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*All or Nothing EP.3 Losing streak - 2Burkeulosis - 03-25-2020

Narrator: Previously on All or Nothing

Sir Deadly Player: Sue, my name is Deadly Player. I represent the London Royals expansion team. Would you be interested in joining our team?

BBC Reporter: Today London Royals general manager Sir Deadly Player was fined 8 million dollars for posting about 80 NSFW pictures on an official DSFL group chat.

Tom Brady: I cannot overstate the value of having such an experienced voice on a team made up almost entirely of rookies.

Jim Nantz: Tijuana now leads 40-7.

London Royals War room

Sir Deadly Player: How are the players taking the loss?

The Duke of Modern: Some of them are still reeling, but they’re professionals they know that they have to move past it. Focus on next week. Tell me more about this Kapernick kid.

Sir Deadly Player: Kaepercolin. Nick Kaepercolin. Wide receiver from Nevada. He slipt through the cracks here but that’s to be expected in such a large draft class, went undrafted for some reason. I’m not entirely sure why there are rumors that he tried to get in with the NFL or that he might be a locker room cancer, but nothing that I can confirm. As far as I’m concerned he’s the missing piece of our offense.

The Duke of Modern: Alright call him up. We’ll give him a workout. Give him a chance to earn a spot on this roster.

Narrator: After suffering a devastating 40-7 loss that saw Tijuana score 34 unanswered points. The coaching staff has decided that some more weapons on offense is what this team needs to turn things around. Sir Deadly Player is hoping that wide receiver Nick Kaepercolin can provide just the boost that this team needs.

A/N Interview Room

Nick Kaepercolin: I pretty much spent all my time just waiting for that call. I never went anywhere without my phone. When the Royals finally called that was such a great day for me. It felt like all my hard work was finally paying off. I think the Royals are a great team with a lot of potential and I think I can add onto their potential and help lead this team to greatness. From day 1 they’ve made me feel welcomed and I feel like I share the same goals and passion for the game as the rest of these guys. Colby Jack is a great qb. Everyday our synergy get’s a little bit better and he starts to trust me more and more.
It’s gonna be a tough season. Nobody here is under the illusion that it isn’t. The skill level of this league is incredibly high and you end up going toe to toe with some of the best young players from around the world. Now I’m fine with that, it's the exact kind of competition I’m looking for. I’m just going to go out there and do my part. Weather that’s on the field, in the locker room, or out in society.


Sir Deadly Player: Gentlemen our opponent today may be bigger than us, they may be stronger than us, they may be faster than us, but none of that matters today. We have to win here today, so we will win here today. We will play smart and we will play hard and we will win. Bring it in First place on 3. 1 2 3

Everyone: FIRST PLACE!

Peyton Manning: It’s pouring rain today here in London as the Norfolk Seawolves take on the London Royals. I’m joined as always by my co-host Jay Cutler. Hey Jay I didn’t know you were allowed to smoke in here.

Jay Cutler: (Taking a drag from his cigarette) You can’t.

Narrator: The Seawolves get off to a hot start thanks to a pair of touchdowns by Tequila Sunshine. While the offense struggles through the heavy rain.

Peyton Manning: Jack throws to Cash. Wide open and he drops it! Slips right through his hands and they’re ruling it incomplete. It’s now 3rd down and they’re trying again again to Cash and again incomplete. It looks like Cash was looking for the ball but couldn’t find it.

Sue Cash: I’m sorry Colby. I can’t see shit out there man.

Colby Jack: It’s okay man keep pushing. Alright just keep pushing forward.

Narrator: . Luckily for the Royals their acquisition of Nick Kaepercolin is paying dividends already.

Peyton Manning: Jack drops back to throw. He’s going for the end zone and it’s caught! Touchdown Royals. Welcome to the DSFL Nick Kaepercolin! His first career catch is a 3 yard touchdown.

Sir Deadly Player: Hell yeah! That’s what I’m talking about.

