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Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - Printable Version

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Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - GSD - 07-09-2017

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: usatsi_9601670-e1491408432537.jpg?w=1000&h=600&crop=1][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Jorge Masvidal
Free Safety

Jorge Masvidal is a free safety that might be flying under the radar of NSFL scouts in the upcoming season 2 draft. In this draft profile I'll briefly analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Masvidal and lay out what kind of impact he will have on the field.


Speed: Masvidal is blazing fast. He will be coming into the league as one of the fastest safeties and he has been vocal about wanting to improve his speed on the field even more. He covers a lot of ground in a short amount of time and reacts quickly to throws. His speed allows him to go 0-60 in a flash and he utilizes this speed to attack the ball aggressively. Not only does he utilize his speed well when the ball is in the air, but he has excellent closing speed which allows him to get from point A to point B in a hurry in order to take away the edge in the run game.

Range: Masvidal's speed allows him to have elite range. Having elite range at the free safety position allows the defensive coordinator to utilize many different schemes that would otherwise not be possible. Perhaps the most important would be the ability to run a Cover 3 scheme which allows the defense to drop one safety into the box to support against the run, and the free safety plays deep center field. This type of formation is only possible if the free safety possesses elite range and speed, which Masvidal provides.

Athleticism/Agility: Not only is Masvidal fast but he has loose hips, light feet and great athleticism. This athleticism helps him get into position to attempt open field tackles (whether he makes the tackle is a different story) and to stick to a receiver when he happens to be in man coverage. When he is in off man coverage, his technique is not clean but he is so athletically gifted that no one can get away from him.

Instincts: Masvidal is a true play maker who always seems to be in the right place at the right time. He possesses terrific instincts when reading the quarterback's eyes. He will routinely undercut routes with good timing and creep up behind receivers to make plays on the ball. This aggressive style can be high risk, high reward and depending on the coaching staff can be seen as a strength or weakness.

Here are a few clips of these strengths in action:
Clip 1 showcases his elite range and ability to cover distance, ultimately ending in an interception
[Image: giphy.gif]

Clip 2 shows his ability to change direction while reading the quarterback's eyes and eventually undecutting the route to get the pick 6.
[Image: giphy.gif]


Tackling: While not being a complete liability on the field when it comes to making open field tackles, Masvidal's tackling technique can be a red flag to some scouts. His form can get sloppy and he does not always hit and wrap up the ball carrier. Furthermore, he is not a very physical tackler or physical player in general. He will leave his feet too often which also adds to the tackling inconsistencies present in his game. There are moments when he looks like he could be a very solid tackler in the open field but the consistency is not there yet.

Pursuit Angles/Risk factor: Masvidal will run himself out of plays by taking bad angles to the ball sometimes. It's obvious he focuses on getting there as fast as possible rather than as smart as possible. This can also apply to his reads, which more often than not are good but he will also miss some. He is overly aggressive against both the run and the pass, and although he can zoom to the edge on outside runs, it is evident that he has a limited feel for judging the run game. He is especially vulnerable to the inside run play and often runs himself out of plays, gaps and cannot free himself of blockers. Play action plays are another area where Masvidal over commits too regularly.

Inexperience: This is both a pro and a con. Masvidal grew up a basketball player and has only played football for three seasons (2 in high school, 1 in college) and his lack of experience shows sometimes when it comes to decision making. He will have growing pains in the NSFL, but he will also make plays for your team during that time. He's extremely raw, but once you watch some of his tape you can see the making of an all pro safety.

Clip 3 is an example of poor open field tackling fundamentals where the half back makes one cut to get around him.
[Image: missed-tackle-1_1_orig.gif]

Clip 4 shows him (Left side of the clip in the middle) biting on a play action fake, putting him out of position to play the deep ball
[Image: misread-2_1_orig.gif]

Closing thoughts: Jorge Masvidal is a high risk, high reward free safety prospect. He has the athletic skill set to be an impact player, but his all-around game is underdeveloped as of now. His ability to track the ball and outplay receivers in the air is elite and this alone will discourage opposing offenses from throwing his way. The pure athletic ability will allow him to be versatile in coverage and can be played in the slot in off-man situations and can potentially even guard tight ends. His instincts against the passing game are almost unmatched, even for current NSFL players. If properly utilized as a single-high free safety he will be an immediate impact player, but if asked to come into the box and play in a run support role he will have significant struggles as a rookie. The remarkable thing about Masvidal is that he's very good despite still being very raw. He is a young player with plenty of room for growth and development, and when he does he may be one of the league's best safeties. Bottom line, there's a ton of upside when it comes to Jorge Masvidal and he can contribute right away if properly utilized and could easily be a draft steal if taken by the right team.

1039 words
First article in this league.. not too sure if it's good/bad. Hopefully it generates some interest in my dude

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - AsylumParty - 07-09-2017

Solid work. Looking forward to burning you down the field next season Wink

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - GSD - 07-09-2017

(07-09-2017, 05:27 AM)AsylumParty Wrote:Solid work. Looking forward to burning you down the field next seasonĀ  Wink

we'll see about dat B)

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - RainDelay - 07-09-2017

Nice write-up! Kids gonna be a stud

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-09-2017

Hey man, great read! Love the inclusion of gifs!

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - Noble - 07-09-2017

Great article man Smile Looking forward to seeing more of you!

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - GSD - 07-09-2017

Thanks dudes, looking forward to next season :cheers:

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - Valtookan - 07-09-2017

(07-09-2017, 05:59 PM)GSD Wrote:Thanks dudes, looking forward to next seasonĀ  :cheers:

Would you happen to be GSD from Goal Line Blitz 2?

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - GSD - 07-09-2017

(07-09-2017, 03:35 PM)Valtookan Wrote:Would you happen to be GSD from Goal Line Blitz 2?

Yup. You were apart of redoct's crew in Glasgow right?

Jorge Masvidal Draft Profile - timeconsumer - 07-09-2017

This one has some fire in him. I like it.