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*The Bavaria Brewmasters - Printable Version

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*The Bavaria Brewmasters - iStegosauruz - 03-18-2020

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]The Bavaria Brewmasters[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Names: @iStegosauruz / @Exilizer
Players: Colt Mendoza (CB) - Dallas Birddogs / Derred de Ville (LB) - London Royals
Preferred Location: Bavaria, Germany
Branding: Brewmasters
Work-In-Progress Concept Logo:[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: FZA6TuS.png][/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]TL;DR[/div]
We feel that we have skill sets that compliment each other strongly and would make for a good GM pairing. We both have backgrounds in data analytics and want to bring a fresh new approach to how teams manage roster building. We both have become ingrained in the community quickly - iStegosauruz in his statistical articles and Exilizer in his work with the Wiki and Development teams. We both come from two expansion teams in the DSFL so we understand first hand how to build and maintain a productive and inclusive locker room for new players and hope that we can serve as ambassadors for a fresh generation of NSFL players.

We want to bring a true international franchise to the NSFL, with branding that is building on the rich tradition of Bavaria, in particular their world famous beers. Germany has been a growing market for American football in the last decade and the time is ripe for a German franchise. We aim to have the best analytics and the best beer on offer to make the team a success.

We also believe that the league community has as much responsibility to vet us as potential front office candidates as the head office does, so in that spirit of transparency we've decided to post a version of our official bid to the head office so that you as league members can learn more about us and formulate your own opinion.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]iStegosauruz: Why me and what sets me apart from other applicants?[/div]
I combined these two questions because I feel like my response to one is my response to the other. I’m in a unique position. I knew expansion was coming. It was inevitable based on the size of the DSFL class, even once you factor out inactive players. I’m a new member - my account on the boards was created February 17 - so I never really thought much about how expansion would affect me more than on a basic level.

A month later my position has changed - I’ve become more devoted to the league than I ever could have expected. When I first joined I didn’t grasp the full complexity of the league nor of the sim engine, but over the past month I’ve come to have a passion for exploring those concepts. I started by trying to come up with a metric to measure player value. It wasn’t pretty and it is definitely sometime I want to revisit, but from that idea I calculated the "Approximate Value" for players during Season 20. Although it's not my prettiest or well articulated article it's important to me because it showcases how even from the beginning of my contributions to the league I was trying to think analytically and outside the box. There are many ways to judge a player’s value in a sim league - from total TPE earned to earning rates - but I was interested in how those other metrics interacted with what actually occurred in the sim engine.

From there I listened to the feedback from individuals in the league and spent time learning about how teams operated and players upgraded. I grew interested in how certain factors played into the sim engine - namely weight for offensive linemen - so I figured out how to run the sim and got started. A few days later I had an old laptop set up with the sim engine running and simulated 21,599 games to find the point at which a human offensive tackle and a bot offensive tackle became equal. There’s still work to be done on it - work that I’m interested in and work other people have asked me to do - but I’m proud of the results and the discussion that my post on the subject started. Once again, I think its work like this that shows how I take a different perspective to the league than many others do. Not only does figuring out what point human offensive tackles become viable potentially expand their usage in the league there is an incentive for teams to use them because they cost less against the cap which opens up new team building strategies.

That experiment led me to thinking about team building and how to get extract value in all situations. Luckily enough for me it was right around that time that Chicago and Philadelphia executed a trade and I got to try to evaluate it from Chicago's perspective. There is still work to be done on this but to properly look at the trade I had to try to formulate a value chart for NSFL draft picks and had to run test sims for the impact of players. The experiment wasn’t perfect but it prompted a good deal of discussion and I’ve had great conversations with the Chicago front office in the last few days about the methodology behind the work and the value within the trade.

It's that dedication - dedication to finding the optimal strategy for a team - that I would bring to a front office if given the opportunity to be a part of one. I’m motivated to keep learning and keep finding unique ways to look at the league - even going so far as to co-opt a metric and apply it to the NSFL in a unique way. Its that dedication that prompted the Dallas Birddogs’ administration to reach out and include me in their War Room, helping to craft week to week strategy. I’m helping formulate game plans the same way I’ve done all my work thus far - by finding an innovative way to approach each week and finding the data-optimal way to move forward.

I would be remiss not to acknowledge the potential issues in my candidacy for a front office position. I’m new - something I was open about earlier. I don’t think my relative newness in the league is necessarily a downside, however, rather I look at it as giving me a fresh perspective because I haven’t been doing the same thing the rest of the league has for cycle after cycle. I understand concerns about my potential activity, which is one of the reasons why I spent the time to lay out my dedicated statistical analysis work for the community - I didn’t stay up until 5AM two nights in a row to run close to 26,000 simulated games to go inactive.

I also think having a fresher user as a member of a front office could be beneficial to recruitment. I think it showcases that joining the league and carving out a role in the league is something that is possible for everyone if you put your mind to it and work hard enough.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Exilizer: Why me and what sets me apart from other applicants?[/div]
Being drafted by an expansion team, based outside of the USA, has given me an early bit of insight into the effort and dedication required to make a new team a success. As part of that, I have already helped other players to understand how to earn TPE, how the forum works, how they can create their wiki page and give build advice. In general, I am someone who always tries to help others improve and recognize their efforts, which I believe is an important leadership quality.

During the current season’s DSFL draft preparations, I was lucky enough to be part of almost all DSFL team’s locker rooms, which offered a unique insight into what works well and what could perhaps be improved. Being in a locker room that made me feel welcome, even when I was just a Draft prospect, made me much more engaged with that team and the league overall. With that in mind, one thing that is crucial to me is to build a strong locker room culture, with high levels of engagement & activity. In my opinion, the most important part of this league is its community, and being able to help build that community as an expansion GM, would be a great opportunity to get even more involved.

Pretty early on after joining, I tried to put myself out of my comfort zone to learn new things that would help the league overall or bring some joy to others. Initially, I got myself acquainted with the SIM so that I could code a script that would help me pull all the historic data to create close to 50 missing DSFL stats pages on the official Wiki. In many of my recruitment chats, I mentioned that I am not very good with graphics but it is something I would like to improve. Fast forward a few weeks, and I have dedicated countless hours and my last few weekends to graphics related projects, like my trading cards, or modding Madden 19 stadiums and uniforms to create a commentated video of the initial Dallas vs London DSFL matchup. I have also made several code updates to the TPE tracker, to incorporate the expansion teams and make some other improvements.

So while I am new, I am not afraid to learn and persevere until I have obtained a sufficient skill level for the task at hand, in order to make it work. This will be the approach that I will constantly take as a GM, continually learning and improving to help build a solid team with an even stronger culture.

Being from Germany myself originally, I am really passionate about the concept and the branding for this team, which will definitely help in being engaged long term with the team and the league. In addition to this, I believe having more Europe based franchises will help the NSFL to attract and retain more users from outside the US.
If this is graded please split between @iStegosauruz and @Exilizer.

*The Bavaria Brewmasters - RotticusScott - 03-18-2020

Big time props for this, dude. Would love to see what you can do!

*The Bavaria Brewmasters - gucci - 03-18-2020

NSFL Europe. About damn time. Happy to see two all star rookies teaming up for a bid.

*The Bavaria Brewmasters - Memento Mori - 03-18-2020

Unique name, unique location and both guys have already added a lot to the league in a short space of time through top-tier statistical analysis, maintaining and improving the TPE Tracker, updating and adding to the wiki, etc.

I dig this. This is my favourite expansion bid.

*The Bavaria Brewmasters - hihihi_62 - 03-19-2020

This one is awesome