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*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - Printable Version

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*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - AdamS - 03-21-2020

Well, as many of you know over the past few days I've been looking into opinions aorund the league on both expansion and recreation because why not get some extra useful info about what comes next? So let's tlak about it. Firs,t so you all can see it, here is the link.

Right away, thank you to the 61 people who responded to at least some of the questions (they were optional).

[Image: REAL-HEROES-T-Shirt.jpg]

So....with all that said let's get into each question, the results, what it means, and maybe other stuff.

What season is your current player?
S22- 22
Earlier than S18- 22
S18 to 21- 17

A nice mix here. Why this specific breakup of seasons? Well, the break it up into rookie, young/prime players, and veterans. See? It makes way more sense now doesn't it? Either way we got a nice mix of players here.

Do you think you'll recreate between now and S24?
No- 48
Yes- 12

I actually expected this to be a smidge higher due tot he heavy response form the older player group. Everyone from S15 (being a massive group) goes into regression at the end of this season so one would assume that a recreate in the next 3+ seasons would be a bit more in order. That wave is coming, too. It's just a matter of when and how heavily its broken up. Also F to the 61st person who we lost for this question. May the wind ever be your guide.

What is your favorite expansion application thus far?
1st Team
Honolulu- 24
Vancouver- 11
Bavaria- 10
Brooklyn- 9
Havana- 3
Shanghai- 1

2nd Team
Honolulu- 17
Vancouver- 15
Brooklyn- 12
Bavaria- 8
Havana- 6
Shanghai- 0

Honolulu- 41
Vancouver- 26
Brooklyn- 21
Bavaria- 18
Havana- 9
Shanghai- 1

As we are getting two teams I gave everyone two choices. Simple enough right? Obviously Honolulu runs away with it here, appearing on 41 of the 58 ballots (F to the additional 2 lost voters from question 2). I'm actually a little surprised to see Brooklyn over Bavaria personally. And that somehow Valor got 9 votes. Props to Nicholas the Great for getting a vote though. Was I personally hoping Vancouver would have a more dominant showing? yes. What? We both know you're thinking its why I made this. I'm not gonna avoid it. lol

What are your plans for your next position?
QB- 12
OL- 10
WR- 8
RB- 7
LB- 5
CB- 5
S- 4
TE- 3
DL- 3
K/P- 2

Well now. That's a lotta QBs. I'm gonna immediately send out position change questions to all of you. The funny part is that i can't see who responded with what answer but I also know enough about who took the survey that there's at least one or two big names in there. Moving on, OLine was very well repped here, coming in 2nd place. We've come a long way from fighting for the position's very existence. We've come a long way from trying to convince people in power that people aren't choosing OLine simply out of spite or memes. We've come a long way from Austin getting trashed for picking an OLine player in our inaugural draft. We've come a long way since Cal came back after all that and joined the fight. Shout outs to the OLine players. Still hoping to make things better for you on top of Steg's awesome article that really put you in the right light. After the big two you get your usual assortment, with DL and Kicker bringing up the rear. Just a quick remidner that the OL/DL proposal is currently just waiting for the big tide of players to wash over us first before coming back out for a further push. Welcome back to the 59th voter by the way.

On top of all these I left open an area asking for additional thoughts. I'm not gonna go over all of them (especially not the "yeah" and "no" answers). But Ill touch on a few.

"Everything Ive said is factual"
Uhh......what's going on with you that you feel the need to make sure we know that?

"I plan to not recreate but also at the same time recreate as an offensive lineman so that I can infiltrate their ranks and destroy them from within. - Anon"
Thanks for dropping by, Manic!

"Would like to see at least one first time GM, some have criticised that former/current GMs look likely to get expansion. Think it should be Steg and Exilizer, plus either the Raven/Dwyer bid or the AdamS/redacted bid."
Raven IS a first time GM. And while Dwyer did GM at one point, that point was more than 2 years ago in S4. I will say my Co also hasn't GM'd in some time for what it's worth.

"I like more obscure location recommendations and added alliterative appeal is always nice"
The Sabercats almost moved to Connecticut once.

"I put Bavarian because I like the brand more, but be surprised if two rookies are picked over AdamS."
Some people don't seem to realize one of them IS a rookie. Also thank you.

"Excited for expansion of the league and new opportunities for more players. I do have concern about Valor applying to be an expansion team when he is currently GM of a team that needs a lot of help right now. I'm not a member of the Butchers, but think it's very disrespectful to his current team and would be insulted if I were on it."
There were a few that touched on the general distaste for Valor's bid. I really for the life of me don't know why he didn't just relocate.

"I wasn't originally planning to recreate, but I just really hate people too much to not want revenge."
This one's my favorite.

"Almost all these locations suck for expansion teams"
There were a few like this, basically very disparaging. I'm willing to speak for all the potential GMs here and say sorry you didn't like them. I don't quite think you have a single logical leg to stand on in saying most of them flat out suck though. Logical areas that could support a team and aren't currently represented in the league objectively don't suck outright.

There we have it...all the results of the survey I bugged you all for. ISFL_old 01 Now let's argue about it.

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - Thiath - 03-21-2020

And they all said it was only a two horse race

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - siddhus - 03-21-2020

Rigged survey, cause no one could vote for me

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - SabaDonutMan - 03-21-2020

(03-21-2020, 08:55 PM)siddhus Wrote:Rigged survey, cause no one could vote for me

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - Jiggly_333 - 03-21-2020

(03-21-2020, 07:51 PM)AdamS Wrote:"I wasn't originally planning to recreate, but I just really hate people too much to not want revenge."
This one's my favorite.

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - YoungTB - 03-21-2020

I’ll openly say that most of these expansion locations make absolutely no sense, even if I wasn’t the one to put that comment in. Expansion to places like Bavaria (a city I’ve never even heard of until now) or Havana ruin any sense of realism this league has.

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - Memento Mori - 03-21-2020

(03-22-2020, 02:59 AM)YoungTB Wrote:Expansion to places like Bavaria (a city I’ve never even heard of until now) or Havana ruin any sense of realism this league has.
Bavaria is the German state Munich is in.

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - iStegosauruz - 03-21-2020

(03-21-2020, 08:59 PM)YoungTB Wrote:I’ll openly say that most of these expansion locations make absolutely no sense, even if I wasn’t the one to put that comment in. Expansion to places like Bavaria (a city I’ve never even heard of until now) or Havana ruin any sense of realism this league has.

Bavaria isn't a city. Its a state in Germany. Capital of it is Munich.

I think thats a bit unfair to a lot of branding too. There are current teams in the NSFL - Yellowknife comes to mind for me - that I didn't know where the cities were located until I looked them up. I wasn't familiar with Canadian geography, but the concept of a team there has become normalized to myself and people in the league. I see no difference from people in my situation with that as an example than I do with any of the options proposed.

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - NicholasTheGreat - 03-22-2020

Lmao, who the hell voted for my shanghai bid?

*Results of the Application and Recreation Survey - AdamS - 03-22-2020

(03-21-2020, 11:20 PM)NicholasTheGreat Wrote:Lmao, who the hell voted for my shanghai bid?

I assumed it was you