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*An Interview Between Nor-Folk - Blasoon - 04-03-2020

The Interview (2020)

(Note: Split payout 50/50 between Blasoon and @J0EB please)

Hi there, dear reader. My name is Suleiman Ramza, quarterback for the Norfolk Seawolves. Earlier today, I had the chance to speak with Season 22 National Simulation Football League draft prospect Matt ‘Son of Havoc’ Cross. Cross is one of the most highly touted prospects, going into the upcoming draft, as well as being one of the leading figures in the playoff bound Norfolk Seawolves locker room. We sat down to chat about the season in review, the draft and more.

SR: Hi there Matt. Thanks for meeting with me.

MC: No problem. My pleasure.

SR: Let’s just get right to it, cause I have a lot of questions to ask, and an audience who are just dying to hear the answers.

MC: Perfect, let’s do it!

SR: So let’s start with the present. With the season finally over, and Norfolk having played an incredible last two games and qualified for playoffs, have you started celebrating yet?

MC: We definitely celebrated after the games. I personally didn't expect to end up making it but when we won both of those games I was surprised and pumped. With those two wins we solidified a record of 8-6, becoming the winningest team in Norfolk history. That's something as a team that we should be proud of and celebrate which we did. But now the time of celebration is over, we need to focus on practicing and training because we've got MB on the road again. We managed to beat them on the road last week but that doesn't mean it's gonna be easy to do it again. We've gotta put in even more effort moving forward starting now.

SR:That’s a great mindset to have going into the playoffs. Now, onto my next question. Matt, I think it would be fair to say that this season can be described as having peaks and valleys. What would you say has been your favourite moment from the team this season?

MC: My favorite moment was beating MB on the road this past week. We desperately needed to win that game in order to have a shot at the playoffs and we crushed them, winning 37-10. Hope came back to us all that our playoff push was real and that we could make it. The hype out on the field and in the locker room after the game was insane and so much fun to be a part of. We played an insane game and it was awesome.
SR: Conversely, what moment do you really hate having to think about? I know this might be hard to consider, but I just want to know if there are any negative moments in particular that you're holding onto, going into the playoffs?

MC: Man... that 3 game losing streak was tough to deal with. We lost 2 home games that we definitely had a chance in, losing by less than a TD in both of them. Then we went on the road to face off against the ducks and lost another one. We couldn't find our groove and luck was definitely not on our side. As a whole team I think we kinda just faltered and personally I felt so terrible because I wasn't performing like I knew I should've been. Going into the playoffs, with the hype that has built in the Locker Room, I don't want to let my team down again like I feel like I did during that string of games.

SR: I'm glad you brought up your personal performance, because I want to know how you'd evaluate yourself over the season. And in particular, if there's any one moment that you're really proud of?

MC: I think over the season I played pretty well, but I definitely do see some dips in my performance that I want to make up for in the playoffs. My biggest goal as a Safety is to make big plays and get the ball back into my offense's hands. With 1 forced fumble and 3 interceptions this season, I'm happy with my performance. Week 1 I had a 27 yard pick six against the Pythons and I'm really proud of that. Being able to take the field for the first time and get the ball in my hands and score?! It was unbelievable! That moment was a blessing and it's something I'll hold onto for the rest of my career.

SR: That's really great to hear. I love hearing about athletes favourite moments. I have one last question on the season and then we'll move to the draft. How do you see the playoffs playing out?

MC: We're gonna shock MB on the road again. We've got their number now and we're gonna win it. It'll be a tough game, definitely harder than last week, but I believe that we'll still come out on top. After that, the Ultimini is gonna be an even tougher game. Portland and KC both have great teams, one with an exceptional defense and one with an exceptional offense. We're 1-1 against both teams so honestly it's up in the air how it'll go. We're gonna fight like hell to win that game though no matter who we face.

SR: To add to that, who do you see the Seawolves facing in that Ultimini final?

MC: Aw man that's tough. I think KC is gonna beat out Portland. They have such a strong offense powered by Chika Fujiwara. I know that Portland's defense is pretty good, but their offense has struggled in games. I don't think they're gonna be able to stop KC from scoring and their offense won't be able to keep up.

SR: With the draft fast approaching, you're projected to go quite highly. How's that got you feeling?

MC: I am so excited for the draft. I look forward to making a difference out there on defense for whatever team that picks me. It has such a different atmosphere than the DSFL draft too. I was so unsure of myself going into the DSFL, but now my confidence has risen a bunch and I am just hyped overall about the draft.

SR: Does your status as a top pick provide you any gratification? And if so, can you elaborate on how?

MC: Yea it does actually. I try to be as humble as possible but it feels really good getting this recognition. I've been training and practicing since before college even for a chance to play in the NSFL and knowing that I'm a top prospect makes me really proud of my accomplishments. Especially since I gave up wrestling in high school to pursue a career in football, being a top pick reassures me in my decision.

SR: A wrestler, huh? Can you give the people another tidbit on something we don't know about Matt Cross?

MC: Some people know this about me and others don't but in high school I had what looked to be the beginnings of a promising career in wrestling. Originally that was the path I was taking but I decided to take a chance on football instead and I'm glad that I did because it's paid off immensely. Oh and that's also where the nickname Son of Havoc comes from.

