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*Baltimore Muleriders Scouting Report - Printable Version

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*Baltimore Muleriders Scouting Report - Tesla - 03-01-2020

Amazing Agent Tesla back at it again with the scouting reports, but this time with some offensive players! Since the prospect bowl rosters have been announced I decided to scout out the team that my cool client will be playing with, and decided to share my insider scoop with the rest of the league. No tiers this time as each player gets a good paragraph about them, but rest assured this is the team to beat in the prospect bowl.

Left Tackle: Sylvester Berlin - Pass Blocker
I start my scouting process with the most important position group on offense and when it comes to that position group the star is always the left tackle. The Muleriders have a good one in that regard with Sylvester Berlin an international student of the game out of Lund University. Not the most athletic of linemen, however he is a surprisingly gifted pass blocking specialist given his background as an immigrant. Should be able to buy plenty of time for quarterback Allen Spooner to take shots down field.

Offensive Line: ??? - ???
I attempted to scout out the rest of the offensive line for the Muleriders, but when I asked for contact information I was given a phone number that did not connect to any of them. The voice on the other end of the line gave me directions to plug into my GPS for a face to face meeting. When I arrived it was a deserted phone booth that rang right when I got there. There was a different voice on the line this time that gave me an entirely different set of directions for my GPS. By the time I finally got through their scavenger hunt I had driven over ten hours away from the training camp and it was just a mostly empty field with some weird giant silver spaceship looking thing in the middle of it.

A couple of people came out of it so I asked them what was going on and where the offensive linemen were. They flashed some weird pen light in my eyes and then tried to mug me. Luckily for me my time with that mercenary group several years back made me immune to whatever that pen light was, and gave me the necessary hand to hand combat skills to bury them both in that field. If you decide to scout teams like I have and some guy who sounds like the Fresh Prince tells you to plug in a weird address into your GPS just drop it. I got out of it okay, but you might not since I don't know your life.

Quarterback: Allen Spooner - Pocket Passer
Allen is a solid pocket passing quarterback who has solid arm strength to play the position. Should pair well with the speedy Logan Marshall on deep passes. You would expect based on his arm strength that he would be more of a gunslinger, but Allen is surprisingly accurate with the football. A relatively raw rookie he could make some mistakes, but his big play potential gives me confidence in the Muleriders.

Running Back: Streetlamp LeMoose - Speed Back
You have to love a man named Streetlamp LeMoose, but most especially when he is going to be one of the fastest players on the field even with the loaded sprinting secondary of this draft class. His high motor also means he will be able to keep up that speed longer than most of those secondary players. Expect it to be a track meet every time he touches the ball and I expect him to win that meet more often than you might think.

Running Back: Vince Waterhouse - Speed Back
You might think two sprinting running backs makes for a bad balance on offense, but you would be dead wrong. The mastermind behind this team could tell you that, however since they are busy I will do it for them. This offense is built like a relay race and with so many swift players the secondaries they oppose are going to tire out well before this offense does. Expect this engine to power through opposing teams like a runaway train as Vince not only has superior stamina like his teammate, but solid hands as well to make for a dangerous duo.

Tight End: Tristian Hex - Vertical Threat
What is not to like about this man, and especially when paired with the rest of this offense? Tristian adds yet another speedster to throw to for the strong armed Allen, although obviously not as fast as his running back and wide receiver counterparts. He makes up for it though with his hips and hands which are some of the best out there for tight end prospects. With his 6'7" frame expect him to draw a lot of attention in the red zone.

Tight End: Henry Sigurdsson - Balanced Tight End
I know this kid well from his time at Oregon where he played against my client Magnus. When asked for a review Magnus said he hated playing against this kid because of how good he was at adding to the blocking scheme. His skill set is one that scoffs at specialization, and so the defense will have to account for him doing a little bit of everything every snap he is on the field. After looking at all the other talent on this offense good luck accounting for everybody.

Wide Receiver: Logan Marshall - Speed Receiver
Speed kills and Logan knows it well being fast even by speedster standards. What really stands out to me about his game though is not his killer speed, but how well rounded the rest of his game is as a player. Better hands than some speedsters who are known for butterfingers should allow him to haul in at least one good deep pass from Spooner. Given his stamina though I expect him to make plays all game long. Combined with the dominant defense of this team that could be all they need to bring home a win.

