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*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - Printable Version

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*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - Thiath - 03-18-2020

Earlier today, the Brooklyn Sports Association announced their intentions to apply for NSFL expansion. In this post, I will be going over several things, including branding and why I should be picked.

So, let's first begin with a brief introduction. I'm Thiath I haven't been around this league for very long, but I've loved the experience so far. I haven't been the most active user on the main discord, I've mostly been in the Dallas locker room. I suppose if I want to be a GM I will have to get better at being active in broader circles. However, I can guarantee I want this gig more than anyone aside from Raven.

Now, to be one hundred percent transparent, I understand the criticisms that some have about me being a rookie and trying for a GM. I've heard plenty of people around the league tell me I don't stand a chance at getting a team, especially with the competition I'm trying to go up against. However, I personally think it's a load of bull.

As I said before I haven't been around the league very long, little over a month in fact. In that short amount of time, I've come to understand that this league as it's fair share of issues. That's not to be unexpected of course, we're all human after all. Though one thing I've come to notice is there is a certain bias against newer users, among other issues I'll try to steer clear of for now.

I constantly see those with sway in this community talk about growth, and how they increase it. Yet some of those same people go on to discredit the incredible work that those in my class go on to do. I think the most important thing this league can do right now is allow new faces and new voices into power. There are many, many people that are new to this league who are already taking massive steps to make this community the best it can be.

As much as it may hurt my chances to get a franchise, I can only feel that for any of us new members trying to win an expansion bid, we're all fighting over a single seat, that we have very little chance to get. I don't mean to anger the HO by saying that it seems obvious they favor people who've been around this league for sometime, and while I understand why they feel that way. I think it's only fair that only one of the two new franchises go to veterans, the other should be reserved for someone new.

I can hear your concerns. "If we put rookies in charge of a franchise they'll jump ship and abandon the league" I'm sure some of you older players are thinking, and yes, there will always be that hesitation. Though my counter argument to that is simply "So what?" If the franchise fails, does it really matter? You can say you tried something new, you didn't get complacent and go with the safe option, what you were comfortable with. That's how you maintain growth, proving to people you aren't scared to give someone a chance.

Would you like to know how you avoid a nightmare scenario with a rookie GM? You put me up. I can guarantee each and every one of you reading this, if I'm given the chance to run a franchise, I will take it seriously, and I will do everything in my power to create something new, something interesting, something the league has, and never will see again. I have been dedicated to getting my own franchise from the moment I signed up for this league, just ask the Minnesota scouts. I am committed to this franchise and I will be fighting for it every single step along the way.

I have a plan in place, though it has it a few road bumps as anyone I've asked to Co-GM as answered with the same hesitation of me being a newcomer. I want to create a culture that encourages people to try new things, to step out of their comfort zone. The first step to winning is creating a place people actually want to be. With a veteran Co-GM that knows more about the technical aspect of things, such as the forums, and the wiki. I genuinely believe I could create an atmosphere of long term, dedicated players.

I have all kinds of ideas for the league, things I think would help the community grow for years, even at the end of the world. The only obstacle I've found throughout this process is doubt. I have a draft board set up, I know the kinds of people I want on a team. I know the kind of commitment it takes to be a GM, and that's exactly why I want to be one. I'm not afraid of the challenge, even in the slightest. I don't care about people doubting me, or my ideas. What I care about more than anything else, is not being given the chance in the first place, and I can't help but feel like I won't get that.

Now let's take a look at the less important things, branding. As I have said not only in this post, but also memed on discord. I want a franchise in Brooklyn. Why Brooklyn? For one thing, I spent eight years of my life in Brooklyn growing up, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for it. For another, less serious reason, Brooklyn is one of the fastest growing markets in the country, it deserves to be represented one way or another.

Let's take a look at some names. First up we have the Brooklyn Tigers.

This was the first idea that came to mind, and it stuck around after a very long thought process. I feel strong about the name, as in a way it represents the cities mentality. Brooklyn isn't always a great place to be, and the people that live there have had to overcome a lot to be there. Though I have been told the Brooklyn Tigers are a long defunct NFL team from the forties. Though, seeing as I want the logo to be white tigers, we could get around any possible issues there.

Next, The Brooklyn Knights:

This is the newest of the three ideas, but I've come to like it more and more.Though it doesn't have as much symbolism as the other two. I still think it's a fairly strong brand, and with a potential color scheme of silver and gold, I think it would bring a nice contrast to some of the leagues more matted color palettes.

Finally, The Brooklyn Kings.

The King's name comes from Brooklyn being the soul member of Kings County New York. In that sense, the team represents the cities long and storied history. The people who have faced adversity in the search of the American dream. The immigrants in search of a better life, the soldiers that fought for freedom. The King's would be more than a sports team in this universe as well as our own, and for that reason I think it's the best option.

With all of that being said, I'd like to wish everyone who's entered the expansion pool especially my fellow rookies. If I'm not selected, I'd like to say now, I'd prefer to be drafted by an expansion team.

*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - gucci - 03-18-2020

I like the passion. Keep on searching for that perfect co-GM who is gonna help your your bid get real legs. A big part of being a GM is finding someone who complements your talents well with their own skill set.

That being said, the NSFL could use a team in the big apple. Good luck with the bid!

*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - Thiath - 03-18-2020

(03-18-2020, 05:43 PM)gucci Wrote:I like the passion. Keep on searching for that perfect co-GM who is gonna help your your bid get real legs. A big part of being a GM is finding someone who complements your talents well with their own skill set.

That being said, the NSFL could use a team in the big apple. Good luck with the bid!

Here's to hoping, cheers.

*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - Big Edd - 03-18-2020

Wow. Phenomenal. Well written and really showed how badly you want this Expansion team.

Just make sure I’m your #1 pick and you have my vote Smile

*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - nunccoepi - 03-20-2020

I'm really feeling this Brooklyn bid

*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - Bayley - 03-20-2020

(03-20-2020, 10:19 AM)nunccoepi Wrote:I'm really feeling this Brooklyn bid
Help us make it happen babe.

*Brooklyn Expansion Full Press Release - nunccoepi - 03-20-2020

(03-20-2020, 12:27 PM)BayleyIsland Wrote:Help us make it happen babe.