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*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - Printable Version

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*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-12-2017

Micah Hendrix enters the room and approaches the stage for his press conference. He is a man of towering stature, but his presence brings a sense of calm, not unease. Each step is taken with purpose and it's clear that this is a man filled with determination. As he reaches the front of the room he turns around to face the small crowd of reporters that have gathered at the beginning of what may be the busiest week of the offseason. Excited to have a chance to talk to the NSFL media for the first time, there's a big smile on his face as he begins to speak.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: ZLsCikX.jpg][/div]

"With the draft only about a week away now, I wanted to take the time to let the NSFL media, coaches and GMs, but especially the fans, get a chance to know what I'm all about. I just want to take a moment to thank my friends and family for all their support to help me get here, my coaches at The U for teaching me basically everything I know about the game and getting me ready for the draft and of course the NSFL for the opportunity that is now before me. So with that, let's get started. Who's first?"


*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - ElMachoNacho - 07-12-2017

A small man in the back of the press room raises his hand, and speaks as Hendrix's eyes meet his.

"What separates you from the other Offensive Linemen in this draft?"

*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-12-2017

(07-12-2017, 07:30 AM)ElMachoNacho Wrote:A small man in the back of the press room raises his hand, and speaks as Hendrix's eyes meet his.

"What separates you from the other Offensive Linemen in this draft?"

Hendrix chuckles to himself a little bit at being asked the most classic draft prospect question, then proceeds to answer

I think one thing I bring is a willingness to be flexible for what the team wants from me. I feel like a lot of guys come into the league and they're stuck in one mindset because they played in one scheme for the past 3-4 years and got comfortable there. They come in thinking they can impose their playstyle on the league. Sure a few can, but most don't end up being successful. When I first got to the U, I wanted to keep playing tight end. They took me out on the practice field and I only caught two passes that entire day, I just was not used to the velocity of a D1 pass. The next day they showed me to the weight room and handed me a carton of eggs and a gallon of milk, "If you want to play here it's gonna be on the line. You've got the frame you just gotta bulk up some. We can make you successful there, you just gotta put in the work." So that's all I did for months was bulk up and work out, day in and day out. They put their faith in me and I think you all know that it was rewarded. And wherever they needed to put me, guard, tackle, even center sometimes I did it because I wanted to prove myself and help the team. I know that the passing game is critical in the league and protecting the QB, a team's greatest asset, is most important so I've been working hard with my coaches to get better in pass blocking. I come into the NSFL really enjoying blocking in the run game and playing at right tackle, and I hope to keep that identity as much as I can. But if the team needs me to improve in other areas I'm all for it and you can be damn sure I'll work my hardest at it . My wife is also trying to get me to do yoga, so I guess you could say I'm trying to literally be flexible too haha. Thanks for the question.

*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - timeconsumer - 07-12-2017

What spot on the line are you looking to play in?

Do you have a role model? Who is it?

Which defensive lineman are you most looking forward to going up against?

*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-12-2017

(07-12-2017, 08:08 AM)timeconsumer Wrote:What spot on the line are you looking to play in?

Do you have a role model? Who is it?

Which defensive lineman are you most looking forward to going up against?

I really enjoyed playing right tackle in college but I know it's going to be tough for me to play there as a rookie, the game is a lot faster. So I expect I'll start out playing guard and I'm totally fine with that. Just give me some guys to shove around and I'm happy.

My main role model is Joe Thomas from the NFL. I know that my strengths as a lineman are different from his right now but I appreciate his dedication to the game and his craft as well as what he does for his team and his city both on and off the field.

From my own draft class, a guy that I'm looking forward to eventually going against is defensive end Buster Blade. I know he has some success in the league already and he's got a great attitude. Plus how awesome would it be to say your rival is Buster Blade? Don't meet many people with a great name like that.
Another guy I'd like to go up against is DT Trent Bender. I know he didn't play that position in college so I never got a chance to go up against him but he definitely talked a lot of trash whenever we played Florida so it will be fun to meet him again in the pros

*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - kckolbe - 07-12-2017

Similarly, which NSFL blocker(s) do you respect the most? Which RBs or QBs would you most look forward to blocking for?