Wide Receiver: William Lim - Possession Receiver
William is a top tier talent when it comes to wide receivers this draft, and he should pair well with the accurate Allen at quarterback. This young man is known for his catching craft and can cradle the ball with the best of them. What sets him apart as a sure handed receiver though is his surprising speed that will make good use of Allen's arm. Expect him to make more than a few good plays even against this tough cornerback class.

Defense is a bit of a unique case as that is where my prized prospect Magnus Rikiya plays, and as such I will be giving him the opportunity to talk about these prospects as well. His sections will be marked by quotation marks so you can tell who is saying what. Any media individuals looking for drama best look elsewhere, but they may find a budding bromance worth writing about.

Defensive Tackle: Nuniq Annastesia - Interior Rusher
Nuniq is an interesting prospect for one that came out of Nebraska if I have to be honest. Great hips and hands for a defensive tackle makes him an interesting addition to the defensive line. He is a solid speed rusher with the ability to rely on his straight line speed to get through most blocks. Also a great tackler in space that should serve the defense well.

"I honestly know less about Nuniq than my agent does, but I can say he seems like a nice enough guy. Would love to get to know him better over the course of practice."

Defensive Tackle: Magnus Rikiya - Nose Tackle
The definition of technician Magnus Rikiya will eat up double teams to free up his pass rush specialized prospect bowl teammates to make plays in the backfield. Undeniably strong by standard defensive tackle standards, but with speed that is comparable to a sprinter relative to his other two gap specialists. Anybody strong enough to overpower him is not fast enough, and anybody fast enough to outrun him is not strong enough. Additionally has the motor to keep that level of play up all game long. Magnus is going to be a superstar in this league and I expect him to get his start early with a strong showing in the prospect bowl.

Defensive Tackle: Phat Boi - Interior Rusher
The wild warrior of the draft Phat Boi is easily one of the best defensive tackle prospects and one of the most experienced players in the prospect bowl. A pass rush specialist who should pair extraordinarily well with my client Magnus Rikiya. Strength and speed in spades and a streak of superior plays are what define Phat Boi. Honestly just about all the praise I heaped on Magnus could also be heaped on Phat as he is also stronger than anyone faster than him, and faster than anyone stronger than him. Just as I said about my client I expect Phat Boi to be a fantastic player in the league and could easily see him start his career with a record setting performance in the prospect bowl. Just watch as Magnus frees him up for one on one matches that he will win all game long.

"Whoever decided Phat and I would be on a team made one of my dreams come true. My agent was brilliant as ever with her analysis as my two gap style and his polished pass rush pair as well as spaghetti and garlic bread. Honestly hope I get to talk to him a bit more between practices and hear his thoughts on things. The exact kind of player you want on the defensive line. Actually I can say Phat is the exact kind of player you want on defense period. What really sets him apart compared to a top prospect like me is that magnetic charisma he possesses."

"Phat is the unofficial captain of the defensive line already and I could see us prospects agreeing to him being the defensive captain before all is said and done. Do not get me wrong I could get the defensive line ready and in position if that were my job. Phat though has and will get the line ready to go to war for him. Love the fire that he brings and I hope to have even half of that level when I go onto the DSFL. In another life Phat was a barbarian warlord that conquered half the world of that I am certain."

You heard the man Phat we would love to get in contact with you, and maybe even answer a few questions for an interview on the next edition of Dose of Phat. Hit us up here or on the discords and we can make this connection happen.

Defensive End: A.J. Warren - Speed Rusher
A.J. Warren is a player I considered to be a potential diamond in the rough in my initial scouting report. This is an ideal situation for him to prove that he is more diamond than rough given he will most likely be the starting weakside end for the team. His above average strength and hips as a speed rusher will allow him to make use of a few tricky pass rush techniques that he picked up from his unique career trajectory. Combined with great straight line speed and he should have plenty of opportunities to rack up sacks or tackles for loss. Something made easier by his adept tackling form. Taking into account the attention the big names at defensive tackle will draw and A.J. Warren may end up unguarded by comparison and if he makes plays with those opportunities he could improve his stock in the eyes of the league.

"A.J. Warren plays on the opposite side of the line of me and so we have not really interacted all that much if I am honest. Seems like a nice enough guy though and some of his stories I have overheard are cool. Would love to hear more if he wants to sit down and have a chat one of these days."

