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*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - Thor - 03-30-2020

Ready to be graded.

Hey guys, here to answer questions and am happy to talk about anything related to the current DSFL season, but I'm mostly here to talk about the upcoming NSFL draft.

The floor is open, what would you like to know?

(03-30-2020, 07:50 PM)NicholasTheGreat Wrote:If you could pick any teammate to come with you to your new team, who would you pick?

Can I only pick one? That makes it a pretty difficult question to answer, there have been so many good players and people that I've spent time both in and off the field with while in Myrtle Beach. A few of the veterans showed us around town early on - took us to go see Doc Antles zoo where we played with some tiger cubs, so there has been no shortage of bonding experiences across the board.

I'm going to go ahead and say I'd like most to continue sharing a team and locker room with the big man from back home, ol' Bruce Buckley. Aside from the fact we're both Australian, there's been a lot of comradery as rookies without a lot of game experience. He along with the other guys on the offensive line have really helped my blocking game to go to the next level. Thanks for your question.

(03-30-2020, 08:06 PM)Troen Wrote:Heath, I once spent a monday lunch watching red zone in Auckland.  Have you ever been over to NZ?  How'd you like it?

What vacation spot would you take your team to if you win an ulti?

Any last-minute training thoughts on your mind as the season wraps up?  Any final efforts to impress one of the NSFL teams?

Sorry mate, the only time I've been across the ditch was on a layover heading to the USA - I've never even left the airport, and since I was there late at night nothing in the airport was even open. New Zealand gets a 3/10 from me with little to no reasoning as to why.

If we win the Ultimini, we're heading to Disney World. It's a lot closer than Disneyland and to be honest, I like it better. The Bahamas or Jamaica would be pretty high up on my list too - from one beach to another - some of the boys could use a little sun, the gamer boy meme zone doesn't spend much time outside.

I've got all my training schedule planned up and laid out leading into the draft, the strength program I'm on should help my blocking progress even further and I've got some agility work in the pipeline as well to help me separate a little more from those pesky defensive backs.

As far as final efforts to impress one team? Not so much, I'm just trying to show my value across the board to all of the teams. This week I may even take a backseat role at tight end to give my teammate and friend James Angler some extra game time. He has been working hard and deserves an opportunity to make an impact and show out to all the scouts watching.

Thanks for your questions, who is next?

(03-30-2020, 08:37 PM)2Burkeulosis Wrote:What is the atmosphere in the locker room like right now?

The atmosphere has been fantastic, I'm glad to have landed on a team with such a great locker room presence being led by the veterans. It's so important in a developmental season to have experienced players you can ask for advice and to be able to trust what you hear and I'm thankful to have received that. We're well in the running to contend for the Ultimini so there's a distinct buzz in the air coming into these final weeks of the season.

Thanks - Bobby you have a few questions for me?

(03-31-2020, 03:17 AM)Memento Mori Wrote:Who's the better TE: you or James Angler?

What do you think Myrtle Beach's regular season record will be come the end of the season?

Well it really depends how you slice it, Angler and I are pretty different in how we play the game, I'm definitely a bit more solid in the blocking game but he has time and the resources to develop there should he choose to. I've got a bit more experience and the stats to go with that, but he's the new kid on the block and has made a significant impact in the time he's been on the team. As I mentioned earlier, I'm happy to give him a chance to shine over these last few weeks, even if it means my stats take a dip, because he's been patient as a second tight end all season long. I'll say for sure that Angler is someone who I am proud to share positional training and meetings with.

Myrtle Beach will be 14-0. Wait, what do you mean - we already lost some games? Well whatever, we're going to win out from here, so whatever that puts our record at is where we will stand. Blinding optimism is on the menu today. Plus regular season record is only a qualifier, it's what happens after that which counts for the most.

Next question?

(03-31-2020, 04:19 AM)Billybolo53 Wrote:Many mocks have you as the second or third best TE. What do you bring to an NSFL team that will set you apart? What are your goals for the next level?

I don't read a lot into the mock drafts, they're great for entertainment purposes but at the end of the day only the teams know who and what they value the most. With that said I'm absolutely aware of where people have been putting me within them and I believe I am the best TE in this draft class regardless of TPE. I'm sure if I lined up at WR every down I'd have a few touchdowns - but I care more about helping my team win games in the way they need me rather than my own stat line and I believe that's what sets me apart.

My goals for the next level are to be the best player I can be and to help my team win games however possible. Maybe long term that results in some awards or even an enshrinement in the hall of fame, but that's a big ask for a fresh to the league tight end. I know for sure whichever team drafts me will be rewarded for it.

(03-31-2020, 06:19 AM)furiousPanda Wrote:1) How do you feel being placed in the backfield?
2) Do you have a specific team you want to be drafted by?
3) Are you looking into a position change?

1. I'll line up wherever my team needs me and thinks they can use me best, look out for me to potentially even carry the rock a couple of times a game in the future. I've spent time this season in the slot, at tight end and at fullback so my versatility is something to be desired.
2. The specific team I want to be drafted by is whoever picks me first - clearly that shows to me that they saw the most value in me as a player and they want me to be on their team. There's no teams that I've ruled out completely, though I will say I'm a little disappointed that a few have not reached out at all. That said should they decide to draft me, they've clearly done their research and I won't hold any grudges.
3. I wouldn't say I'm specifically looking into a position changes, but I've been open with scouts that I am a flexible player willing to work with the team to maximize our chances of success. If a team drafts me and demands a specific position change that may not play out so well, but I'm absolutely open to having the discussion. I played a bit of running back and safety in college, and have an interest in playing wide receiver, so those would be my preferred positions for a swap. I think it's also important for teams to know I'm flexible not only with position, but also with the league I play in - if you have a tight end that's a season or two off the end of their tenure I'd happily dominate the DSFL until needed to step up.

