International Simulation Football League
Spreadsheets - Printable Version

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Spreadsheets - Eco - 12-03-2019

TPE Tracker Player Sheet
1- Create a new Google Spreadsheet
2- Click on Tools -> Script Editor
3- Click Create script for Spreadsheet
4- Delete the placeholder content and paste the code from this script.
5- Rename the script to and click the save button.
6- Back in the spreadsheet, select the cell A:1 and paste =ImportJSON("")

Following these steps will create a sheet that imports all the players from the TPE Tracker and it will automatically update everytime you open the sheet. Feel free to ignore the columns J and K (Tpehistorylist First and Tpehistorylist Second). Also for some reason this script duplicates the last player a bunch of times so you will have to manually remove those rows.

Index Stats Sheet
I wrote a tool that parses the game pages on the index and creates a csv file containing all the stats. The following sheet is for S18 stats(regular season + playoffs (including 2 wildcard games)). If you want stats for another season or DSFL or only for playoffs or whatever, feel free to dm me on Discord.

Spreadsheets - majesiu - 12-03-2019

Nice job, having data in json format is so much better for stuff like discord bots than scrapping it directly from the web page. The index stat sheet could be a prelude for real career indexes too.

Spreadsheets - 37thchamber - 12-03-2019

(12-03-2019, 08:29 AM)Eco Wrote:I wrote a tool that parses the game pages on the index and creates a csv file containing all the stats.
I am going to abuse this like a redheaded, middle step child.

Spreadsheets - Eco - 12-12-2019

S19 Stats

Spreadsheets - Eco - 01-02-2020

S19 Total Stats (Season + Playoffs)