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*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - Printable Version

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*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - TubbyTim69 - 03-31-2020

Hey everyone, so I was planning on keeping this quite but then I've seen all the articles people were making about the situation and getting paid for it i thought i may as well get paid for it too. For those of you who dont know me I'm the Co-GM for the Philadelphia Liberty and i have been for a few seasons now with Hall leading the way. I am also the GM that finessed Chicago to trade me their 1st and 2nd round pick in the biggest draft class in league history. But, what you also dont knowing you've been talking about me quite a bit the past 2 days. Yes, I was the "mystery gm" that HO had hire to take over the Chicago Butchers and I ultimately got rejected by the Butchers war room.

So the weekend started Friday, i had just worked 18 hours at work and I'm dead tired but Fridays game for Philly meant if we win both we're sitting in a playoff spot. We lose both games and our season is essentially over. I stay awake to watch us ultimately lose both games and see our season end. I talk to the team and our war room a bit and then just end up passing out and calling it a night.

Now Saturday morning, I wake up early feeling relaxed and well rested so i jump on discord to see how everything is going and I notice the GM chat just popped off the after i went to sleep. Steel had all of a suddenly left the league left the servers and vacated being the GM of Chicago. Everytime some drama and crazy shit happens I end up falling asleep and missing it. So I get caught up on everything and start thinking.... Chicago needs a new GM. I start contemplating this as I would hate leaving Philly and the amazing Locker room for a team that's... well.... Chicago. After talking with Hall I message HO and I apply for the GM position. Few hours later I get a message back from HO saying thank you for applying and if I'm considered for the job they will message me and talk to me more about it.

Now Sunday Morning... this is where shit starts going. I receive a message from HO telling me I'm strongly being considered for the position and they ask me a whole bunch of questions about retaining active players, how I plan on turning the team around and some other things. All of which I feel like I answered fairly well. One thing I was warned about was my idea of rebranding. I had a logo made up as well as jerseys and I wanted to move Chicago. The name Chicago Butchers is a joke to the league. They're a meme. Naturally the first thing people learn when they join is you dont want to go to Chicago. However, I was willing to take on the challenge and rebrand the team and get rid of the joke. It was going to take a while especially with 0 draft picks in this draft.

So now Sunday Afternoon.... I'm in the middle of my esports practice (me and some friends are trying to go pro in Rainbow Six Seige... we are absolutley garbage) and I get a message from HO. So trying to keep focus on my game and my phone is rather difficult especially with people screaming in my ear. Sp we go for a break and I read it and well.... I've been told I'm the new GM for the Chicago Butchers. I'm pumped. Im excited for the new opportunity and a chance to work with new people.

I receive an invite to the Butcher discord server and got added to the war room fairly quickly, and well.... this is where things turn sideways. I wanted to see what everyone's reaction was through the weekend and how they were handling it. So I went back in the messages to see and well i didnt make it very far. I got to the point where Jiggly tells the war room i was selected as the GM. The reactions were all Negative. It was met with "who tf is that" "HO made a mistake" "Shouldve been Me and Jiggly". Now the "shouldve been me and jiggly" response was interesting to me because it came from a player who is a S22 prospect. First thought was why is he in Chicagos war room when he isnt even on Chicago or in the NSFL... hell he isnt even drafted yet. And yes I'm talking about Oles. So at this point I havent even said a word and the War Room had already rejected me and messaged HO about the displeasure they have about it. So great start with my new team. Then Jiggly starts asking me questions. He claims they were a bit aggressive about I disagree and think he did a tremendous job in asking the right questions which i feel i gave the right answers to. Last thing Jiggly says to me is that when the announcement is made because heis the "face of the franchise" he wants to annlynce it to the team. Now the weird part, i get removed from the war room... hmmm.... From my understanding HO had named me GM and it was a done deal however i may have misinterpreted that but I'm not sure. Next I Have Jiggly messaging me saying he needs to talk to HO about this before anything is official.

So at this point I've been named Gm of Chicago, I get into the war room and I see messages by Jiggly and Oles already discrediting me and rejecting me without even speaking to me first. Now I get a message from someone asking me "How it feels to be rejected by a reject". Now I thought it was hilarious. I started laughing but then I realized... he's talking about me being rejected by Chicago. So I message HO to find out what's going on and low and behold They dont want me as their GM. I'd say I would be shocked but again... they had made their decision before even speaking with me. Hell... Oles left the war room before I even joined so he never got a chance to listen to what I had to say. Then went on about how he shouldve gotten the job and blah blah blah.

I really didnt have an issue the way HO handled this but really it was the unprofessionalism of Chicago. They rejected me before I even made it into the war room. I was speaking to deaf ears. They made comments about me while fully acknowledging that they knew I was going to see it and made them any ways.

Now I will say I have recieved messages from Jiggly and Oles apologizing for said comments and explained to me their frustrations and all that which I do respect. At the end of the day I'm a member of the Philadelphia Liberty. I attempted to leave and give my self a new start and a challenge and I realize how much of a mistake that was. This whole thing was a blessing in disguise. Now pay me my media money and let's all put this behind us!

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - DeadlyPlayer - 03-31-2020

Not surprised EDIT: There were rumors it was Tim. <3 you Tim.

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - Toasty - 03-31-2020

Where you screwed up was making it know you wanted to move Chicago. That's why they did not want you because god forbid if you move Chicago.

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - retrospace111 - 03-31-2020

i dont know if anyone is buying the BS that jiggly said about how he only wanted to be a "mediator" for the "crisis" chicago was going through. He obviously wanted GM and when the vote backfired on Oles and him, it was poetic justice.

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - Raven - 03-31-2020

Quote: I am also the GM that finessed Chicago to trade me their 1st and 2nd round pick in the biggest draft class in league history.

No wonder they didnt know who you were, repressed memories

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - bovovovo - 03-31-2020

I’m glad you guys ended things on a good note at least. I’m not surprised they rejected an outsider in favor of themselves/their buddies.

I’m sure Bayley and muford will do a good job, but it’s super unfortunate when GMing turns into a good old boys club like this.

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - retrospace111 - 03-31-2020

(03-31-2020, 10:10 AM)Toasty Wrote:Where you screwed up was making it know you wanted to move Chicago. That's why they did not want you because god forbid if you move Chicago.

I don't get their obsession with keeping chicago where it is, it is the joke of the league, and all my fellow rookies i've talked to don't want to go there, with the exception of a few who want to be a part of the "rebuild", if you can even call it that. valor and steelsound drove this team into the ground and it's just been one mistake after another. delete chicago pls and replace with expansion team


*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - iamslm22 - 03-31-2020

Their idiotic loss is our gain. So thankful jiggly is spoiled child. We get to keep our Tim.

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - retrospace111 - 03-31-2020

(03-31-2020, 10:23 AM)iamslm22 Wrote:Their idiotic loss is our gain. So thankful jiggly is spoiled child. We get to keep our Tim.

[Image: giphy.gif]

*Chicago Mystery GM Reject - Billybolo53 - 03-31-2020

After some thought, a rebrand would of been the right move. The stain on Chicago is gonna take a lot of seasons to wash out esp if they don’t get competitive in the near future.