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*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - Printable Version

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*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - Raven - 12-21-2019

Quote:Numbers might not be correct, so if you spot something just tell at me in the commentos

Today I`m going to be looking at how long a member could survive on just minimal contract money and twitter money. Imagine not having the time to put out media/GFX or get a job to make that sweet moolah. What you do have is minimal contracts and the drive to tweet 7 tweets a week, one per day. Will you ever go below the -2M threshold? Or is this lifestyle enough to keep you afloat throught your career?

Let’s start with the basics. We are going to use the following numbers and statistics for our calculations.

WE DO NOT BUY EQUIPMENT. (They nerfed equipment and made it more expensive so we are boycotting that shit)

A season is 7 weeks. (Last season started on 10/02 and ended on 11/19 which covers 8 weeks, but if you buy 8 trainings in S*, you technically only buy 6 trainings the next season, so we forgo this by counting weeks as 7)

You start off with a 5M DSFL contract.

You take minimal contracts throughout your entire career per the NSFL rulebook:
Quote:II-D2. Contract Minimums are determined by a player's total TPE as follows:
<200: $500,000
200 to 399: $1,000,000
400 to 599: $2,000,000
600 to 799: $3,000,000
800 to 999: $4,000,000
>1,000: $5,000,000

You tweet 7 times a week. Once per day, for the following payout:

Quote:You will get paid 200k per tweet for the first 3 tweets of the week.
You will get paid 50k per tweet after that.
For a total of: 800K a week.

A season takes 7 weeks. This means we’ll be buying 7 Weekly Trainings worth 1M for a total of 7M a season.
7x Weekly Training worth 5 TPE (35)

In these 7 week seasons, we complete all PT’s.
4x Weekly PT worth 3 TPE (12 TPE)
4x Trivia worth 4 TPE (16 TPE)
13x Predictions avg 2TPE per prediction (26 TPE) (I used the average from S18. which was 1.87 and rounded this up).
1x Championship Week (10 TPE)

For a total of:
54 TPE from PTs.
35 TPE from Training.

Total: 89 TPE

We claim Training Camp every season.
Bonus TPE that decreases every season.

In our first season we also claim the Rookie point task worth (7x 2 TPE and 7x 500K, for a total of +14 TPE and 3,5M)

Bonus of 14 TPE and 3,5 once in our career.

We participate in Fantasy every season, but never win any TPE, because we never lucky bois. Fantasy completion grants us 1M per season.

With that all covered. We are going to create our player. Chad Chaddingburg, a kicker out of chadston, south chaddolina.

He joins the league on the day that the new season starts. Meaning he will enjoy all 7 weeks of the season.

Chad starts off at 50 TPE. Chad is drafted into the DSFL and gets a 5M rookie contract.

~~ Season 1 ~~
Bank balance:

1x 5M Contract (5M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x 3,5M from rookie tasks (3,5M) *once in our career
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

15,1M - 7M = +8,1M

Total bank: 0 + 8,1M = +8,1M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
14 TPE - Rookie tasks
10 TPE - DSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 123 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 50 + 123 TPE = 173 TPE

~~Season 2~~

Chad gets drafted to the NSFL and is called up immediately. He signs a 3 year contract with his team for 500K per season, the minimum for a <200 TPE player.

Bank balance:

1x 500K Contract (500K)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7.1M - 7M = 0,1M

Total bank: 8,1 + 0,1M = +8,2M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
15 TPE - First season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 114 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 173 + 114 TPE = 287 TPE

~~Season 3~~

Bank balance:

1x 500K Contract (500K)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7,1M - 7M = 0,1M

Total bank: 8,2 + 0,1M = +8,3M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
10 TPE - Second season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 109 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 287 + 109 TPE = 396 TPE

~~Season 4~~

It’s Chad’s final season on his current contract. He decides to resign with his team and the start of the season. Chad is at 366 TPE which puts him in the 200-399 contract tier. He inks another 3 year deal, this time for 1M per season.

Bank balance:

1x 500K Contract (500K)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7,1M - 7M = 0,1M

Total bank: 8,3 + 0,1M = +8,4M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
5 TPE - Third season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 104 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 396 + 104 TPE = 500 TPE

~~Season 5~~

Bank balance:

1x 1M Contract (1M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7,6M - 7M = +0,6M

Total bank: 8,4 + 0,6M = +9,0M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
5 TPE - Third season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 104 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 500 + 104 TPE = 604 TPE

~~Season 6~~

Bank balance:

1x 1M Contract (1M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7,6M - 7M = +0,6M

Total bank: 9,0 + 0,6M = +9,6M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
5 TPE - Fifth season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 104 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 604 + 104 TPE = 708 TPE

~~Season 7~~

It’s once again Chad’s final contract season. This time around with chad being in the 600-799 TPE zone. Chad signs a 3 year, 3M contract.