Narrator: The Seawolves quickly retaliate with another touchdown. It’s starting to look like Tijuana all over again, but this time the Royals aren’t going down without a fight this week.

Peyton Manning: The Seawolves might have time for one more play before the half if they hurry! They’re going to run it Oh no he’s going to get drilled here. Hold onto that ball! It’s out the ball is out and Derred de Ville scoops it up and runs with it. He’s at the 50, the 40, just the quarterback to beat. Going for the stiff arm and oof he goes down like he just ran straight into a brick wall at about the 30. Suleiman Ramza with the stop. What an exciting end to the first half and look at that de Ville with the point as if to say “look out I’m coming.”

Narrator: The second half sees an inspired Royals Defense keep the Seawolves offense in check. Meanwhile the Royals offense is slowly closing the gap.

Peyton Manning: Jack throws to Cash. He’s wide open, that's a touchdown and now Cash is standing on the Royal Lion and he’s holding up the football like it’s Simba.

4th quarter 3:47 Seawolves 21 Royals 17

Acura Skyline: (Shouting to everyone) It’s right now or never! It’s right now or never!

Peyton Manning: Alright folks these are the moments when you find out what a team is made of. Skyline runs it for a gain of 3 yards. Tackled by Cross. Royals rush back to the line no huddle. They choose to pass this time. Jack scans the field. Let’s one rip for Cash. He caught it and he’s gonna make a break for it. A 20 yard pass play brings the Royals to midfield and this crowd who has been sitting in the pouring rain for hours is loving it! Jack is gonna spike the ball stopping the clock. Looks like he wants more time to talk it over with his coach. 2:26 on the clock. Jack throws a laser straight down the middle to Alexander. It’s Intercepted! Jack Banks comes out of nowhere and delivers the ball straight to the Royals front door with a 43 yard return. This crowd who just moments ago we’re crying tears of joy are now just crying. What a devastating end for the Royals and what a thrilling victory for the Seawolves.

Narrator: Final score 28-17. The Royals have lost their second game in a row, but they don’t have time to ponder the implications. They have to prepare for a road game in one of the most hostile arenas for an opposing team in the league as they take on the Myrtle Beach Buccaneers.

London@Myrtle Beach

Brandon Gaudin: Good evening everyone I’m Brandon Gaudin joined as always with my good friend Charles Davis. Now Charles the Royals are coming in off of a loss. What’s going through the minds of the players and coaches this week?
Charles Davis: Well Brandon I think it’s still early in the season for this young team. They probably have a good idea of what they want to accomplish at this point, but are still testing things out, looking for what is or isn’t working for them.

Brandon Gaudin: Well I know that Vegas seems to agree with you on this one Carles. The Bucs are 9:1 favorites in this outing and we will see how it goes.

Narrator: For the third time in a row this season the Royals offense gets off to a slow start staying quiet through the first quarter. Luckily the Royals defense is firing on all cylinders.

Brandon Gaudin: Ramos passes to Sabor. It’s broken up by Cadillac Harris. He almost got a hand on it.

Charles Davis: You're looking at a future NSFL shutdown corner.

Brandon Gaudin: Ramos drops back and he’s being chased! Simeon Works runs him down for a 10 yard sack. A fantastic play.

Eldrick Avery: (Shouting at Kemorian Moore after tackling him) You ain’t going nowhere! You ain’t going nowhere!

Brandon Gaudin: Sofa passes to Evans he’s got it takes a big hit from the safety Ball. Wait he knocked it out. Ball knocked the ball free. There’s a pile up. Both teams are saying they’ve got it and Ed Ball comes up with it. Royals take possession.

Charles Davis: That’s going to go into the record books as a fumble for the receiver but as a QB you gotta take better care of your guys than that. You can’t be setting them up to take those kinds of hits.

Brandon Gaudin: First play of the drive. Sofa and he’s gonna get hit again. Derred de Ville. In on the sack.

Charles Davis: I don’t think Sofa even saw him coming. De ville just came out of nowhere and absolutely wasted him.

