tasting bitter after it was all said and done and as a team, everyone knew that we simply were not good enough. We were not about to let that happen again. As declared at the end of the season, Bjørn Ironside headed to the peak of Mount Everest to begin his most rigorous training regimen yet. He invited all of NOLA who wished to join him and many decided to make the trek. Ironside knew if they could make the climb, then they would be dedicated to a much better season. Even newcomer to the team, but old friend, Marcella T?riki made the climb to endure the most harsh of training adventures. Survival battles, lumber jacking, and wind sprints in snow that came up to the waist. Bode absolutely loved it as he seemed to push harder than others, often sneaking off to get in some extra work in the snow. The old bear doesn't get much snow down in New Orleans. Others did not fair so well as Gump ended up with frostbite and had to be carried back down the mountain by Ironside himself. He lost a couple of toes, but he has recovered and is ready for season kickoff. It was an adventure and the team learned much about each other in those mountains. Only time will tell if the extreme training paid off!

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - ddrector - 12-02-2019

In the Second Line locker room we finished season 18 on a low note, losing six games in a row, but the upcoming draft with three first round selections as well as the possibility of picking up some big free agents kept our spirits high. While Bjorn and some others went up to a mysterious mountain to train the rest of us stayed behind to figure out who best to have join the ranks of the meme team in the upcoming draft and also to help convince some friends to join us. The first offseason party happened when outstanding running back and my fellow Norfolk Seawolf teammate Marcella T?riki decided to bring her talents to New Orleans. Forrest Gump was running circles around the place he was so excited. The next party came on draft night, where we added a huge load of new talent to the team. Bjorn had finally come back down from the mountain and he gave the new players a real proper NOLA welcome. We are a young team that is making huge gains every year, and we will soon be atop the NSFL mountain holding an Ultimus trophy. Will it be this season? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - evryday - 12-02-2019

As an undrafted free agent out of Indiana University, Reggie Culbertson will be joining a team through the waiver wire. The world of professional sports will be a completely new experience for him and it will most definitely take some getting used to. As soon as he gets signed by a team, he’ll be studying as much of the playbook and film as humanly possible. He’s usually a gym rat but it’s just as important to learn a new system as it is to hit the weights, especially when you’re brand new to the league. There will always be time for weights and training, but getting accustomed to the system and getting mentally prepared for Week 1 always needs to come first.

Culbertson spent the holidays surrounded by friends and family, not worrying about what was happening in the NSFL and DSFL. He knows that he can’t control what happens so he figured it was best to not think too much about it. Everything happens for a reason and he feels fortunate to have the opportunity to enter the league as a free agent rather than not at all. Wherever he goes, he’ll have the support of his small community in Town Creek, Alabama and they will wish him nothing but the best at the next level.

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - Starboy - 12-02-2019

Yeti Thanksgiving over the offseason

[Image: eeg2RSr.jpg]

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - terriblehippo - 12-02-2019

264 words
Quenton Bode had a busy offseason. Shortly after New Orleans' season ended, he got on a plane for Nepal, where he spent a couple of weeks atop Everest with defensive lineman Bjorn Ironside. It was a productive and refreshing time, and Bode returned from the trip with a clear head and renewed passion for the game. He and running back Forrest Gump, who Bode has known since their Prospect Bowl days, attended the Ultimini. Bode enjoyed teasing Gump over the fact that the Marshals had beaten Gump's Luchadores to reach the championship, but Gump got the last laugh as the Portland Pythons soundly defeated San Antonio. Back in New Orleans, Bode made sure to take some time to get to know new teammate Marcella Toriki, who had come to the Second Line as a free agent. He showed Toriki around New Orleans, and had her over to his home for dinner. Surprisingly, the topic of football never came up, and yet the bond between Bode and his new teammate is certainly strong. Finally, Bode (along with nearly all of his teammates, young and old) attended a party for William H. Harrison. The New Orleans legend quietly retired after Season 18, and Bode made sure to attend the small get-together to show his respect for the veteran. Harrison gave a small speech at the event, and while none in attendance have revealed exactly what was said, the message of the speech was clear nonetheless: the Ultimus is now New Orleans' for the taking.

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - Hallmonitor_20 - 12-02-2019

[Image: zCGSzqG.jpg]

Hall and Kassel spend their first offseason as teammates taking a roadtrip to Pomona where their careers started in the Prospect Bowl.

(S19) - PT1 - A Fresh Start - Leafs4ever - 12-02-2019

It was a really weird off-season for myself. I played with Kansas City last season going into the NSFL Draft. I was then drafted by Orange County. Shortly after that, I was informed that the DSFL was contracting and they were going to disperse the players from the 2 contracted teams, Kansas City being one of them. I was then drafted by Myrtle Beach in the contraction draft.

Usually the off-season is used to regroup and work with your teammates to improve from the previous season. This season, however, I'm with two all new teams and have to treat it differently because everyone around me is different. I have to learn a new system, get on the same page with new teammates, and work with all new coaches.

I didn't want this change to affect my play on the field, so I got mini camp set up for all of my offensive teammates. I called them up to get together and we ran a short 2 day camp just to get used to each other and try to gain a level of comfort. I learned the tendencies of my running backs, I learned about the route running of my receivers, and worked on signals and communication with my O-Line.

I feel much more comfortable going into the season now that we had that time together. I think we're ready to give it a go this season.

(236 words)