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*Captain O Captain- Randy Vuxta WR - Printable Version

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*Captain O Captain- Randy Vuxta WR - roastfuego - 12-26-2019

“Randy please take a seat” Tijuana GM said motioning to the empty seat in front of him. Quarterback Avon Blocksdale Jr. and Coach stood on either side of him. Mayson Blaylock sat in the chair next to the empty one.

Oh crap he knows about the Prank War Randy thought as he took his seat.

You see, to ease the mood all season the team has been participating in a prank war to keep a jovial spirit throughout the locker room, with Randy and Idlewyld coming up with the idea. What started off as a simple joke by filling Inspectah Decks car with a bunch of gummy worms escalated quickly back.

See the problem is no one knows who did what prank. Deck thought Jed did it, so he filled his locker with a mixture of shaving cream and red and green food coloring. Jed in turn pranked Kenobi by putting all his equipment on the roof of the training facility.

Alliances were formed, acted upon and then subsequently broken. All the players had to keep their guard up as they didn’t know what could happen or when or by whom. Moreno was thrown into a pool. Randy has his hair dyed neon pink for a week. Idlewyld has itching powder on his jersey. But the worst of all is what happened to Blaylock.

Blaylock would drive to work in the most amazing 1969 Camaro with a nice stylish black paint job. One day Randy asked Blaylock if he could help him develop his route running. Blaylock agreed and the three, Blocksdale was there as well, spent two hours after practice working on the routes giving each other pointers. What Blaylock didn’t know was Randy’s practice was just a distraction. Randy, code named Rudolph, was to keep him busy while phase two was going on.

While the two practiced, Deck, Moreno and Idlewyld got to work getting a Christmas tree to start phase two. The trio, code named the Three Wisemen, took the tree and somehow fit it inside of Blaylocks car. But that’s not all. The group also decorated the outside of his car with a nice Christmas touch. The car was painted green, had Christmas themed decals and even some garnish. The team put tinsel all along the bottom of the car, and added a dradel and Menorah on the back to respect the holiday of Chanukah. Ben Kenobi, code named Jack Frost, added his numerous snowflakes throughout the entire vehicle. He added roughly 3000 sticky snowflakes. To top it off, a bow was put on top and a red nose was put on the front.

That was yesterday and the last time Randy had seen Blaylock. He didn’t look too upset right now however.

He has to be planning how to get me back Randy thought. This is all to distract me.

Randy took his seat eyeing Blaylock for a clue to how he was gonna get him back.

“We’ve been keeping our eye on the two of you for quite awhile. We love your style of play and the commitment you have not only for yourself but for your buddies in the locker room. You hype everyone up and have had such a strong connection with the fans as well. You guys are leaders both on and off the field which is why we want to name each of you captains on the offensive and defensive sides of the ball respectively.”

Holy shit Randy thought.

“I would be honored” Randy and Blaylock said in unison

“Perfect. Let’s go tell the rest of the locker room. Congrats boys!”

With that the group made their way from the GMs office over to the locker room.

“Randy why don’t you go first to hype them up?” the GM said.

Randy opened the door and was splashed in the face with two buckets of syrup. Then the team shot off green and red confetti canons, sticking to everywhere. A banner dropped saying Turn Around. Randy flipped around to get a pie in the face from Blaylock and the GM.

“I’ll always get the last laugh” the GM said. Meanwhile Blaylock shouted “Got ya back buddy” as he fell over from laughter.

“Oh it’s on” Randy said with a laugh.

But in all seriousness thank you for this honor. This is my first aim league so to be named captain is such an honor and I do not take it likely. Go Tijuana!

*Captain O Captain- Randy Vuxta WR - FleshBagSoup - 12-26-2019

great stuff TIJ TIJ

*Captain O Captain- Randy Vuxta WR - Frostbite - 12-26-2019

(12-26-2019, 08:08 PM)roastfuego Wrote:aim


*Captain O Captain- Randy Vuxta WR - goodfortunecoffee - 12-26-2019

You've been an amazing addition to our team man!


*Captain O Captain- Randy Vuxta WR - Jay_Doctor - 12-26-2019

Congrats man, so happy to share that honor with you!