Brandon Gaudin: They’re gonna hand it to Frost and he’s met in the backfield by Ryeu.

Charles Davis: Frost and Apollo have been running riot on these guys all day, but Ryeu manages to get a measure of revenge on this one.

Narrator: The Royals offense and defense are starting to find their rhythm, however they always seem to be just one step behind Myrtle Beach. The answer for that lies in special teams.

Sir Deadly Player: (Watching from the sidelines) Come on get him. No no no no. Tackle him! Someone tackle him! Goddammit!

Charles Davis: Alyx Sabor with a 96 yard kickoff return touchdown. First we had the Dax Frost punt return all the way to the 1 yard line and now this. Absolutely beautiful plays on special teams tonight.

Brandon Gaudin: We’re gonna get one last run by Apollo and one last tackle by Gronlie and that’s gonna end things here tonight. The Bucs win at home. Meanwhile the Royals lose their third consecutive game.

Charles Davis: Yeah it looks like Vegas was right tonight, but I gotta say this was a lot closer than I think a lot of people we’re expecting it to be.

London Royals Film Room

Duke of Modern: I’ll be honest we’re not off to a good start, but the season is still young and we still have plenty of time to turn things around. I’ve been talking with the other coaches about this and I think what this team needs is leadership. That’s why today we will be announcing team captains. We’ve been watching you guys how you interact with each other, how you play on the field. We’ve seen you at your best and at your worst. Given what you all have shown us in the short time we’ve all been together. We’ve decided that the captains for the offense and defense will be Acura Skyline and Derred de Ville. Congratulations to you guys, you both have stepped up when it would be easier to just stand back. You both deserve this.

London@Kansas City

Narrator: Despite the new leadership the Royals losing ways continue. The London Royals are coming in off of a 3 game losing streak. and their frustrations are starting to get the better of them.

Colby Jack: Botone watch your right. Hut hut. Hike. (Jack gets sacked by Jon Bois who got past Botone’s right) Fuck you Botone. (Next play Jack gets sacked again. He groans) Fuuuuuuuccck.

Troy Aikman: Jack lets one rip to Cash. Picked off by Sweets, and he’s tackled by Cash at about the 25. Cash does not look happy about that one.

Susan Cash: Motherfucker! (He spikes his helmet into the ground) Fuck!

Joe Buck: Cash bobbles the punt return. He dives on it but the offense is going to start this drive about 3 yards further back than they should.

Susan Cash: Fuck me.

Quinn Hughes: (As Da Owl runs past him for a touchdown) Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Sir Deadly Player: (Watching Eddie Jeeta’s 55 yard punt return) Fuckin tackle him. Just Fuckin tackle him already. God fucking dammit. (A few plays later he’s yelling at a ref) What flag? What’d he’d do?

Referee: Unsportsmanlike conduct.

Sir Deadly Player: Unsportsmanlike conduct!? Get out of here with that fuckin bullshit!

Narrator: Final score Coyotes 34 Royals 16. The players and coaches are understandably frustrated. They’re not the only ones. Their fanbase is frustrated too.

KRFM 88.5 Radio Station

Reggie Shakesphere: Another disappointing loss the other day. It’s been what a month since our last win. Does this team even remember what winning is? I think it’s time to just blow it all up. Just start over from scratch again. Fire the coaches, hire new GMs, cut all these players. Let’s go full tank mode here. I mean come on just look at our schedule these next 3 weeks. Minnesota defending Ultimini champs were not beating them. Pythons have twice as many wins as we do right now we’re not beating them. Dallas sure, we beat them last time, but this time they’ll have home field advantage. They also beat Myrtle Beach, something we weren’t able to do.


Acura Skyline: (In a huddle with the Royals offense) All right everyone I’ll make a deal with you whatever yards you get I’ll match it. I don’t care if it’s rushing, receiving, passing, whatever I don’t care. Whatever you give me I’ll give you. Let's watch each others backs out there. Royals on 3. 1...2..3

Offense: Royals!

