International Simulation Football League
*And now for something you did not ask for - Printable Version

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*And now for something you did not ask for - C9Van - 01-25-2020

[Hello, this is roughly 1010 words long and is ready to be graded. Enjoy!]

Tensions are high in the National Simulation Football League. Well, I assume. I do not really care enough to say much past my opinion but whatever happens will happen. But fear not! As this tiny piece of shitposting media will help distract you and to have some fun.

I do not know how many of you know about Talk To Trasnformer website. But it is probably most known for the Game Grumps putting in creepy fan fiction texts and the bot trying to generate a believable story. So naturally, I will be writing about certain things within the league and seeing what exactly the bot will come out with. As I write this paragraph I genuinely do not know if this will be a good or bad thing. But all I know is it will indeed be a thing. Let us start with wild journey!

Written phrase #1:

Laszlo Forty-Two is a wide receiver for the Colorado Yeti. He is originally from Budapest, Hungry and constantly talks in 3rd person. He used to play for the Tijuana Luchadores which ended up winning the Ultimini.

Bot Reply #1:

His catchphrase is "G-G-G-Gai-A-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W". This shows his enthusiasm for the club.

Powers and Abilities Edit

Passing Ability Edit

For pass accuracy, Hundred-Two has a high WR% despite the fact that he is a wide receiver. He is a very accurate catch and release tight end. He's shown to be able to make extremely accurate catches.

Response / Thoughts:

The bot clearly knows more about The Laz than me! What a badass catchphrase! I dunno who Hundred-Two is but I am glad he is as good at catchy as Lazzy is.

Written phrase #2:

And once again for the 16th season in a row, the Orange County Otters have won it all! Who knew that they would manage to defeated everyone yet again!

Bot Reply #2:

"Or, did I say everyone?

The Battle of Algonquin

When all was said and done the Battle of Algonquin was for those of you who didn't see this all play out from the beginning. If you don't already know, the series was played between the Ottawa 67's and the Otters, a game for the ages. The Ottawa 67's won 3-2 to clinch the series and that meant that a playoff game was a must for the Otters. Unfortunately for them, that ended up being a very tough game to win and they came up a couple of big goals short."

Response / Thoughts:

You aint ready for the Ottawa 67s lads.

Written phrase #3:

The Chicago Butchers may have had a rough start to this current season but that is all going to completely change because

Bot Reply #3:

of their safe and sound performance against the Chicago Cubs.

In fact, although the Cubs were able to grab a 1-0 lead at the onset of the game they never had any sort of grip on the game. The score was never close at any point during the game as the teams combined to throw 15 pitches over the four innings and ran through the bullpen for a total of 23 outs.

After having an uneventful three inning at bat the Cubs decided to do it again. They brought in Edwin Jackson and handed him the job of hitting for the Cubs as the hitter. After starting out with a grounder to first base, Almora was able to walk

Response / Thoughts:

Err...Does this mean we can start calling the Butchers the lovable losers? God I hope not.

Written phrase #4:

The National Simulation Football League is very proud to announce the 2nd team joining the Budapest Badgers in the expansion is none other than

Bot Reply #4:

the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcons' home will be the newly built Mercedes-Benz Stadium in downtown Atlanta.

As an added bonus, this is only the second international Super Bowl team to have signed on, having previously also served as the field during the 1999 Super Bowl XXXVIII. The team will be coached by Ted Cottrell, who was previously with the Denver Broncos and Houston Oilers, and his most recent stop was in coaching the Kansas City Chiefs. The team will also include several key free agents, including legendary running back Emmitt Smith, who played for Atlanta for 8 seasons.

General Manager George Young announced the Rams presence on Twitter, proclaiming

Response / Thoughts:

Personally think the National Simulation Football League acquiring this National Football League team was a mistake, especially when compared to the future dynasty of the Budapest Badgers.

Final written phrase #5:
The mass retirement and recreate into Offensive Linemen epidemic of Season 23 in the National Simulation Football League was caused because of

Bot Reply #5:

the NFFL executive board granting the governor's veto authority to the president's office of protestability, of which Nick McNulty served in an acting capacity for 13.57% of the season. So, Mr. McNulty's effect may have been reduced because the administration's position on protestability got stronger.

The Season 24 large national protestability decrease occurred because all governors had veto power over protests on penalties, pass interference, and completion of passes to the offensive line. This action greatly favors the President's office of protestability because the president's office has the power to protect other delegates to its convention from all grievances and objections that come from these other delegates.


Response / Thoughts:
Man fuck the NFFL! Especially whoever this Nick bloke is! We have to stand up to this ASAP or we will have nothing but Offensive Linemen in this league! I also think my quality continues to spiral into shitposts more and more. But this was at least fun to do.

But that is all I am doing for now, so hopefully this was a lovely distraction and you enjoyed these terrible stories. Until I come up with another terrible idea for media or get desperate for more cash in my bank, I will see you all later.