Bank balance:

1x 1M Contract (1M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7,6M - 7M = +0,6M

Total bank: 9,6 + 0,6M = +10,2M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
3 TPE - Sixth season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 102 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 708 + 102 TPE = 810 TPE

~~Season 8~~

Bank balance:

1x 3M Contract (3M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

9,6M - 7M = +2,6M

Total bank: 10,2 + 2,6M = +12,8M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
3 TPE - Seventh season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 102 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 810 + 102 TPE = 922 TPE

This is Chad’s 7th season after being drafted to the NSFL. This means it is time for regression. We follow the regression scale:

6.1. 7th season - 20% TPE loss
6.2. 8th season - 25% TPE loss
6.3. 9th season - 30% TPE loss
6.4. 10th season - 40% TPE loss
6.5. 11th season - 50% TPE loss
6.6. 12th season - 60% TPE loss
6.7. 13th season - 75% TPE loss
6.8. 14th season - 75% TPE loss
6.9. 15th season - 75% TPE loss (final season)
6.10. Auto retire players the season when they regress below 150 TPE

Chad will be taking a 20% TPE hit. 922 * 0.8 = 738

With 738 TPE Chad heads into his 9th season.

~~Season 9~~

Bank balance:

1x 3M Contract (3M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

9,6M - 7M = +2,6M

Total bank: 12,8 + 2,6M = +15,4M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
3 TPE - Eighth season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 102 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 738 + 102 TPE = 840 TPE

2nd regression season: 840 * 0.75 = 630

~~Season 10~~

Final season, but Chad decides not to resign at the start of the season.

Bank balance:

1x 3M Contract (3M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

9,6M - 7M = +2,6M

Total bank: 15,4 + 2,6M = +18,0M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
3 TPE - Ninth season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 102 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 630 + 102 TPE = 732 TPE

3rd regression season: 732 * 0.70 = 512

~~Season 11~~

Chad resigns in the offseason after regression to a 1 year, 2M contract. Him being down to 512 TPE puts him down a contract tier.

Bank balance:

1x 2M Contract (2M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

8,6M - 7M = +1,6M

Total bank: 18,0 + 1,6M = +19,6M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
3 TPE - Tenth season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 102 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 512 + 102 TPE = 604 TPE

4th regression season: 604 * 0.40 = 362

~~Season 12~~

Chad resigns in the offseason after regression to a 2 year, 1M contract. Him being down to 362 TPE puts him down another contract tier.

Bank balance:

1x 1M Contract (1M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7,6M - 7M = +0,6M

Total bank: 19,6 + 0,6M = +20,2M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
3 TPE - Eleventh season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 102 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 362 + 102 TPE = 464 TPE

5th regression season: 464 * 0.50 = 232

~~Season 13~~

Bank balance:

1x 1M Contract (1M)
7x 800K from twitter (5,6M)
1x Fantasy completion (1M)

7x 7M weekly training (7M)

7,6M - 7M = +0,6M

Total bank: 20,2 + 0,6M = +20,8M

54 TPE - PT
35 TPE - Training
3 TPE - Twelfth season of NSFL Training camp
10 TPE - Championship Week
Total: 102 TPE

Chad Chaddingburg: 232 + 102 TPE = 334 TPE

6th regression season: 334 * 0.40 = 133

Chad is dead.


You can easily survive in if you choose to never write media, make graphics, do a podcast or take up a league job. The key part here is to tweet 7 times a week for the max twitter payout. Which over a 13 season career would give you 5,6x13 = 72.8M total.

Chad finished his career with 20,8M in the bank. This gives plenty of room to also dabble into equipment. I chose not to use it in the example, it won’t be max equipment every season, but it is easily do-able to purchase some low tier equipment throughout your career.

Final verdict:

Twitter OP. Go and abuse that shit mate.

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - Eco - 12-21-2019

(12-21-2019, 04:06 PM)Raven Wrote:Final verdict:

Twitter OP. Go and abuse that shit mate.

Shit, they are onto us.

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - FleshBagSoup - 12-21-2019

Ty twitter gods

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 12-21-2019


*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - nunccoepi - 02-26-2020

This is awesome. Good media.

But I think he lost 1M from his bank account between his second and third season. He went from 8.2 to 7.2 if I am reading it correctly.

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - nunccoepi - 02-26-2020

@Raven didn't realize this was so old. So I'm gunna tag you see you see my above comment.

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - QuirkyTurtle - 02-26-2020

This is actually super helpful. Still gonna reach for the tier 6 equipment each season as 13x30=390 TPE and that’s a hefty chunk of TPE to miss out on. Especially early on in our careers. But nice to know media money is not a necessity

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - retrospace111 - 02-26-2020

@nunccoepi revived this thread haha good job mate

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - nunccoepi - 02-26-2020

(02-26-2020, 01:32 PM)retrospace111 Wrote:@nunccoepi revived this thread haha good job mate

lol I only saw it because @Duilio05 posted it in the rookie chat

*Howlong can you survive on min contract and twitt - Raven - 02-27-2020

(02-26-2020, 07:10 PM)nunccoepi Wrote:@Raven didn't realize this was so old. So I'm gunna tag you see you see my above comment.

Ah cheers mate. I'll see if I can remember to fix it once I get back home. Can't be selling false info to everyone