Defensive End: Slinky Claxton - Power Rusher
The projected starting strongside defensive end for the Baltimore Muleriders and a player I am personally fond of Slinky Claxton. Demonstrates abnormal athleticism especially in regards to agility for a man his size. His combination of hips and explosive leg strength allows him to move around almost as well as a defensive back on the field of play. Combined with the strength expected of a strongside defensive lineman and Slinky is a dangerous player that demands attention on the line of scrimmage. What will help him here is his superior conditioning as his stamina will last him long enough to stay heavy in the rotation. Same as Warren I expect the top tier defensive tackles to free him up to make a lot of plays in the backfield, and given how high I am on Slinky as a prospect I expect him to make them more often than not.

"Slinky plays strongside like I do and so we see a lot of each other throughout practice. Off the field I have not gotten to sit down with him as much as I would like though, although I hope to change that soon since we will be playing in such close proximity."

Linebacker: Ronnie 'The Bone Crusher' Schultz - Power Rusher
Another strongside specialist who should pair well with my client. Ronnie is a well rounded bull rushing specialist with a nickname befitting a league leading linebacker. If I had to list a specific strength of Ronnie's it would be his overall level of physical conditioning. This kid is an athlete with superior strength, speed, and stamina to play the linebacker position the way that it was meant to be played.

"Ronnie is an interesting case. Been great in practice, but I have seen no sign of him outside of it. He is probably just hanging out with other prospects, however it means I cannot say anything about him. If he wants to I would love to have a chat with him."

Linebacker: Nicolas Stone - Speed Rusher
Nicolas' addition to the team really shows that whoever designed this team hated the opposing quarterbacks and as a supporter of the Muleriders I agree with them. An agile 3-4 OLB playing weakside makes this front seven one of the best at getting after the quarterback. While predominantly a speed rusher he has enough strength to make plays in other fashions as well. Also noteworthy for his study of the game and his stamina in the game.

"Nicolas is another player who is on the opposite side of me so I do not see much of him in practice. Also like Ronnie I just have not connected with him at all outside of practice. Same offer of a chat stands for Nicolas though."

Linebacker: Brendan Lanier - Balanced
The ideal middle linebacker for the Baltimore Muleriders if you ask me. Quite possibly the smartest prospect in the draft, and should be well equipped to coordinate the defense from his position at middle linebacker. His strong stamina means he should have no problem staying on the field all game long. While he lacks any real weapons outside of his smarts and stamina I think he suits the style of players around him well and should be a superb field commander. Least when Phat Boi lets him at least.

"Brendan has been a pleasant presence in practice as he pointed out a few times where one of us edged too close to the line, but also always congratulates us on a job well done. I don't think he has spent any time hanging out with the other prospects outside of the film room, but if he changes his mind on that I would love to learn some from him given his knowledge of the game."

Cornerback: Ben Stackinpaper - Man To Man
Based on the first two cornerbacks selected I think it safe to say the Muleriders will predominantly play man defense which should work well with their front seven. Ben is the definition of a sprinting speedster secondary player who is consistently one of the fastest players on the field. It is his primary weapon, although well developed enough to allow him to handle most opposing receivers. Stamina could be a problem if not for the fact that the front seven will keep him from having to cover long routes.

"Ben seems super cool and has been great in practice. Seeing his speed up close it is something else. Honestly seems a little too cool to want to hang out with one of us line of scrimmage trench guys, but would still love to chat with him. Might have a tip for me on my running form."

Cornerback: Valor Gilmore - Man To Man
If Ben is all speed then Valor is all smarts. The two of them pair together well as they complement each other despite playing the position in the same general style thanks to their smaller stylistic differences. Especially good at coordinating with the rest of the secondary and can read the defense as well as most zone specialists. Should be interesting to see how he gets used.

"Valor has been great to play with too as a very smart player like Brendan. Unsurprisingly he also spends a lot of time in the film room, but he is always welcome to hang out if he wants to relax for a bit."

Cornerback: Rico Martinez - Zone
Rico's selection suggests the coach wanted the opportunity to flex in some zone plays with Valor opposite, or perhaps wanted to use a zone corner in a nickel formation. Either way Rico Martinez is an excellent choice as his all around talents are well developed for a zone specialist. Not as fast as his man corner companions, however his hips are good enough to make up for it in the short game at least. He will especially benefit from the front seven this defense provides as he can makes plays where he excels with the fact that passes will have to come out quick against this team.

