International Simulation Football League
*A boy named Sue - Printable Version

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*A boy named Sue - 2Burkeulosis - 02-19-2020

My name is Sue! How do you do? Hey everyone my name is Susan Cash.Jr. I’m a wide receiver in this upcoming DSFL draft. My goal today is to let people know where I come from, and what I’m about.

So first things first a lot of you are probably thinking to yourselves “Huh Susan that’s a weird name for a guy.” Well my dad is a huge country music fan. He’s even got a band that he tours with Sue Cash and the Alcatraz Chain Gang. His dad, my granddad named him Sue because he’s an asshole. I used to get teased because of my name when I was younger and I got into enough school yard scraps to learn how to handle myself in a fight. That combined with an early growth spurt meant that I wasn’t dealing with bullies as much by the time I got to highschool.

Believe it or not my first love wasn’t football it was chess. I was okay but I was never really motivated to really improve at it. I didn’t actually get involved in football until my junior year of high school. That was during my “rebellious” teenage years. I knew that my mom didn’t want me to play football. She knew what the risks were and she didn’t want me to be apart of that. It’s funny really I never drank, I never broke curfew, my grand act of rebellion was organized sports. I got my start as the school’s third string quarterback, then moved up to second string in my senior year, and then got the starting spot when our starter went down with a season ending injury midway through. I made the most of my limited play time helping my team to the semi finals, (although to be honest the defense did most of the work on that run.) I was my school’s Salutatorian and earned a scholarship to Colorado State University in Boulder. Not a football scholarship mind you a regular one.

It wasn’t till that summer when I realized that I still wanted to play football. It wasn’t this gesture of empty rebellion anymore it was something I was genuinely and seriously passionate about. So I decided to try out for quarterback at CSU. The coach wasn’t impressed with my half season long resume and quite frankly... I failed to change his mind… I didn’t make the cut that first year. I remember thinking to myself well I guess I’m done then. I didn’t want to be done yet, I wasn't ready to give up yet, but I didn’t know what else to do. The next day I’m at the gym more out of force of habit than anything else really, and I get to talking with a couple of the wide receivers on the team and we hit it off. I start hanging out with these guys, I’m working out with them, I’m helping them run their drills, and before too long one of the seniors of the group is telling me that if I’m serious about competing I can earn his spot on the roster next year as a wide receiver. The rest is history. I made the team the next year as a WR3 and each year I got better. By my senior year I was leading my team in all the major receiving categories.

So here we are after three years as a wide receiver. I feel like I’m just getting started. I may not have the experience or stats that other players have, but I’m getting a little bit better everyday and I’m ready for the next challenge. Thank you for your time and sorry if this post doesn’t meet the standard. I plan to improve my writing ability along with my on the field play.
636 words