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*All or Nothing Ep.4 Highs and Lows - Printable Version

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*All or Nothing Ep.4 Highs and Lows - 2Burkeulosis - 03-31-2020

Narrator: Previously on All or Nothing

Sir Deadly Player: Nick Kaepercolin. Wide receiver from Nevada...As far as I’m concerned he’s the missing piece of our offense.

Kevin Harlan: It’s Jack versus Jack in another exciting matchup as the two newest editions to the DSFL battle it out.

Reggie Shakesphere: It’s been what a month since our last win?

Susan Cash Jr.: Motherfucker! (He spikes his helmet into the ground) Fuck!

Kevin Harlan: Royals win! Royals win! 20 years from now Royals fans will still be talking about Acura Skyline’s incredible 74 yard touchdown in overtime.

KRFM 88.5 Radio Station

Narrator: There’s an old saying in the DSFL. Winning fixes everything. After an exciting overtime victory against the Minnesota Grey Ducks things are looking up for the London Royals.

Reggie Shakesphere: We have a very special guest for you all today. Wide receiver Susan Cash Jr. is here today. Thanks for coming today susan.

Susan Cash Jr.: Please call me Sue. Thank you for having me today.

Reggie Shakesphere: Okay Sue tell me about the win over Minnesota. We’ve been talking about this team's struggles over the past few weeks. What made this week different?

Susan Cash Jr.: Well everything just seemed to gel together that day. Everyone on defense played out of their minds, The receiving corps made some critical catches, and of course Jacoby and Acura had those 50+ yard rushing touchdowns.

Reggie Shakesphere: Looking to the future your next opponents are the Portland Pythons. Any words of warning you wish to impart to them before they get here.

Susan Cash Jr.: No I don’t really go in for the trash talk. I’ve never had anything good come from it. So instead I’m going to say that they’re a group of really talented people. I’ve played with Zamir Kehla in the prospect Bowl so I look forward to seeing him again, Alexander Hamilton and Daniel George are two guys that I look up to and admire, so yeah I’m excited to play against them. It's gonna be a good game.


Acura Skyline: Beautiful day for football. Beautiful day. A day in the league is like a day on the farm: Every meal, a banquet, every paycheck, a fortune, every formation a parade. I love the league.

Narrator: The Royals defense has been on a hot streak recently and that continues this week with Ben Stackinpaper and Quinn Hughes each getting a turnover in their first 2 drives.

Phil Simms: Nakamura is asking if anyone got the number of that truck that just hit him. Well I did it was #35 Ben Stackinpaper.

Narrator: Unfortunately the offense continues to struggle only putting up 3 points in the first half.

Jim Nantz: Blake Alexander bobbles the catch and no! He drops it in the endzone. Colby Jack just threw 3 passes to 3 different receivers in the endzone and none of them we’re able to make a play.

Phil Simms: Now to be fair They are being covered by some of the best cornerbacks in the league, but still you gotta be able to make the difficult plays.

Narrator: Despite the slow start the Royals defense keeps the game close, but there’s only so much the defense can do and this time there's no 75 yard miracle run to save the Royals this week.

Phil Simms: Colby Jack throws for his tight end. Oh no that’s going to be picked off by MacGregor and he’s gonna hit the jets and he’s got a wide open path for the endzone. Touchdown Pythons and that’s gonna just about wrap things up here. Pythons are gonna get a much needed win, meanwhile the Royals take a loss that they could not afford.

Jim Nantz: It’s a shame to. The Royals came in with such high aspirations today and it looked like they could have pulled it off. There were just too many mistakes on offense today.

Narrator: Just when things seemed to be turning around for the Royals they suffer another hard loss. The Royals knew they would be facing an uphill battle since the start of the season. However it doesn't make the pain of losing any easier for them. Luckily their next opponent is the Dallas Birddogs an opponent that the Royals beat soundly in the season opener. The players are looking forward to taking out some of their frustrations on their fellow expansion team. None more so than Cadillac Harris.

Royals Corner Back Room

Cadillac Harris: (He is staying late reviewing film) So basically what I’m doing here is looking for anything that can give us an advantage. I can tell you already that they’re not the same team we faced back in week one. Their o-line has tightened up giving Monty more time to wait for plays to develop, he also doesn’t hold the ball for as long as he used to and has gotten smarter about where he throws the ball to so it’s going to be harder to pick him off, also his receivers and running backs look like they’ve gotten faster since the last time we’ve faced them. I’m not worried, I still think we have the better team. All the improvements they’ve made we’ve made to and more, but at the same time we can’t underestimate them either. We’ve gotta be ready for a fight.


