International Simulation Football League
*Welcome Rookies - Printable Version

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*Welcome Rookies - Opera_Phantom - 02-17-2020

So, i decided that this influx of new users could be a good opportunity for me to make some more media money, so here it goes.

Like many users today, i was once a newbie here. I know it is hard to believe, but it is true. Also, like many, this league was the first time i had contact with a simulation league that takes place on discord and on this forum. It does look strange, it might even sound unappealing, but it is very simple as soon as you get the main idea behind it.

I am going to indicate some pointers for new users, based on my experience and what i found helpful when i joined this, in no particular order.

1 - TPE are pretty much skill points. If you have a lot, you can upgrade more of your player skills, making you a better player. if you play better because of it.. well, that may not happen. But it probably reduces the probability of you sucking. I hope.

2 - NSFL is the Major League, DSFL is like the NCAA where you play from 1 to 3 seasons. You will first be drafted to the DSFL and at the end of your first season, another draft takes place and you are selected for an NSFL team. Every player gets drafted. Every single one. So you will have a team, if you are active, not active or somewhere in between. What can happen is that after you get drafted, you will be sent down to the DSFL to keep updating your player and getting better, so that when you return to the NSFL who drafted you, you can make a bigger impact.

3 - Discord. I had no idea what discord was before i entered the league. Remember mIrc? ICQ? Yeah, that was more of my thing. Discord is a chat where you create channels for people to participate in. There is one for the league, one for rookies, each team has one, you name it. Use it to socialize with the rest of the league so that everyone knows you are active. Talk to everyone, make yourself at home, as this is the prime spot for you to get help on any doubt you might have regarding your player or the game itself. it is definitely not mandatory to use it, but trust me, it is fun and it will help you a lot. General managers and scouts use it to interview you when drafts are close and get a feel for your personality. There is also the app for your smartphone so your GMs can reach you with some info if they need.

4 - Position choices. This is very important, as it can help with user retention. Nobody will spend time in a game where they feel bored or uninterested. So, choose wisely. Are you planning on being a very active user? If you do, you can pretty much go for any position on the game. But, even if you are active, some positions might be harder. Why? There are only 10 teams on the NSFL (for now). There are no injuries on the game. Every team only needs 1 Quarterback. Do you see where i am going with this? Even if you are the most active user ever, if you get your player to evolve steadily etc, you might reach a point where no team can take you to be their starting QB because they have one already that is a better player and is not facing regression yet. If you are unlucky with the timing, things might get harder for you.

In my opinion, there are some positions where you need to point blank be "hardcore" active: QB and RB. Team spots for these positions are slim, so you really need to stand out to be able to get in. There might be a couple more included here, ask for info on discord if you can.

If you want to be a user that comes to the game a couple times a week and just wants to be on a team, get some stats and have fun, again in my opinion, go defense: LB, DT, DE, etc. If you want to become a god amongst men, go OL. But the path to a god might be harder, as they only get decent stats down the road.

Very important, you have 1 free position change on your DSFL season, so even if you feel like you should play a different position because the one you currently have is no fun, do not worry, you can change. We have seen TEs going to LB, QB's changing to RB, it is fine. The fact that you are willing to do this might even improve your draft stock, as GMs normally go for active people, and if said actives want to adjust to team needs, makes them the perfect pick.

5 - Tasks are the topics where you can get TPE to improve your player. I am not going to go into the tasks you can do at the beginning, like the Rookie Point task, training camps, wiki etc. But during the season, there are 3 weekly tasks you can do in a couple of minutes: Activity Check, Weekly Training and Game Predictions.

Activity check is created every sunday and you only need to post on that thread your player name, nickname, something, and you will get 2 TPE. Easy stuff.

Weekly training requires you to spend some in game money for 5 or 3 TPE. Don't worry, you do not need to buy coins or packs or whatever here. You get money with your team contract and writing media/doing podcasts about the league, or having a twitter account for your player for example. This means, the more time you spend doing this stuff, the more money you get to spend with your player.

Game predictions is like betting on the games taking place during that week in the NSFL. Games happen Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so there will be threads asking you to choose the winner of said games, 5 for each match day. You get 0.5 TPE for each correct guess. If you get 3 right for example, that is 1.5 TPE, round it up and you have 2 TPE for your player. Very easy.

6 - Claiming TPE. On each topic that can get you TPE, you will have a message if you can claim it as soon as you do something (Activity Check and weekly training for example), or if you have to wait for someone to tell you to do it (Predictions). The updates are pretty simple to do. All you have to do is to go into your player update page, make a new post there every week where you link your task posts. So, if you did the activity check, you copy the link of your post on the "activity check" thread, put it on the post on your update thread and you have 2 TPE to spend. It sounds harder than it really is to be honest, As soon as you get the mechanics of it, all you have to do is repeat ad eternum. Look at some of the update threads of the more experienced players, choose one you like and copy/paste it to your needs. It is important that you try and make it easier for you and the updater to understand the TPE you have and will use.

7 - Have fun. You can login every day of the week, you can login every couple of days or once a week. Do not burnout on this because you want to be the best at your position. We have 13 year old players, and we have married guys and girls with kids. Everyone has a different life and, trust me again on this, you can have as much fun with a player with low TPE as with one with a lot.

8 - In doubt, do not be afraid to reach to someone and ask for help. Some people are very knowledgeable about the game and are always available to help, either here or on discord. Reach out to a rookie mentor or to your team GMs if you want to know where to spend TPE or anything else really.

9 - Teams tend to prefer active players and good locker room influencers. So, participating and creating discussions is highly encouraged. Do not be afraid to create an in game persona for your player like you feel you would act as a star football player, just make sure you do not offend anyone if you are not sure they will take it the way you intended it.

10 - Personal opinion, if you do activity checks, weekly trainings, predictions and write some media about anything you want regarding your player or the league to get some money, you will be able to get all the TPE you need to be top of your class.

11 - Bring your friends, the more users we have, the more active teams will be and the league will gain with that as a whole.

12 - European players are welcome, we need to rule this and get everything going while the US dudes and dudettes are sleeping.

This is what i can remember as important, anything else, come to discord and reach anyone there, especially rookie mentors. Cue out.

*Welcome Rookies - jeffie43 - 02-17-2020

Great stuff Jay, gotta appreciate people showing rookies love

*Welcome Rookies - Murtsi - 02-17-2020

Good stuff my man!