International Simulation Football League
Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Printable Version

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Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - YoungTB - 03-21-2020

I posted this comment today on AdamS' post on the results of his expansion survey (which I thought was a great idea by the way). I expressed my distaste in odd locations for branding in the current expansion period we’re in. By odd locations, I mean expansion locations that simply don’t make any sense for a football league to expand to. Bavaria, Havana, and Shanghai are some examples out of the current bidding for expansion. I thought that the comment could warrant an entire article to explain my positioning as to why I don’t like these locations so much and why I believe they make no sense for expansion.

My main point is this; odd locations ruin realism in this league.

Realism in my opinion, is the single most important element for a sim league to have. It’s what makes sim leagues fun, and it’s also what attracts people to the league in the first place. The recruitment team pushes hard to relate the NSFL to the NFL as best as it can, and this is evident in their recruitment posts. Often, they bring up current NFL superstars in their posts as a hook to the league, and it obviously works since we just saw the largest recruitment class in history with S22. Why don’t we keep this same energy with expansion? Whether you want to admit it or not, realism is a big part of this league and it should continue to be pushed to the forefront.

Let’s say we expand to Bavaria, a state in Germany. There are many things that simply don’t make sense with an expansion to Bavaria, distance, drawing fans, etc., even though I appreciate the work put in with the bid. Havana also doesn’t make sense because it’s in Cuba, a government that has essentially banned American football. I’d also argue that Honolulu doesn’t make much sense, since a stadium there logistically would be impossible.

Now you might be thinking, why am I preaching about realism in a league that lets robot dogs and characters from Futurama be renders? That’s because player renders are entirely up to player creativity. They don’t affect branding, the sim, or the stream. The league can still be realistic and foster creativity.

I don’t have much else to say, but I’d like to hear your thoughts on my stance.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Leafer - 03-21-2020

where the fuck is yellowknife

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Jiggly_333 - 03-21-2020

Well, the question is do we want realism or fun? Realism is teams in New York, Chicago, LA, and Dallas. Fun is teams in Yellowknife, Austin, Providence, and West Kendall.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Memento Mori - 03-21-2020

A few things I want to say here:

1) I’d never heard of Yellowknife or Myrtle Beach prior to joining the league. I just looked up both locations to see their populations. Yellowknife is a city of less than 20,000 people in a relatively remote part of Canada. Myrtle Beach has a population of ~32,000. Neither team would get a professional football franchise if we only used realistic locations - especially Yellowknife. For what it’s worth, the Bavaria team would presumably be playing in Munich - a city with about 1.5m inhabitants with a prospering local economy that supports internationally successful sports teams like Bayern Munich.

2) London probably doesn’t get a team for similar reasons to why it hasn’t got a team in the NFL, but the way the league is structured makes a London-based DSFL team even less realistic. As they’re a developmental league franchise, they have fewer resources, their games wouldn’t be as widely televised, etc. so they’d have huge operating costs that their income would struggle to cover.

3) These unrealistic locations haven’t put people off the league. The S22 class has a lot more European users than the average class, and a lot of them, especially the ones from the UK, expressed how excited they were at the possibility of being drafted by London.

4) The Shanghai expansion bid is a joke, not a serious suggestion.

5) Shortly after I joined the league, when people were talking about expansion, I asked why people hadn’t pushed for a team in cities like New York given the teams that already exist. I’m not for or against a NY team but part of the reason why there isn’t a NY team (yet) is that a lot of people replied saying they didn’t want a NY team, there’s NY teams already, it’s been done before.

6) We play two weeks of DSFL football one after the other. Somehow the London team is flying across the globe in a few minutes in order to play their next game.

7) I don’t think it’s realism that makes sim leagues and sim games overall fun - it’s the delicate balance between realism and fantasy, which is something that’s hard to pin down. Let’s say I’m playing CSGO, and someone shoots me in the head with a pistol. I lose about 90% of my HP. I’ve got a serious head wound. If this happened in reality, there’s no way that in the state I’m in I can turn around and fire back at the guy who’s shooting me. I probably collapse on the ground and suffer a serious brain injury instead. But incorporating that into the game wouldn’t be fun. There’s good realism and there’s bad realism. I agree that it’d be weird if loads of teams were from unrealistic locations - seeing a team on every continent, or a team in places even more unsuitable than Yellowknife does sound too fantasist - but it’s ultimately an intuitive and personal thing.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - NamelessNate - 03-22-2020

(03-22-2020, 12:15 AM)YoungTB Wrote:I’d also argue that Honolulu doesn’t make much sense, since a stadium there logistically would be impossible.
Honolulu already has a football stadium lmao

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - Warner - 03-22-2020

Argument dumb, here’s why:

This argument is pointless because there is no realism in this league. Just look at the player renders. A good amount of them are ridiculous. There’s a robot dog, a guy with literal eggs as his hands, and a Snorlax, to name a few of the absurd ones. That’s the first part of the absurdity.

In addition to this, there’s the fact that this is a co-ed league (in terms of players, I’m not talking about users, because in that aspect, biological sex or gender doesn’t matter). It’s the least unrealistic aspect of this league, but in reality, this would never work, for obvious reasons that I don’t really need to explain.

There’s also the fact that there are no injuries in this league. Everyone’s apparently just on an infinite Ironman streak.

Lastly, there’s the absurd position switches. It is unheard of, and almost impossible, for an Offensive Lineman to successfully switch to playing Cornerback, and vice versa. The same goes for a Defensive Tackle switching to Runningback. Or OL to QB. Or CB to RB. The list goes on. Despite the impossibility of these switches, all of them have happened multiple times during the history of the league.

These are just a few things that make this league unrealistic, and a minor change that’s completely unrelated to the main aspects that truly make it unrealistic won’t do anything. When you take all of these factors into consideration, it’s not hard to realize that this restriction is just totally unnecessary and unneeded, and will do nothing but impede the creativity that is prevalent within this league.

tl;dr: Your argument, as a whole, is pointless. Thank you for your time.

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - youngcricket - 03-22-2020

who cares where teams are honestly unless you like go to a team because you love location which is chill.(ex: jiggly might go to a chicago team because he passionate about chicago)

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - FleshBagSoup - 03-22-2020

As long as it's not something ridiculous like the moon or antarctica who cares

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - SwankyPants31 - 03-22-2020

(03-21-2020, 10:26 PM)FleshBagSoup Wrote:As long as it's not something ridiculous like the moon or antarctica who cares

I'd like to officially announce my intent to expansion GM for the Moon Knights

Let's Argue: Expansion Should Be Realistic - AdamS - 03-22-2020

(03-21-2020, 11:14 PM)SwankyPants31 Wrote:I'd like to officially announce my intent to expansion GM for the Moon Knights

I dont have the actual authority to do this but I'm nixing it anyway so Disney doesn't sue us.

They are making a Moon Knight series for disney+ though