Joe Buck: Kickoff is underway as Jack vs. Jack round two begins with Acura Skyline taking this one for about 30 yards. A good start for the Royals. First down is going to be less good for them as they lose a yard on the run play.

Troy Aikman: The Dallas Birdogs defense so good against the run. 2nd down now and they’re gonna try throwing it. 50/50 jump ball and the defense is going to come down with it. That’s Colt Mendoza with the steal and the Dallas Birddogs offense takes over with excellent field position.

Narrator: The Royals are off to a bad start, however thanks to Cadillac’s Harris’ late night studying he’s able to prevent a disaster from becoming a catastrophe.

Joe Buck: Monty, beautiful pass to William Lim. Looks like a touchdown, but no I spoke too soon. Cadillac Harris slams the door on him. They’re gonna have to settle for 3.

Narrator: Unfortunately for the Royals the Dallas Birddogs seem to always be two steps ahead of them. Their defense shuts down all of the Royals offensive weapons, their offense makes few mistakes, and are able to cover up the mistakes they do make. Their defeat while not as one sided as the one the Birddogs suffered at the season opener. It is nevertheless a humiliating defeat for the team. For the second time in a row the Royals lose 27-10.

Royals Locker Room

Sir Deadly Player: Six games left. We’ve got six games left against teams that except for the Birdshits we’ve all lost to. So why are we going to beat the other teams? Because We’re updated and We’re better! We can’t give up now! We’ve only fucking started! We're gonna show them just exactly who we are! We may be an expansion team, but that doesn't mean we can’t slap some of those original teams in the fucking face!

London Royals Team Meeting Room

Narrator: After spending weeks languishing in the NFC North’s basement. Team Captains Acura Skyline and Derred de Ville have scheduled a player’s only meeting for the day before they face their next opponent, the Tijuana Luchadores.

Acura Skyline: I just want to be clear that this meeting isn’t going to be about pointing fingers or blaming people for mistakes. We’re all adults here and I think we all know what we are or aren’t doing right. To be honest we all share the blame a little bit. When we win a game no ones going out there and saying it’s all because of me. No we say this is a team sport and the win was a team effort. So when we lose a game or games let’s not put it all on any one person. It was a team effort. The other reason we don’t want to be pointing fingers at each other is that there’s already enough people outside of this group pointing fingers already. The fans are pissed that we keep losing games and I don’t blame them. I don’t know if any of y'all have looked at ticket prices but that shits’ expensive and because we keep losing games those people who are spending all that money are starting to complain and if those people complain loud enough for long enough there are going to be consequences. People are going to lose their jobs.

Derred de Ville: They say that somewhere between 40 and 55% of DSFL players are out of a job by their first year. At the end of the day this is a results based business and if they’re not getting the results they expect from you they’re gonna bring in people who can deliver. It scares me to think that next year half the people in this room could be out of the league entirely. I don’t know about you guys but I want to one day play in the NSFL and the best way to ensure that is to win as many games as possible in the time we have. Trust me on this we win a few games and the haters will shut up, you’ll see more people smiling around here, and future wins are going to come easier. Winning fixes everything people and if you don’t believe me then lets win a few games and see for ourselves.

Luchadores@ Royals

Narrator: The stakes have never been higher for the Royals. They need a win today and cannot afford to settle for less. Yet the first half of this game looks disturbingly like the last time these two teams played.

Booger Mcfarland: I’ll tell you Joe. Thomas Passman is playing like a man possessed today.

Joe Tessitore: 2nd and goal. Richard Gilbert is going to take it and he punches it in for the touchdown. His 3rd of the day.

Booger Mcfarland: That’s right Joe Richard had two touchdowns earlier this game and this is his 3rd one and what’s more is that there are only 26 seconds left in the half so the Royals probably won’t score before half time. Which means that the score at half time will almost definitely be Luchadores 21 Royals 7.

Joe Tessitore: Thanks Booger.

Duke of Modern: Keep grinding, keep grinding. If they put up 21 points in the first half then so can we. This game is just getting started.

Joe Tessitore: Second half is getting underway now Booger. Now let me ask you do you think we will see a repeat of the first time these two teams faced off.

Booger Mcfarland: That’s one possibility. The other possibility I can see happening is that the Royals manage to kick a couple of field goals, score a touchdown, and then convert the 2-pointer to tie things up and send us to overtime.

