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*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - RainDelay - 02-26-2020

"Now [Myrtle Beach] is the team which I had the second most interaction with, because I was on their team, like I previously said. It was only a brief stint, but I was in their locker room, I was talking to the guys, and I gotta say their Discord is crazy active. You will always have something to talk about, and you will always have someone to talk to."- Phat Boi (Dose of Phat Podcast) @BadLck

Now this sounds like a pretty nice picture. What kind of new player wouldn't want a nice, active locker room with plenty of people to talk to? We're off to a good start.

"Personally though, when I was there, I hate to say it but I was not a fan of their locker room. I felt like I got lost in the crowd, like they weren't really paying much attention to me. Some of my questions or comments went unanswered... and while I did have fun because we were winning, I am worried that if I go there again, the vibe might change. We might start losing, and who knows maybe I might stop having fun. I feel like you gotta focus on all of your players. Include everyone. I really didn't feel like I was part of their family. It seemed like they had their favorites that they would talk to more, and personally I didn't think I was one of those..."

Wow, this actually hurts. It pains me to have to listen to this sort of thing being said about my team in a podcast accessible to the entire league. What will rookies think now? That MB people will just talk over them, not pay attention to them and show them love and support? Yeah, that's probably what they'll think.

Luckily, I'm here to refute that.

Rookies and everyone else in this league should listen as I clearly say that without my Myrtle Beach family, my interest in this league would not have been as renewed as it is. I haven't been this invested in the league since I joined in 2017 for the inaugural season. I have met people in the MB LR that I love talking to and interacting with and who I can actually call my friends.

Of course, I understand that not everyone gels in a locker room the way others do. It depends on the person and the situation. If BadLck didn't enjoy the LR the way that most of us do, that's fine, he's allowed to feel that way. That isn't my issue.

My issue is the fact that the claims he made in his podcast were false. My GM and one of my favorite people in this entire league @Frostbite was dedicated enough to look through pages upon pages on discourse in our LR to find any example of an instance where BadLck was ignored. He couldn't find one because it didn't happen. We are the most helpful bunch in the league, and I would need more than two hands to count the amount of members in our LR who would actively go out of their way to help new people. I am certainly one of them, reaching out to over 70 rookies to help them get started, to the point where some of them even put me down as their RECRUITER. It doesn't end with me, though, and I'll be tagging all the wonderful personalities and people that are in our LR at the end of this article.

BadLck, if you truly feel like you were ignored, then I don't know what to tell you. Not every statement anyone makes warrants a conversation, but I sure know we did a lot for you. We helped you get started, pointed you in the right direction with your player build, plugged your awesome sigs in our art section... not sure what else we we're supposed to do...

Enough about BadLck, I'm on to the second part of this article. This part will be more concise but will perhaps hold more importance.

I'll say it loud for the people in the back:

I am absolutely TIRED of the league-wide Myrtle Beach slander. (*which comes from the top by the way*)

What we ever did to any of you is beyond me... except for fielding an active, competitive team. The petty shots at our team are growing old, and its making many of us lose interest in the league. We are a very tightly-knit group of people, but we are an extremely, almost superlative, welcoming bunch of people. We love to welcome new people to the league and our LR, even if they're not on our team. The more the merrier. Many of us go out of our way to help others, so it is easy to see why the slander is absurd and frankly, quite grating at this point. Find something else to be mad about, or find a hobby.

Stop hating on MB, we are a beautiful community who share the common goal of building awesome players and promoting what is best for the league we love.

So I am going to quiet down for a minute and let my teammates do the talking. I'm passing the mic over to y'all. Drop a comment of something you love about Myrtle Beach, and why rookies should want to come there, instead of falsely assuming were a bunch of elitists who don't care about new people, as one person, and apparently others in this league would have it.


Myrtle Beach best beach, and I'll rep it until I leave this league.

RD out.


@Frostbite @scorycory
@jeffie43 @Briedaqueduc @Vexatious @MN_Moosey @Vorshayla @Ephenssta @RotticusScott @DynamicDoug @mrmouseman @PointGod @Drizzy @BigUnitBabs @rapideagle @Muford @TrickyTroy2 @SaborTheWaverunner

@Hallmonitor_20 @FleshBagSoup @BRNXB0MBERS @Nokazoa

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - RainDelay - 02-26-2020

934 words, and you damn well better believe this is "draft related media".

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - Frostbite - 02-26-2020

I appreciate the kind words Rain! But yes, MB has a 100% welcoming and loving community, and would be incredibly happy to get all of the new s22 guys, who already look like they're about to be the best class in NSFL history. We love answering questions and being helpful, and it is something that I strive to do as a GM.

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - scorycory - 02-26-2020

I just want to say that the negativity in this league has gotten really really old. The thing that is great about Myrtle Beach is that there is so much genuine love and positivity there to the point that people not even affiliated with the team (Noka) or that are downright rivals with us(Bagel/Franch) come to hang out and just have a great time. I love that place and I would love to start spreading some genuine positivity in this league again. It seems like every other article written these days is made to talk shit or tear others down and that is a great way to make this a toxic environment instead of a fun one. This is a great start on the road of love and positivity, thank you Rain. Let's keep it up!

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - FleshBagSoup - 02-26-2020

Hey I was tagged, hello.

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - RainDelay - 02-26-2020

(02-26-2020, 11:50 PM)FleshBagSoup Wrote:Hey I was tagged, hello.

It's because we love you Bagel.

And yeah, I echo everything Cory and Frost said. Road to positivity.

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - Hallmonitor_20 - 02-26-2020

MB was a rinky dink team that fell in and out of expansion/contraction back when they were Palm Beach. They were basically a joke until the rebrand and rejuvenation of the team.

MB has now turned into a haven for new players to learn the league and to find people they really click with. MB hands down has the most active LR and invited anyone on to the boat that's willing to be a member.

MB really shows the love from the community that this league thrives on and will help players transition smoothly from a prospect to the DSFL and then the NSFL.

Once a Bucc always a Bucc.

MB = Best B

Also we have the best memes

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - BigUnitBabs - 02-26-2020

so when i joined the NSFL i knew quite a few people around the league, mostly from PBE, and i expected to get picked up by a team with a GM i knew, but that wasnt the case when i landed in portland at first. I got to win an Ultimini there, and it seemed like a good place to be in the minors. However i was drafted to MB, and thankfully knew frost from PBE, and he showed me how to build my player, boost my stats and answered all my questions if i ever had any. During this time my former teammate in cort joined up with frost to GM MB and its been great ever since. Both of these guys have done an excellent job in MB creating a fun atmosphere to learn about the league in, and help young players move along to the next level. I'll be moving on to OCO next season from the sounds of it, but i know MB will be in great hands with the team these two have built and the attention to helping new players they bring all the time. Despite Frost's shortcomings in the PBE Wink I couldnt have been happier to get selected to MB by him and cort

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - FleshBagSoup - 02-26-2020

(02-26-2020, 08:52 PM)RainDelay Wrote:It's because we love you Bagel.

And yeah, I echo everything Cory and Frost said. Road to positivity.

[Image: 670028460252594216.png?v=1]

*Why draftees should want to go to MB... - RainDelay - 02-26-2020

(02-26-2020, 11:59 PM)FleshBagSoup Wrote:[Image: 670028460252594216.png?v=1]

I would’ve lost the bet that you were gonna drop a Quilava. ????