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*In Defense of the Rage Piece - Printable Version

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*In Defense of the Rage Piece - bex - 01-16-2020

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]In Defense of The Rage Piece
NSFL Weekly Letter to the Editor

Note: The opinions expressed in letters to the editor are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of NSFL Weekly or its members.

To the Editor of NSFL Weekly,

I know it’s been quite some time since you have heard from me. I’m sure you understand. After he of the most holy of names was CUT from Tijuana UNJUSTLY UNFAIRLY INHUMANELY, well I just couldn’t cope.

I am man enough to admit that that finally put me off the deep end. In my fit of rage, I blacked out. Hand to Gimmy, I lost time. I woke up on my front lawn, covered salsa and eye black. My wife was gone, the twins Gimmilla and Jarry gone too. My 8 foot tall Gimmy mosaic in the backyard, which I had so recently redone to be lucha colors, lay smashed and scattered across the patio.

It can be difficult to admit that you need help. But it was as I sat surrounded by torn jerseys and broken promises that I realized that I couldn’t go on like this.

So I divorced my wife, got custody of the kids, and now we live in Portland. Why Portland, the casual fan might ask? Portland now has the rights to my beloved Gimmy. To live close to him, to have some small chance to breathe the same air that he does? This makes it all worth it.

Yes, the house was hard to sell. Apparently red and green are not “traditional home colors” and are “an eyesore and a bother”. The recreation of the Sistine Chapel ceiling featuring Gimmy in the place of Adam also seemed to be a downside for people. But after making the necessary modifications, I managed to sell the thing so I was free to live my dreams.

Portland had been treating me well, and I haven’t had cause to reach out to you. But then I see CLASSIC NSFL HO trying to censor the voices of the public, and I cannot stand for this.

It is well known that I have no love in my heart for the monster that is Marcella Toriki. Her fans have slandered the good name of Jarrapolo too much for me to ever forgive her. So what if she “runs a charity” and “has been an inspiration to the next generation”. She’s obviously a selfish person with little to no consideration from others.

Seeing another person call this out Toriki for what she really is a comfort to me. The whispers of his hatred for her spoke to my very soul. Now, I know that she has a “cult following” and many quickly rallied to her side to defend her against attacks.

I won’t pretend to understand the “user” vs “player” argument. I assume this is some NSFL thing that is beyond me. I only care about the DSFL, where real football is played. People claim that this fresh young voice of the public attacked the user over the player. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn’t. If the snowflakes who responded to it are to be believed, whether or not he meant to, it read as user attack. And the author has elected to double down on not apologizing or acknowledging any of that. Too far above my pay grade to care about that. All I know is that the senseless censorship from the same corrupt HO that would not protect Gimmy from being cut from a team is unacceptable. So what if “feelings were hurt”? So what if such aggressive and uncalled for remarks “made people upset”? Why would we care about how other people in the league feel? Why at all care about how the person targeted feels?

If this author wants to call someone selfish, mentally weak, and without honor, that’s their right. If they want to attack someone for making the decision that “makes them happy” and “lets them feel good about their place in the league”, that’s their right. But for HO to “step in” and “shut down a hostile thread”? That’s too far. What’s next? Them stepping in when someone is being bullied or harassed?

Now, there is one person I see fit to defend in this scenario. Those of you who have known me for a while know that I am a forever fan of Jimmy Dugan, former manager of the Tijuana Luchadores and current manager of the New Orleans Second Line. This happens to be the team that the Terrible Toriki currently plays for. Now, say what you will about the running back with the largest ego in the league, but DO NOT come for Dugan in this way.

To even IMPLY that the very man who signed His Holiness and molded him into the greatness that he is today would EVER kowtow to the will of some New Zealand trash is an insult that I cannot abide by.
To say that a man of such talent and genius would ever EVER forsake Forrest Gump in order to feed Marcella?

That’s blasphemy, pure and simple.


[As the target of the most recent Boomcheck piece, I just want to say that I have no problem with opinion pieces, or pieces that bash players. I've written Marcella hate articles since I joined the league. They can be fun and add an interesting layer to the league. However, the tone and vitriol behind the Boom piece about Toriki felt very much like a personal attack, and that is what I have quarrel with. As I've already received so much negativity for my FA choices in this league, this is not a topic that I'm comfortable being further ripped on. If Boomcheck had checked in with me at any time regarding this, I could have told him this myself. If you want to write an attack piece, you might consider making sure that the target is okay with it before dragging them into the spotlight.]

*In Defense of the Rage Piece - Hallmonitor_20 - 01-16-2020

Toriki reading the Boom article:

[Image: OLL1BPC.gif]

Also don't attack people for their FA decisions especially a personal attack when alot of players opt out every season.

If you don't want your 1st round pick to leave you then maybe don't refuse to give them the ball until week 7. Imagine if the Giants never gave Barkley the ball and he demanded a trade. Would anyone be mad at Barkley? Only their FO because they're stupid as hell.

*In Defense of the Rage Piece - infinitempg - 01-16-2020

My gosh gimmyfan69 you should seek professional help

*In Defense of the Rage Piece - DeathOnReddit - 01-16-2020

I have been a target of hate pieces before it does suck. I feel like there was a pretty big overreaction though. but i just came back from being inactive so i dont have all the background info

*In Defense of the Rage Piece - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 01-16-2020

"Hand to Gimmy" lmao

*In Defense of the Rage Piece - Bwestfield - 01-16-2020

(01-16-2020, 01:59 PM)DeathOnReddit Wrote:I have been a target of hate pieces before it does suck. I feel like there was a pretty big overreaction though. but i just came back from being inactive so i dont have all the background info

I've been gone a day and I'm still trying to figure this out. Haha.

*In Defense of the Rage Piece - JKortesi81 - 01-16-2020

Late to the party here kids.

For the record, None of Boom's article read like an attack piece specifically on our bex.

It literally just read like an article specifically about just Toriki the character in the NSFL, the running back, not the commissioner with a slight enjoyment of champagne.

Everyone freaked out about nothing.

If a rookie player up and left their NFL team a season after drafting them, it'd be a huge story. Like say Josh Jacobs just said "K Oakland, i'm out" and went to play with Quinnen Williams on the Jets (Both went to Alabama, fyi), there's zero doubt in my mind we'd see a piece or two like that online, especially written a bit angrily from an Oakland writer.

I get it, it's hard to not feel like it was about bex and not about Marcella. That separation is hard for some people and easy for others. (Do you REALLY think i'm just like Penny Kowers in the PBE?) When bex the person is threatened, of course all of NOLA would want to come out and defend her. That makes sense. But that clearly wasn't the case and the world went crazy for a minute there.

Honestly, it felt more like an article of bringing up potential compensation about such a scenario than anything else. And it's not like he didn't just write a similar piece about Ashley Owens spurning Austin for Colorado. It's just an NSFL media piece people. How you react to it is on you.

Anyway, my point is, maybe we just don't take things too seriously and fly off the handle right away. How is a person completely new to the league supposed to know the actual emotional part of the "bex FA adventure" or even the "Ashley Owens FA adventure"? To an outsider, he just saw an interesting story and wrote about it. And he picked a theme which was just that Toriki the character who doesn't really exist leaving SJS was "bad" to him.

That should've never gotten that serious. I'm sorry feelings were hurt, but there's going to be future rookies to the league that end up doing similar things that might hurt others by accident and i don't think its the best of looks if we freak out on that. Pushing people away is never the answer.

Anyway, i love you all. Except for AdamS, of course.

Fun edit: I said this before I even found out about Boom’s response that was moved to the TD, for transparency’s sake