"I will just plead the fifth about my agent's attempt at analyzing his selection. Have not had the pleasure of talking to Rico off the field at all, although I would be happy to change that."

Safety: Ed Ball - Playmaker
The Muleriders do not have a stereotypical strong safety, but I think that Ed Ball will more than make up for that. Stronger than standard even for a strong safety and with speed to make plays all over the field. Especially when you take into consideration their quality hands and hips. It really shows the justified confidence the creator of the team had in the front seven as the secondary can focus on playing the pass.

"Ed Ball can ball and I hate to say we have not had the opportunity to cross paths outside of practice. Would love to change that, but can say he makes plays in practice all the time. Looking forward to playing with him in an actual game."

Safety: Wesley Eriksen - Center Fielder
Wesley is another reason why this team is not as reliant on having a true strong safety as he has the strength to fill in there as well. Where he excels though is playing the deep field where he is just sure hands attached to a laser guided missile. Flying around the field to the ball trying to make a play all game long is what makes Wesley a superb safety.

"Just as my agent said Wesley flies to the ball all the time and there was once where he picked off a ball that the quarterback tried to throw away. Just ridiculous and proof I need to get together with him more outside of practice to know how he does it."

Safety: Abbas Muhammad - Center Fielder
Abbas is the purest free safety of the three safeties given the fact that his strongest statistic is straight speed. Between him and Ben this secondary is well equipped to deal with the track meet offenses that they might encounter throughout the prospect bowl. Makes for a fantastic combination as the secondary can handle even the fastest of players while the front seven pound through the strongest of them. If you are reading this as an opposing player I wish you luck surviving your encounter with the Muleriders.

Special Teams
I will admit that I almost did not make this section as once I found out we missed out on Sam Sidekick I kind of lost interest. After all they are arguably the greatest kicker of their generation and possibly the greatest kicker in the galaxy since Justin Tucker kicked that seventy yard kick in overtime to win the super bowl while hitting the perfect high note and ended up opening a portal to another dimension. Sadly for the Baltimore Muleriders Sam Sidekick got picked up by the Indianapolis Iguanas, although they probably will not see much play with the great Ben Slothlisberger at quarterback.

Still as an amazing agent I did my due diligence and tried to find out about the Baltimore Muleriders kicking situation. When I got sent to another empty field though I just stayed in my car and drove back to the city to a fast food place to get myself a nice vanilla milkshake. Seriously if they do not have a name listed for the position just move along. You have no idea the horrors of war that I witnessed with that mercenary outfit to prepare me for this situation and I do not want you to have to go through what I went through to survive. There was a man who was best friends with an orangutan, please just walk away.

This team is built on one thing above all else and that one thing is speed. We all know that one of the leading facts in the sport of football is the fact that speed kills. On offense it kills with long passes from Spooner to his plethora of speedy targets both in the wide receiver room and the running back room. While on defense it is focused on speed at getting to the quarterback in the front seven, and speedy coverage in the secondary. Expect offenses to have a tough time moving the ball against this team and expect defenses to have a hard time covering this offense. Especially after they have had some time to sharpen each other in the practices leading up to the prospect bowl.

While I did a special shout out to Phat Boi up above I want it to be known that my offer extends to all of the fellow players and agents from the Baltimore Muleriders. So whether you want an interview, have a comment, question, or if you just want to chat; please hit us up on here or on the discords where our user name is the same. My pleasant prospect also recently set up a twitter @NSFLM and will follow back any fellow Mulerider as soon as they are able. (This offer also extends to just about everybody else, but Baltimore Muleriders are first come, first serve until the draft when our focus will turn to the team that made the brilliant decision to draft my client.)

To all of the prospects competing in this massive prospect bowl we wish you the best of luck and look forward to you putting on a stellar show. Especially to all of the prospects competing as a Baltimore Mulerider. Also best of luck to all of the DSFL general managers still crowded in that smoke filled room and remember not to do anything for a draft pick that I would not do for a cool million.

Word Count:3972

*Baltimore Muleriders Scouting Report - Raven - 03-01-2020

Finally a good team in Baltimore

*Baltimore Muleriders Scouting Report - ValorX77 - 03-01-2020

(03-01-2020, 04:33 PM)Raven Wrote:Finally a good team in Baltimore
Do y’all actually play in North Dakota?
Because y’all don’t exist