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*S22 DSFL OL Prospect Interviews - Printable Version

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*S22 DSFL OL Prospect Interviews - CalvinGolladay - 02-27-2020

The Offensive line is arguably the strangest of all NSFL positions. O-linemen get plenty of respect and are congratulated on making the decision to play on the line, but are often drafted late and must compete with bots to become a viable starter, making success hard to achieve but highly rewarding. Because of this, DSFL draft prospects must distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack and prove they can contribute early. As an O-line prospect myself, I decided to interview four of these prospects in the upcoming DSFL (along with myself) and provide an analysis of their responses.

Bruce Buckley Response:

1.) How would you describe your playstyle?
"I'm the best blocker out there, nothing getting through me, I'm the wall"

2.) Why did you choose a rather unconventional position as an O-lineman?
"Look at me, I'm 6'4", 340lbs, you think i can run routes or play like a pussy [as] cornerback, I'm a big fucker and big fuckers play line"

3.) Where do you see yourself getting drafted for the DSFL?
Everyone says 1st overall, I say that. Always set your goals at your dream level. My most realistic goal is to be one of the top 2 OL off the board whenever that may be

4.) What do you bring to the field that sets you apart from the rest of the O-line prospects?
I'm Australian, were born tough.

5.) Do you have any early DSFL or NSFL team preferences?
The London Royales. The community has a big Australian expat community so I would fit in well. However, it doesn't matter where I end up, I won't b there for long

6.) Do you have any additional comments you'd like to make?
Know my name, and then keep it out of your mouth. I am Bruce Buckley. I am #TheWall

Buckley certainly doesn't lack confidence or bravado, declaring himself the "best blocker out there," and claiming his most realistic goal is being in the top-two of offensive linemen drafted. He's very active on Twitter, and his responses here clearly match the persona he displays elsewhere. As a dominating run-blocker, some GMs might fall in love with his dominating playstyle and the personality to match. He was recently rated as the 2nd best OL in the class, narrowly getting edged out by Tommy Sacamano due to his abrasive personality that endears him the some and is seen as a potential problem by others.

Tommy Sacamano Response:

1.) How would you describe your playstyle?
I'd describe my playstyle as fierce and consistent. No snaps off. I can play every down in a game, offense or special teams. I try to put fear in the opposing D Lineman

2.) Why did you choose a rather unconventional position as an O-lineman?
I would say this position chose me, being that my little league coaches threw me into playing line seeing as I was one of the biggest kids. Eventually I came to love playing Offensive Line.

3.) Where do you see yourself getting drafted for the DSFL?
I can see myself getting drafted as early as top 25, or a later round pick. I trust the scouts to do their due dilligence to decide where they would take me.

4.) What do you bring to the field that sets you apart from the rest of the O-line prospects?
I bring to the field a dedication to be great, and to be the best teammate I can possibly be. I'll do anything to help the team in any way I can.

5.) Do you have any early DSFL or NSFL team preferences?
I don't have any specific preferences. I would love to go to a team that will know how to utilize and my strengths and has a good locker room.

6.) Do you have any additional comments you'd like to make?
Wherever I play, I'll try my best to make sure people start paying attention to the big guys up front and give them the credit that's due.

Analysis: Sacamano gives pretty straightforward answers here, with nothing sticking out. He preaches the importance of the team, hard work, and lets his humility shine through. It's an interesting contrast with Bruce Buckley, and may be part of the reason Memento Mori rated him as the #1 OL in the class. He and Buckley have a rivalry of sorts, and though he beat Bruce for the #1 spot they're both ranked in the top tier of O-linemen. He seems to acknowledge his status as one of the higher rated offensive line prospects, but continue to promote a team effort.

Sylvester Berlin Response:

1.) How would you describe your playstyle?
I see myself as a large robust OL with a speciality in blocking passes. I do whatever it takes to put my team mates in good positions.

2.) Why did you choose a rather unconventional position as an O-lineman?
I enjoy putting others in positions where they can excel and score points rather than doing it myself.

3.) Where do you see yourself getting drafted for the DSFL?
You know, if I get drafted in the first 5 rounds or so I would be thrilled considering the large size of this years draft class and the talent that comes with it. But I don't really know the other OLers enough to give you a good estimate of my chances.

4.) What do you bring to the field that sets you apart from the rest of the O-line prospects?
Hopefully the DFSL GMs will fall for my European touch.

5.) Do you have any early DSFL or NSFL team preferences?
I hear talk about expansion teams and I would love to be drafted to one of them.

6.) Do you have any additional comments you'd like to make?
Nothing other than being enthusiastic about going pro!