Joe Tessitore: Ok Booger.

Narrator: The first half of Booger’s prediction miraculously comes true, but he didn’t say anything about Tijuana scoring points of their own.

Joe Tessitore: Now I know they say “never say never” but with less than 10 minutes on the clock I don’t think the Royals are going to be able to overcome an 11 point deficit. The kick is up and...OH MY GOD! He Missed it! How could he do that?

Booger Mcfarland: It looks like a botched hold. You can see on the replay that the laces are facing the wrong way here.

Acura Skyline: (All around him the Royals sideline is going nuts) This is our chance! Let’s go finish this!

Joe Tessitore: The Royals are marching down the field here but know it’s 3rd and goal. Can the Luchadores get a stop here? Jack is gonna pitch to Skyline no he fakes it. He’s gonna run with it and he barrels in for the touchdown and it looks like they’re going to go for 2 and try to tie this up.

Sir Deadly Player: GO FOR 2! Tie this fucker up!

Joe Tessitore: This is going to be a run. The offense is not even trying to pretend otherwise. They plan on charging straight in and dare the defense to stop them. Here we go for the tie… He’s in! The score 21-21. The Royals have against all odds brought things back from the brink.

Booger Mcfarland: Look at the team work on display here. Everyone on the field is moving with the same purpose. Getting Acura over that line. You gotta love a team that can rally around their captain like that.

Joe Tessitore: Well the Luchadores still have enough time to score, but the momentum is definitely with the Royals right now.

Narrator: For the second time this year the Royals will play deep into overtime. Instead of some late game heroics from Acura Skyline. The team's fate will be decided by the strength of their kicker Seth Lindsey.

Joe Tessitore: Lindsey lining up what is by far the most important kick of his young career. Remember that earlier his Tijuana counterpart missed his kick from the same distance. Kick is up and he nailed it. The Royals will win this in a shocking upset.

Booger Mcfarland: Yeah personally I think that the Royals just got lucky. The Luchadores looked like the better team out there, they just got a little too careless and made too many mistakes today.

Royals Locker Room

Narrator: The player’s only meeting seems to have had its desired effect. Spirits are once again high. After the come-from-behind victory over the Tijuana Luchadores. They now have the opportunity to do something that they have seldom had the opportunity to do. Celebrate while many teams hand out game balls the Royals like to take things a step further.

Duke of Modern: Alright everyone you know the drill by now. We got game balls and these fancy custom made Royal Crowns for this week's best offensive and defensive performances. First on offense he’s someone who hasn’t been up here yet but this week we just had to give it to him. He had 4 receptions for 67 yards and set a franchise record for the longest reception for a total of 43 yards. I’m talking about WR Nick Kaepercolin. (The room breaks into applause as Nick receives his crown and football) Next on defense this man not only set a franchise record but a season record for most tackles in a single game with 18. Please give a hand to DE Sandro Ryeu. (More applause from the other players)


Narrator: The Seawolves game will be remembered as a quintessential Royals win. Competitive, explosive, ugly at times, and an absolute disaster on special teams, but a win nevertheless. The Royals record improves to 4-6. With just a month left in the regular season the London expansion team have experienced both the highs and the lows that this league offers. Now they set their sights on a loftier goal. Making the playoffs. The month-long journey will be treacherous. It will require both luck and pluck from both the players and coaches, and there is no guarantee of success, but if they do succeed they have a chance to make history.

Word count: 2581 Includes a 75 word quote from @deadly player

*All or Nothing Ep.4 Highs and Lows - s4ndr0p - 03-31-2020

(03-31-2020, 08:16 PM)2Burkeulosis Wrote:Booger Mcfarland: That’s right Joe Richard had two touchdowns earlier this game and this is his 3rd one and what’s more is that there are only 26 seconds left in the half so the Royals probably won’t score before half time. Which means that the score at half time will almost definitely be Luchadores 21 Royals 7.

Joe Tessitore: Thanks Booger.

Dude. I laughed so much harder than I should have. I might repeat myself with this one: This series is just gold!

*All or Nothing Ep.4 Highs and Lows - 2Burkeulosis - 03-31-2020

(03-31-2020, 02:17 PM)s4ndr0p Wrote:Dude. I laughed so much harder than I should have. I might repeat myself with this one: This series is just gold!
Thanks man. You've been such a positive force on not only for me but also for this team. I am truly lucky to have you as a teammate.