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*The Hall of Fame - Printable Version

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*The Hall of Fame - retrospace111 - 02-19-2020

The Hall of Fame, a debate. Pt. 1

Welcome to mah rant!

The Hall of Fame is one of the most outdated thing on this forum. We aren't even updating the Hall of Fame. This is outrageous, as many players strive to be recognized in the ultimate manner, regardless of their team's success in the playoffs. The Hall of Fame would be one way to do that. The whole thing needs to be restructured. Every year, we need at least 2 people to get into the Hall of Fame. As a community of fans and GMs and players, we have a question we need to ask ourselves. How easy should it be to get into the Hall of Fame? We only want the cream of the crop, not just anyone who put up a good season or two. Just like how regular season success is being undervalued, we need to make sure making it into the Hall of Fame is an accurate representation of a player's career success.

Right now, today, some little boy is sitting down on his couch, waiting to watch the Ultimis with his family. He has dreams of standing up there, in front of an audience of millions, and he wants to hold that trophy. To show everyone that he deserves it, to show everyone that all his hard work has finally paid off. But he also knows it's a long shot, and that despite how hard he tries, he may just never be able to win the coveted Ultimis championship. We have some people in that league right now, and we will have them in the future. As more and more teams get added, as this league grows larger and larger, success will be limited. Those who deserve recogntion should recieve it. That might no longer be the case if we do not fix the problem. We need to bring back the Hall of Fame. We need to make the Hall of Fame great again, just as a certain poltician wants to make his country great again.

Lurking GMs, look here!

Good job lurking GMs, you probably saw the description and you're waiting for your moment. Well here it is, and you probably have a vague idea of what I'm going to be talking about. After I read a recent article ("You want to be an expansion GM?"), I realized how much time and effort goes into being a good general manager. Dynasties are hard to come by, and will be even harder to create with the new expansion teams presumably coming to the NSFL. I have nothing but respect for all the GMs and the work they put in to making their team the best possible. Most GMs have to sacrifice their player's career in order to be a good GM, and then where is the recognition for that? I'm going to keep it real with you all. Everyone works to be recognized. We all want that satisfaction we achieve when someone recognizes us for our legendary name because they read about it in an article. You want to be remembered as one of the greats, especially with the league rapidly growing. As I mentioned above, the Hall of Fame is outdated and severely lacking. If you have an IQ over 20, you most likely know where I'm going with this. I want hard work to be recognized in this league. That includes the work GMs do for their team. There, I said it. I want GMs to be able to be inducted into the Hall of Fame (if it ever gets revived). GMs work so hard for their team, and the ones that build dynasties are just as, if not more, responsible than the players for winning the coveted ultimis championship. Don't forget to thank your general manager for trusting you to be a part of their squad. They put in the hours scouting you and many others, making sure you were the right fit for their intentions. There is no good reason why the general managers should be excluded from such a prestigious honor, when they are the reason players are winning championships and getting their names entered into the history books.

*The Hall of Fame - manicmav36 - 02-19-2020

The problem with voting GMs (or members) into the Hall is that it generally devolves into a popularity contest. It also leads to a lot of anger and animosity, as it's far more personal than a vote for a player.

*The Hall of Fame - iseedoug - 02-19-2020

I agree it should be updated in a more timely manner, but this can be fixed.

I think a lot of guys strive to get into the hall. Its nice to think that your players name will be there long-term if this league continues to grow and be stable.

I still hope Ben Horne has a chance to be in it.

*The Hall of Fame - retrospace111 - 02-19-2020

(02-19-2020, 02:37 PM)manicmav36 Wrote:The problem with voting GMs (or members) into the Hall is that it generally devolves into a popularity contest. It also leads to a lot of anger and animosity, as it's far more personal than a vote for a player.

Isn’t that why there is a council of 15 people who vote confidentially I trust they would make the right choice, not based on popularity. But then again everything will be subjective when it comes to choosing awards and titles to give out.

*The Hall of Fame - youngcricket - 02-19-2020

(02-19-2020, 02:22 PM)retrospace111 Wrote:Isn’t that why there is a council of 15 people who vote confidentially I trust they would make the right choice, not based on popularity. But then again everything will be subjective when it comes to choosing awards and titles to give out.
sim league awards are always kind of screwy because everybody (yes even "unbised" people) have pre-determined notions. so then if you go macro with judging a gm's success, you'll probably vote a guy based on how you were in his LR or wtv. ex: there are some members i wouldn't give my vote to because i think they're morons and they'd need better accolades than guys i like


*The Hall of Fame - retrospace111 - 02-19-2020

(02-19-2020, 03:31 PM)youngcricket Wrote:sim league awards are always kind of screwy because everybody (yes even "unbised" people) have pre-determined notions. so then if you go macro with judging a gm's success, you'll probably vote a guy based on how you were in his LR or wtv. ex: there are some members i wouldn't give my vote to because i think they're morons and they'd need better accolades than guys i like


Damn OK

*The Hall of Fame - 37thchamber - 02-20-2020

(02-19-2020, 07:30 PM)retrospace111 Wrote:Every year, we need at least 2 people to get into the Hall of Fame.

Do we, though? I mean...

(02-19-2020, 07:30 PM)retrospace111 Wrote:How easy should it be to get into the Hall of Fame? We only want the cream of the crop, not just anyone who put up a good season or two.

...which is how it currently operates. There are 24 inductees by my count. Considering there have been fewer than 12 ballots, what's the problem? I don't think you can realistically argue that there should be more inductees while also saying you want the cream of the crop, personally.

Shit, I'd make the argument some players in the Hall right now maybe shouldn't be.

(02-19-2020, 07:30 PM)retrospace111 Wrote:I want GMs to be able to be inducted into the Hall of Fame (if it ever gets revived).

First of all, @White Cornerback ... apparently your changes have not been well-received.

Secondly, as nice it would be, there isn't an objective measure by which GMs can be entered into the Hall of Fame, like there is with players. It's hard enough getting the voters to agree on players with the objective information right there in front of them. Opening it up to GMs would make this even worse.

Besides, how do you propose we decide who is eligible? What about other members of a team's war room? Shouldn't they also be rewarded for their contributions? I mean, as an example, timeconsumer is one of the best guys in the league for figuring out strats and various things relating to the sim. I have zero doubt that he has been heavily involved in advising his teams' GMs throughout the careers of both of his players, but afaik he hasn't been an NSFL GM. So is he now ineligible for the Hall of Fame? Despite being arguably more worthy than literally any other member on the site?

This is what the "Most Dedicated Member" and "GM of the Year" awards are for, really. It would make more sense to expand the scope of those than to add even more controversy to the Hall of Fame nomination process, imo.

*The Hall of Fame - Duilio05 - 02-20-2020

(02-20-2020, 04:50 AM)37thchamber Wrote:timeconsumer is one of the best guys in the league for figuring out strats and various things relating to the sim. I have zero doubt that he has been heavily involved in advising his teams' GMs throughout the careers of both of his players,

We all know we're just TC multis....