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*1st Sim League Journey - Printable Version

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*1st Sim League Journey - Vexatious - 02-08-2020

My Sim League Journey and recommendations so far.

This is my second season here, and I would just like to describe my experiences and challenges I faced being new to simulations leagues as well as some potential quality of life improvements.

While scrolling through the Jets subreddit (hahaha, yeah I know. We suck.) I saw an interesting post that was promoting the league. I had no idea anything like this existed, and it piqued my interest. Shortly after creating an account I joined the discord, where I was immediately greeted and welcomed. Several people (who I soon found out were rookie mentors) even messages me personally and answered all of my questions and posted links to resources. The rookie mentoring process is well run and is essential for new players like I was. The only thing that was not clear to me was all of the point tasks during the week. I performed an activity check, and then essentially went IA until the draft a week or two later. This would eventually affect my draft stock, and more importantly I missed out on TPE. After getting drafted to Myrtle Beach my entire experience changed.

Cort and Frostbite were incredible GM’s. They helped me figure out how to navigate the Forum and update my player. More importantly, they made me feel like I was welcome and appreciated in MB. This will bring me to a a side note, but it is also probably the most important point in this article.

If the locker room was not as active and friendly as it had been, I would have left the league. I have heard horror stories about some teams having LR’s that were toxic or just unhelpful. There’s a 0% chance someone who was new to Sim Leagues in general would stay interested in an environment like that. I believe that GM’s should strive to have an excellent locker room and have likeminded players available to help out the rookies who are in need. I don’t plan to stop playing any time soon, but when I do, I’m inclined to stick around just for the friends I’ve made. And I think the LR experience is the most important aspect of this league. Cort and Frostbite have done an incredible job running the team and handling its relations. To the point that people have accused them of TAMPERING. Imagine doing your job so well people thought you were cheating.

I am now almost 2 seasons in, and I am thoroughly enjoying myself. I just have a couple of things that I would like to voice. The first of which being: Implementing more ways to make money (similar to twitter). I have been thinking about it, and have come up with one idea so far. Each team should have a dedicated Twitter account that is ACTIVE and meets or exceeds the player Twitter requirements. Maybe give half of the money to the player running it? And then GM’s could allow different players to run it weekly/monthly/per season to help boost players income. This is just one example of something really easy that could help everyone. The next couple of points are my major points that I believe would have an immediate and incredible impact on the league.

Making graphics can be extremely fun, however they aren’t very rewarding at the moment. Banging out 1k word articles can be done very quickly, while working on graphics has a much higher learning curve and usually takes a lot more time. I don’t think raising the payout on gfx across the board is the answer. Low effort graphics should not be rewarded. However, I believe 4’s and up should have a payout increase. A 4 should at the very least be comparable a 1k word article. Ideally more. So I believe the baseline for a 4 should be $1.6M. And somewhere around $2.5-$3M for a 5. I understand why a 10k word article could award a lot of money because no picture can cover that amount of content, but it is almost not worth making money through graphics when media offers so much more for less time or effort. There are plenty of talented individuals in this league and I believe they should be properly rewarded for their art. On the topic of graphics, players should be able to do gfx commissions. If I want to pay someone out of my own funds for creating graphic for me, why not? Of course there could be caps on it, and the payout could be determined by a grader. But I see no reason why we couldn’t pay another player for a service they would provide. Lastly on graphics, I think a bi-weekly or even once a month gfx bonus would go a long way. Maybe during the playoffs or Ultimus/Ultimini week, award 1.5x gfx rewards for creating images of your team vs opposing teams. Something fun that would encourage everyone to create while offering a little bit of extra cash. Ultimus/Ultimini week is a big deal and I think we should treat it as such. I think the media portion is okay, but holds a significant advantage over gfx. I won’t go into much detail on that topic.

This is more of a fun recommendation and this would not directly effect the league. I think rivalries are extremely important in all sports. It can turn a regular game into an intense showdown. I'm not sure how hard this would be, but maybe implement a rivalry week. One week in the season where each team plays their rival. Release a Rivalry Week PT, GFX and Media bonuses applied to pieces related to the occasion. Just something to think about.

My overall experience has been great! It’s well run and a ton of fun! If anyone has anything to add, please feel free to comment below. I would like to discuss my ideas and propositions, especially with those that disagree! Multiple perspectives are always welcome. Thank you all for creating an awesome experience for me.

*1st Sim League Journey - YoungTB - 02-08-2020

This man clearly needs to be brushed up on the fierce Hawks-Liberty rivalry...

Nice post though. Locker room culture is super huge.

*1st Sim League Journey - scorycory - 02-08-2020

???????? BBB BBB

*1st Sim League Journey - tlk742 - 02-08-2020

Ooh rivalries

Otters vs everyone
Hawks vs liberty
NOLA vs Austin
Wraiths vs hawks

The challenge is, technically the top rival of each team changes. Back in the day when they were peak meme and peak performance NOLA would tell you it's you its Baltimore then Orange county. But I'm all for it.

*1st Sim League Journey - Mooty99 - 02-08-2020

(02-08-2020, 01:05 PM)tlk742 Wrote:Ooh rivalries

Otters vs everyone
Hawks vs liberty
NOLA vs Austin
Wraiths vs hawks

The challenge is, technically the top rival of each team changes. Back in the day when they were peak meme and peak performance NOLA would tell you it's you its Baltimore then Orange county. But I'm all for it.

Don't forget Austin vs Chicago and Austin vs San Jose and Austin vs Austin, damn Austin ruining Austin for everyone!

*1st Sim League Journey - KoltClassic - 02-08-2020

(02-08-2020, 08:05 AM)Vexatious Wrote:My Sim League Journey and recommendations so far.

Making graphics can be extremely fun, however they aren’t very rewarding at the moment. Banging out 1k word articles can be done very quickly, while working on graphics has a much higher learning curve and usually takes a lot more time. I don’t think raising the payout on gfx across the board is the answer. Low effort graphics should not be rewarded. However, I believe 4’s and up should have a payout increase. A 4 should at the very least be comparable a 1k word article. Ideally more. So I believe the baseline for a 4 should be $1.6M. And somewhere around $2.5-$3M for a 5. I understand why a 10k word article could award a lot of money because no picture can cover that amount of content, but it is almost not worth making money through graphics when media offers so much more for less time or effort. There are plenty of talented individuals in this league and I believe they should be properly rewarded for their art. On the topic of graphics, players should be able to do gfx commissions. If I want to pay someone out of my own funds for creating graphic for me, why not? Of course there could be caps on it, and the payout could be determined by a grader. But I see no reason why we couldn’t pay another player for a service they would provide. Lastly on graphics, I think a bi-weekly or even once a month gfx bonus would go a long way. Maybe during the playoffs or Ultimus/Ultimini week, award 1.5x gfx rewards for creating images of your team vs opposing teams. Something fun that would encourage everyone to create while offering a little bit of extra cash. Ultimus/Ultimini week is a big deal and I think we should treat it as such. I think the media portion is okay, but holds a significant advantage over gfx. I won’t go into much detail on that topic.


*1st Sim League Journey - Jay_Doctor - 02-08-2020

I have often wondered why GTX didn't pay more. I really want to get into it, but it's exactly like you said. I can crank out a lot of words in a short time and pay waaaay more, with technically no cap

*1st Sim League Journey - Vexatious - 02-08-2020

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO IS RESPONDING. This is exactly what I wanted, people to get involved and discuss things! As for there being rivalries already, I had no clue. I am new and uncultured. Make Graphics Great (?)Again(?)!!!