Analysis: Berlin gives a similar response to Sacamano, staying cautiously optimistic about his draft stock and talking up his ability to help others to succeed. He doesn't try to wax eloquent, but instead gives blunt but insightful answers, matching his no-nonsense playstyle. Berlin was rated as the 3rd best OL prospect, fitting best at LT in a passing offense, but as a 2nd tier player.

Gabe Nickson Response:

1.) How would you describe your playstyle?
My play style most resembles Dermontti Dawson’s. His use of angles was unmatched, and despite not having all the most physical strength, he was able to block anyone. I also take a lot of inspiration from Larry Allen, the best run blocker of all time. He was also shorter, but was able to get under people’s shoulder pads and plow them into the dirt. So my play style is dermontti dawson with a mix of pancaking

2.) Why did you choose a rather unconventional position as an O-lineman?
Growing up, I was always a big boy. And unlike most kids, football’s the only sport us big men are welcomed in. You can’t exactly be big in slow in basketball, baseball, or anything like that. The closest is wrestling but that’s not a team sport. Lineman are necessary and fun, and are celebrated by most coaches. Plus the comradeship between an o line is unprecedented, so it’s a great way to make friends.

3.) Where do you see yourself getting drafted for the DSFL?
I doubt very high. There’s a lot of good candidates, so my guess would be 3rd-4th round.

4.) What do you bring to the field that sets you apart from the rest of the O-line prospects?
I’m very experienced in sim leagues. I used to run some on instagram back in the day, but was never really able to become a player as I was always running them. I know the kinds of things to do to get teams to like you, and I plan on doing all of them.

5.) Do you have any early DSFL or NSFL team preferences?
I really want to go to a team with a good runningback. Outside of that, no not really.

6.) Do you have any additional comments you'd like to make?
Whoever drafts me, help me do everything I can to get better. I’m new to the NSFL and I need advice on how training works and how to twitter.

Analysis: Nickson's response is arguably the most insightful of the four, being as candid as Buckley but without the accompanying attitude. He talks about modeling his play after Dermotti Dawson as a technician with a mix of Larry Allen in run-blocking, follows the example of Sacamano and Berlin by speaking to the importance of the team, and actually doesn't display the same level of confidence in his draft stock as the others. Some GMs will be disappointed in the last of an attitude and nasty streak here, while others may appreciate his honesty and easy-going manner. His experience in sim leagues will likely be an asset to whoever drafts him and it appears that he plans to make full use of his time in the DSFL. However, he's only considered the 8th best OL (out of 10), so he may come into the league with a chip on his shoulder.

Calvin Golladay (me) Response:

1.) How would you describe your playstyle?
I consider myself to be a well balanced blocker with run blocking being a specialty. I may not have the agility of some of the LT prospects in this class, but I'd fit well as an RT in a power scheme or inside as a versatile guard.

2.) Why did you choose a rather unconventional position as an O-lineman?
As the others have stated, when you're this big you don't have too many options. However, I recognized that OL was clearly the superior position to DL and knew that the tight-knit community would serve me well.

3.) Where do you see yourself getting drafted for the DSFL?
With such a big draft class it's tough to say, but I'll go out and help my team however I can, no matter where I'm drafted. Others have projected that it won't be very high, but I try to ignore the noise.

4.) What do you bring to the field that sets you apart from the rest of the O-line prospects?
I bring a more balanced skillset than most, especially on the inside, given the focus on either pass-blocking LTs or mauling guards. I can do a bit of everything when I'm engaged, so as long as I'm not doing a ton of pulling I can excel regardless of the situation.

5.) Do you have any early DSFL or NSFL team preferences?
I've talked to the Tijuana GMs and it sounds like they'd be a great fit for me. The same goes for Minnesota, but honestly I feel like I can offer something to every team and they have a fit for me.

6.) Do you have any additional comments you'd like to make?
I'm just trying to get focused and hit the ground running. I'll definitely be playing with a chip on my shoulder after being disrespected (#7 OL and in the lowest tier? Really?) in the recent OL rankings, but you just have to tune that stuff out and keep working.

Analysis (hopefully relatively unbiased): Golladay's answers seem to fit his playstyle with a similar accomadating tone to Berlin and Sacamano but with a bit on an edge, given his lower ranking than the first three. He's in a similar situation to Nickson, being rated in the lowest tier as the #7 OL after being relatively inactive while working on a media article.

If any OL I didn't interview wants to contact me on Discord I'd be happy to make a part two, my apologies if I missed you.
This year the OL class is seriously outnumbered by the DL, so all of them will have their work cut out for them. Between staying active, following the league, and interviewing well, this year's OL prospects will be kept busy. However, if they were smart enough to decide to play on the O-line, the majority of these guys should be expected to pull through and find their place in the DSFL and eventually NSFL.

2,032 words

*S22 DSFL OL Prospect Interviews - RainDelay - 02-27-2020

Awesome write up, I love seeing engagement between members of a position group!