*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-12-2017

(07-12-2017, 11:20 AM)kckolbe Wrote:Similarly, which NSFL blocker(s) do you respect the most?  Which RBs or QBs would you most look forward to blocking for?

I think any offensive lineman worth his salt knows that modeling your game after Orange County's Angus Winchester and Gregor Clegane is a surefire way to be successful. Those guys did work this season. I'm hoping whatever team drafts me will have another lineman that I can work with like those two did. I also have a lot of respect for Mat Akselsen of Yellowknife and Bender Rodriguez of Colorado. I guess it's easy to just name some of the better lineman as ones you like but they always say stand on the shoulders of Giants and offensive linemen are the closest thing we have to actual Giants in the NSFL so there you go.

I like what I've seen from Draxel and the entire Outlaws offense especially what they did in the playoffs. I'd really enjoy being a cog in that offensive machine.

Oh man if I could choose one running back to block for it would have to be Leroy Jenkins. I would love to be part of a power running scheme that featured him. The guy is a beast, he just puts his shoulder down and makes his own room when his line can't make it for him.

*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-13-2017

With what seems like little interest in the crowd for asking more questions, Hendrix decides it's probably a good time to wrap up the press conference. It's clear some reporters are antsy to move on to the next prospect they have to cover, and there are a lot of them. They've gotten the quote or soundbite from here that they need to do their write-up and Hendrix is just one of a bunch of linemen in the draft.

Thank you all for your questions. If you've got any more before the draft feel free to reach out to me or my agent and I'll see if I can make time to chat. And I'll definitely make time for more time with the press after the draft. Thanks again for coming out.

The reporters quickly start to filter out of the room as Hendrix greets a man who was sitting in the front row. It's his father, who has been acting as his "agent" leading up to the draft. As the two chat, there is a commotion towards the back of the room. A portly man sporting a press pass is pushing his way through the sea of reporters to get to Hendrix. His hair is a mess and there's a coffee stain on his wrinkled shirt. The man looks like he hasn't slept in days. He's out of breath by the time he gets to Hendrix, but he quickly gathers himself.

Reporter: Micah, hi. Doug Jerome, Philadelphia Free Press. Geez I didn't realize how fast things move right now, I totally missed your press conference. We're a little understaffed right now but really busy with the Liberty franchise starting in Philly. I've been running all over these past few days. Do you think you have time for just a couple questions? I would really appreciate it.

Hendrix:Sure if you can make it pretty quick. Gotta pick up my Grandma from the airport, she's flying in for the draft.

Doug Jerome:Oh believe me, I have to be on to the next press conference in like 5 minutes. Ok first, have you been getting a lot of interest from teams? Do you have any idea where you may be taken in the draft at this point?

Hendrix: Your guess is as good as mine. Seeing as there aren't enough offensive linemen to go around, I know I won't go undrafted, but there are some really good players in this draft. I've been contacted by most teams in one way or another, but mostly just generic questions from the GMs trying to do their due diligence.

DJ: Is there any team that seems like an ideal landing spot for you or that you really hope to be drafted to?

H: It's hard for me to say, I feel like each team has a lot of potential and I know that I'll get a chance to start wherever I go. I just hope the team that drafts me has a strong commitment to building their line. You play as a unit, you can't expect just one guy to protect your QB or open up holes in the running game.

DJ:Ok last one, if you could play any other position which one would you want to play?

H:Probably tight end, that's what I played in high school just because I was so tall. I love hitting people so I would still get a chance to do that pretty regularly but there's no feeling like scoring a touchdown, I like to think I could be a mismatch in the redzone. But, I haven't run a route or caught a pass since my first few days in college. I think I'll be happy to just stick to blocking, that's what I know best. I'd try kicker too, at least for extra points how hard could those be?

DJ: Great great thank you for your time.

Doug quickly shakes Hendrix's hand and then bolts away with much more speed than he seemed physically capable of. Hendrix and his father gather their things and leave the now empty room.

((Ready for grading))

*Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser - Ltsmashie - 08-08-2017

GRADED @[halfeatenonionbagle] - $1,147,000 - Micah Hendrix Introductory/Pre-draft Presser