Derred de VilleSadIn a huddle with the defense) Alright gentlemen. Let’s give these boys a proper British welcome! Let’s get out there and hit them right in the fucking mouth. Hit’em hard and don’t let up for even a moment! London on 3! 123

Defense: London!

Narrator: The Royals Defense comes out swinging.

Kevin Harlan: OOOHHH Cadillac Harris with the sack!

Tom Brady: You don’t often see CBs in the backfield but with Harris’ speed and tackling ability Vega didn’t have any time to react.

Kevin Harlan: Not a great start here 2nd and 21. They’re gonna put SnowBow in and interception! Eldrick Avery makes a leaping catch and snatches the ball out of the air and the Royals offense will take over with excellent field position.

Narrator: The Offense settles for a field goal, but the Royals defense are just getting warmed up.

Tom Brady: SnowBow trying to shake off that interception and he throws another one! This time Quinn Hughes with the steal and he’s able to run it to just outside of the redzone. The Royals defense is just slaughtering the Grey Ducks right now.

Narrator: The Royals go up 10-0 thanks to their defense and while they continue to make good plays they cannot stop the Ducks from scoring 21 unanswered points before the 4th quarter.

Nick Kaepercolin: We’re killing ourselves out there man.

Jacoby Batista: Hey watch this!

Kevin Harlan: Batista gets a block from Kaepercolin, gets another block from Arrabiata, and another from Cash Jr. He didn’t even need that last one he is gone! Jacoby Batista, no flags, a 69 yard touchdown.

Tom Brady: Nice.

Kevin Harlan: Indeed and they're going for the two point conversion and it’s good Arriabata off of the slant.

Derred de Ville: Alright let’s go 3 and out! We need a 3 and out right here!

Narrator: They get their 3 and out, but so do the Ducks. It’s a defensive battle as neither offense is able to find a path forward.

Tom Brady: Tristan Gronlie with the sack and the Grey Ducks will have to punt again. The defense will have to hold the Royals back for just 5 more minutes. Can they do it?

Kevin Harlan: I don’t think anyone was expecting the Royals to put up this kind of fight after they just looked so defeated last week yet here we are.

Acura Skyline: Not one step back! Not one step back keep pushing forward no matter what!

Narrator: They stall at the Duck’s 22 with less than 2 minutes left. Seth Lindsey will have to kick the most important kick in his young career.

Kevin Harlan: The kick is up and it’s good! Royals tie it up. Barring some late game heroics from the Grey Ducks we are going into overtime.

Narrator: The late game heroics never come and the game goes to overtime with the Royals offense getting first crack.

Colby Jack: We can end this right now! Just stay focused! Stay focused!

Narrator: The offense is unable to get it done. They must hope that their stellar defense can hold the line. They have been on the field for almost a full 15 minutes more than their offensive counterparts and now it is up to them to prevent a 5th defeat.

Derred de Ville: Skyline and Jack will get the TD. We just gotta buy them more time.

Acura Skyline: I know you're all tired. I am to but we are so close just a little bit further now. Just a little further.

Tom Brady: 2nd and 21 with about 4 minutes left in OT. Can the Royals put it away. They’re gonna run it with Skyline. Trying to make things easier for their quarterback I guess. Wait he’s still going. He’s in the secondary, but they can’t bring him down. He’s out in the open now and…..gone. Touchdown Royals!

Kevin Harlan: Royals win! Royals win! 20 years from now Royals fans will still be talking about Acura Skyline’s incredible 74 yard touchdown in overtime.

total words:3015 Please credit @Highaschdi for 577 words

*All or Nothing EP.3 Losing streak - Exilizer - 03-25-2020

What an enjoyable read. thanks for taking the time to write!

*All or Nothing EP.3 Losing streak - s4ndr0p - 03-25-2020

(03-25-2020, 09:11 PM)2Burkeulosis Wrote:Narrator:  Jacoby Batista, no flags, a 69 yard touchdown.

Tom Brady: Nice.

Got me with that one lmao. Great as always, Sue!