Mooty you've got something for me?

(03-31-2020, 06:35 AM)Mooty99 Wrote:GM scouting is in full swing, how have the found the varying approaches?

Are there any NSFL teams that catch your eye at all?

It's been a whirlwind experience, especially with the two new expansion teams there's really no way to be certain of how things will play out. The scouts that have reached out have all been very professional in their meetings and a few have had informal discussions with me afterwards that have greatly clarified what they may expect from me as a player, and how I can expect them to utilise me as a team. The generic questions can seem a bit repetitive, but everyone has a job to do and standard questions would make that a lot more streamlined.

If a team has reached out to me and expressed interest, that catches my eye. With so many players in this draft, reaching out personally and having that conversation means a lot to me. As I mentioned in an earlier response I haven't ruled out any teams, but those who have outlined their plans for me know where I stand and how I can help their team find success.

Alright just a few more questions, cola?

(03-31-2020, 01:03 PM)Colabear Wrote:As someone who seems to be a bit of a throwback tight end as happy to block as catch, what do you think about this trend of valuing and ranking TEs based on their receiving stat lines?

Yeah I'm a little bit old school in that sense, I'm a big guy and like to use that to my advantage. I can't complain too much about being valued based off receiving stats given that I have the most receiving yards of any tight end not being lined up exclusively as a wide receiver, but I definitely see some teams placing value and emphasis on a varied skillset across the board. When you have a player who is a top receiver that can also essentially double as an offensive lineman, there has to be more value placed on that than a one dimensional receiver. I bring a lot to a team, and if they don't see the value in that - don't draft me. If you want someone that can help bolster every aspect of your offence, maybe I'm worth more than a 3rd of 4th round pick.

Last questions, Tesla you have the mic.
(03-31-2020, 02:18 PM)Tesla Wrote:1. What do you look for in a locker room?

2. How have you enjoyed the second scouting process so far? Any teams that surprised you?

3. What are your hopes for the draft?

4. Do you already have a goal in mind for your time in the NSFL?
1. I am a big fan of an active locker room with support for new users, maturity is a bit of a part of that for me as well, but as long as everyone can get along and help each other build towards success I will be happy being a part of that.

2. The process has been fun, it's a bit more interesting now that the teams have had an opportunity to see us develop and play over the course of a season. If they've liked what I've done so far, there is plenty more of that in store for the future. The expansion teams surprised me with how quick they were to start their scouting after being announced, but also one team I'll leave unnamed reached out to me well earlier than the rest, which was not necessarily a team I expected to hear from, so that was unexpected, but very exciting!

3. My hopes are that I won't slip down the board too far, I've got faith that there are enough teams in need of someone with my talents that I shouldn't go beyond the 4th round, but I'd definitely like to improve on my DSFL draft position. Outside of that I hope I am picked up by a team that genuinely wants me there, instead of being a fall back option for other players that go earlier. I'd love to find out I was their #1 target at the position, especially if it means I'm the first tight end off the board overall.
4. My goal is to be successful, nothing more and nothing less. To me that means seeing my team develop alongside me and hopefully taking the trip to the big game and coming away with the trophy to show for it. If I can get stats and make an impact of my own that would be fantastic, but at the end of it all I want to win big.

Thanks for all of the questions, I've got a training session to get to and a game or two to play later.

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - NicholasTheGreat - 03-30-2020

If you could pick any teammate to come with you to your new team, who would you pick?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - Troen - 03-30-2020

Heath, I once spent a monday lunch watching red zone in Auckland. Have you ever been over to NZ? How'd you like it?

What vacation spot would you take your team to if you win an ulti?

Any last-minute training thoughts on your mind as the season wraps up? Any final efforts to impress one of the NSFL teams?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - 2Burkeulosis - 03-30-2020

What is the atmosphere in the locker room like right now?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - Memento Mori - 03-31-2020

Who's the better TE: you or James Angler?

What do you think Myrtle Beach's regular season record will be come the end of the season?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - Billybolo53 - 03-31-2020

Many mocks have you as the second or third best TE. What do you bring to an NSFL team that will set you apart? What are your goals for the next level?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - furiousPanda - 03-31-2020

1) How do you feel being placed in the backfield?
2) Do you have a specific team you want to be drafted by?
3) Are you looking into a position change?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - Mooty99 - 03-31-2020

GM scouting is in full swing, how have the found the varying approaches?

Are there any NSFL teams that catch your eye at all?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - Colabear - 03-31-2020

As someone who seems to be a bit of a throwback tight end as happy to block as catch, what do you think about this trend of valuing and ranking TEs based on their receiving stat lines?

*Heath Evans late season/pre-draft presser - Tesla - 03-31-2020

1. What do you look for in a locker room?

2. How have you enjoyed the second scouting process so far? Any teams that surprised you?

3. What are your hopes for the draft?

4. Do you already have a goal in mind for your time in the NSFL?