International Simulation Football League
*Mysterious Writings Found in Tijuana Locker Room - Printable Version

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*Mysterious Writings Found in Tijuana Locker Room - StamkosFan - 03-14-2020

Coaches headed to the Tijuana locker room before their daily practice only to find some unnerving writings scratched into the dry wall in what appeared to be claw marks. Some were unintelligible, but a few that could be understood read “THE END IS NEAR”, “DEATH IS THE ANSWER” and “KILL THEM ALL.” Three Tijuana players were found bound and gagged in the bathroom, but appear to only have a few fractured ribs and have no recollection of the previous night. Police are investigating this incident as an act of vandalism, and say they are looking at multiple possibilities, but do not yet have a primary suspect.

In unrelated news, Thomas Passmann was caught using some party drugs after the Luchadores’ most recent game. He claims to have no memory of the previous night and says, “I hope I didn’t lose control, I wouldn’t want to sacrifice just anyone.” Passmann is not facing any charges, and will be unlikely to receive discipline from the team given that he is leading the DSFL in receiving yards. It seems Tijuana will let Passmann get away with literally any poor behavior if he is talented enough. They claim that they do not interfere with, nor are they concerned with, their players’ personal lives, but many people see this as a cop out from taking responsibility or daring to tell Passmann to tone it down with the public incidents. Either way, it’s been negative PR for the Luchadores’ manangement.

Tijuana refuses to comment on Passmann’s...unusual personality, but some league officials are becoming increasingly worried about Passmann being in the league. The DSFL is talking about playing in front of empty stadiums, but it is unclear if this is being proposed due to coronavirus or to prevent Passmann from sacrificing fans, as he discussed in a recent interview. It could be a combination of both factors. Both have the possibility of killing or harming people, and can overwhelm hospitals with victims. The concern is obvious, and something that communities and organizations are beginning to take seriously on both fronts.

*Mysterious Writings Found in Tijuana Locker Room - FleshBagSoup - 03-14-2020

???? Everything is fine