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Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - Printable Version

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Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-05-2017

Welcome to Vegas, mother fuckers.

Is it true that since the only proper football stadium in LV is currently under contract with the Raiders that you will be playing your home games in an abandoned parking lot?

Yes, the only football stadium in Vegas is under contract with the Raiders. Obviously the search does continue but we do have the abandoned parking lot considered as a fall back option should our search fall through.

Will you be banning your players from gambling or will you let them indulge on the entire Vegas experience?

Often I find when you tell a grown ass man he can't do something, it enacts itself in otherwise. Our players are free to do whatever they like so long as they perform on the field. If it ends up effecting their gameplay, well, that's a different story.

As a GM in the first round of expansions, do you think your franchise is going to be disadvantaged compared to an original team?

What kind of locker room do you hope to maintain in Vegas?

How is your approach to an expansion draft different than how you'll approach the regular draft?

Do you have any strategies you'd mind sharing with your team building procedure?

As a player, working and playing in Vegas is appealing, are there any cons from a management perspective?

Absolutely, we're not going to be as strong right off the bat. I'd love to build a contending roster but let's face it. We'd have to be top-2 in a division with the Outlaws and the Otters. That's not likely and not something we're expecting at all.

I'm looking forward to lots of discussions and a close knit group. I think if you ask around the league they'll either tell you I'm a fun guy to hangout with or a complete shithead and both are accurate responses. I'm looking for the same kind of people.

In terms of my approach to the expansion draft, I do have some information I'd obviously like to keep close to my chest but a large part is just taking the most valuable assets available and filling the holes via draft/waivers/free agency.

My strategy is that you need people who make plays. You look at the team in Yellowknife and some of the picks that had my hands all over them in Shelton, Garden, Ramrio, Cutter these are all guys who make plays and change the entire pace of the game. There is nothing more deflating to an opposing team than a turnover.

From a management perspective, there are always cons. Finding a place to play has been a struggle, the obvious distractions than can damage a player's focus from becoming the best they can be. But if anything, Vegas is a place that will weed out the weak. Only the best of the best will make it here, and they will be loved for it.

Did u take any Inspiration for the name from the Vancouver Legion of the WFL and SFL?

Honestly, I have not been aware of either league. My good friend @`incitehysteria` posted it as a suggestion and I loved the sound and the idea of what you could do with the team concepts. From there, I had @enigmatic forge me an incredible logo and we ran with it.

Did Manziel's "Billy Vegas" persona hit your shortlist for mascots?

In terms of mascot we're still deciding. We have Celine Dionne as our anthem singer for all our French Canadian fans.

You mentioned the Otters and Outlaws as contenders and it has been well documented that those two teams have arguably the most heated rivalry in the league, are you concerned you're not going make a splash with such a rivalry in place? Or did you just take a subtle jab at the SaberCats to get a new rivalry going ahead of schedule?#SaberKittensAlready4thInS2 is now trending on twitter...

Oh, I'm not sure if you've noticed but I tend to have a big personality and I plan to draft big personalities. People will be circling the Legion for game day against everybody, even if it's just to see the get beat the first season. We'll be making that money.

Have you done any Scouting yet for the Season 2 Draft? Who's high on your list to help you start building in Las Vegas?

Of course I have done scouting but as is team policy we are not revealing details of our list. We want to get our guys and leading other teams who are inferior to us in terms of scouting is less than ideal. [/code]

Why Vegas, with a name like Legion, why not Rome or something Greek themed?

Best/Worst Memories of Yellowknife?

You go from a tiny town to a major city, any worry about culture shock?

I like illiteration, the town is incredible and there's nowhere I'd rather be. It's a fantastic city that tourists love and people love living in.

Best memories are building that team from scratch and watching them perform. Our late season rush to make the play-offs and the future of what's going to happen have me excited!

I went to school at Yale, so no pressure.

Q. In your own opinion, who do you believe is one of the top S2 Free Agents?

Q. Thoughts on the upcoming S2 Draft? How does it compare to the S1 Draft?

Q. Will there be a rivalry between the Liberty and Legion? #ExpansionBowl?

Q. What teams have sparked your interest for the upcoming Expansion Draft? Care to publicly name some players if possible?

Q. What do you believe is the key to building a winning roster?

In my opinion, I believe Josh Garden is far and away the top season 2 free agent. He's easily the most talented player available and there's no way the Wraiths will let him go.

I hope the S2 draft is similar in depth but in reality, that's never the case. The inaugural draft is almost always the deepest and that's okay. It looks to be a solid draft though.

In terms of a rivalry, I prefer to keep it in division, I'd also rather not have to have a rivalry with a solid GM like Adam. I know he's gonna build a great squad. I'd rather have a rivalry with the Otters or the Outlaws.

I'd rather avoid that kind of talk, all teams have interesting players however.

The key to building a winning roster is definitely building a winning culture. This is the reason I'm not a fan of complete rebuilds. It almost always ends up poorly unless you get a generational talent and in football that just isn't enough. Ask Cleveland or Jacksonville.

Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-05-2017

bump over adam's shitty article

Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-05-2017

@ErMurazor why?

Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - timeconsumer - 07-05-2017

Is it true that since the only proper football stadium in LV is currently under contract with the Raiders that you will be playing your home games in an abandoned parking lot?

Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - Apache_Chief - 07-05-2017

Will you be banning your players from gambling or will you let them indulge on the entire Vegas experience?

Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-05-2017

(07-05-2017, 03:40 PM)timeconsumer Wrote:Is it true that since the only proper football stadium in LV is currently under contract with the Raiders that you will be playing your home games in an abandoned parking lot?


Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - ErMurazor - 07-05-2017

Hey man I have to eat occasionally! I thought it would be a good way to hype up a new team man. You need fans, you need people to want to play for you, etc!

Here we go:

As a GM in the first round of expansions, do you think your franchise is going to be disadvantaged compared to an original team?

What kind of locker room do you hope to maintain in Vegas?

How is your approach to an expansion draft different than how you'll approach the regular draft?

Do you have any strategies you'd mind sharing with your team building procedure?

As a player, working and playing in Vegas is appealing, are there any cons from a management perspective?

Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-05-2017

(07-05-2017, 03:45 PM)Apache_Chief Wrote:Will you be banning your players from gambling or will you let them indulge on the entire Vegas experience?


Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - Bengals1Fan - 07-05-2017

Did u take any Inspiration for the name from the Vancouver Legion of the WFL and SFL

Las Vegas Legion Introductory Press Conference - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-05-2017

(07-05-2017, 03:46 PM)ErMurazor Wrote:Hey man I have to eat occasionally! I thought it would be a good way to hype up a new team man. You need fans, you need people to want to play for you, etc!

Here we go:

As a GM in the first round of expansions, do you think your franchise is going to be disadvantaged compared to an original team?

What kind of locker room do you hope to maintain in Vegas?

How is your approach to an expansion draft different than how you'll approach the regular draft?

Do you have any strategies you'd mind sharing with your team building procedure?

As a player, working and playing in Vegas is appealing, are there any cons from a management perspective?