SR: Looking to the future, where would you like to be drafted?

MC: Honestly there are a lot of teams that I like. I've had great conversations with a lot of the GM's and they all seem friendly and welcoming. I grew up in AZ and went to ASU so playing for the Outlaws would be awesome. Nola is also pretty high up there because they have such a warm and friendly atmosphere. I like they idea of going to play for almost every team though.

SR: That's a real positive outlook. You love to see it. I just have one last question.

MC: Shoot!

SR: Do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to impart on this upcoming class of rookies? Whether it be personal or professional, or anywhere in between.

MC: I think that while obviously we all want to go win the championship, it's important to realize that only one team wins each year. With this being the case, it's important to just enjoy the time you have in your locker room, make friends and a little family there while you can and don't get too hung up on lost games. It's probably a lot easier for me to say this since we're going to the playoffs, but as I said before I felt pretty down after some of those games. No matter how the season goes in the end you should embrace your teammates and say thank you, it was a pleasure, and good luck. Time moves quick y'know, so it's important to make the most of it with the people around you while you can.

SR: That was a really great answer. I can’t think of a more poignant ending than that. Thank you so much for your time. Good luck in the playoffs and have a great draft.

MC: And thank you! and best of luck to you as well!

There you have it. A fantastic interview with a fantastic young man. As a personal aside, Matt Cross has been instrumental in the Norfolk Seawolves locker room and I would like to take this venue to shout out how much of a positive influence he is, and how lucky whatever team that drafts him will be.

Also, if anyone is interested I was interviewed earlier today by a highly touted Season 22 National Simulation Football League draft prospect named Matt Cross. Check it out right below!

The Interview: Part Two

Hi everyone, I’m Matt Cross, safety for the Norfolk Seawolves. Today I'm sitting down with one of two quarterbacks of the Norfolk Seawolves, Suleiman Ramza. Ramza has split playing time on the field with Luke Skywalker, but his presence is still felt constantly as a leader of the team. I had a few questions for him now that the regular season has ended and we're headed to the playoffs.

MC: Hey there. Thanks for sitting down with me.

SR: Anytime Matt. Thanks for having me.

MC: With the regular season over now, obviously we made the playoffs but what are your thoughts on the stats you compiled over these 14 weeks? anything you wish you could have done better on or that you are particularly proud of?

SR: I am very much my biggest critic. After every game, I like to take some time to reflect on everything that I could have done better. I know, I know. I should get away from that habit. But I do focus on any and all missed passes that I made. I know you can't go back in time, but man watching the tape back, it's just a bit embarrassing when I see that stuff. But I do have a game that I'm very fond of. I believe it was week twelve, against Tijuana, I felt like I had a really great game there, and it really allowed me to show the best of myself as a quarterback.

MC: I do the same thing man, I always look back at tackles I might've missed and stuff like that and think to myself that I could've done this or that in order to make the play. But I want to ask you now, as a QB, what's it like having 2 great RB's behind you in Panda and Sunrise? Also, Norfolk has great talent at TE in Haugland and Lewandowski, how do they make what you do easier?"

SR: Oh it's great. I understand that I am very much a work in progress, so I'll take any help that I can get (laughs) Panda and Tequila are two incredible running backs who I can always count on. I do get a bit salty that my hand offs to them don't count as touchdown passes, but I think if they keep playing like they are now, then I'll live. As far as my tight ends go. They are absolutely life savers. Anyone who's seen me play knows that I love to sink deep balls, but man, they've busted me out of trouble so many times. I really hope one of them gets tight end of the year.

MC: Throughout the season you've been playing as a sort of back up role to Luke Skywalker. Has he been able to teach you anything about the QB position to help you improve? And how do you feel like you've been improving throughout the season?

SR: I'd like to think that Luke and I work more as a tandem, behind the scenes. I feel like we do a lot for each other. I know that I've helped him with studying film, but he has helped me massively with my accuracy. It's symbiotic and the relationship has really helped me grow, and inspired me to become better. I feel like I've been improving slowly but steadily, but heading into the playoffs, I know that the world is about to see me take it to another level.

MC: Since you mentioned the playoffs, as we are about to take on MB next week to fight to secure our spot in the Ultimini, how are you feeling heading into that game? Also, what do you think we need to do to win that game and how do you feel like you can help lead us to victory.

SR: I'm feeling incredible heading into next week. Over the past three weeks, I feel like the team has really melded and come into their own. We have the winningest season in Norfolk's history. I think the biggest key to victory next week is smart play. We need to completely minimise penalties and careless plays. I truly believe that if everyone shows up with their brain's intact, we can take the victory, no problem. I like that you used the word 'lead in your question, because this truly will be a huge test of leadership. For the GM's, the veteran players, Luke and myself. I know that no matter what happens, and no matter how the game is going, I'll be a positive figure for the rest of my team. Even if I get one down to play and get taken out of action, I'll be that person who the team can rally around and use to help them play better.

MC: Great response there.

SR: Thanks man, I appreciate it.

MC: What are your feelings towards the draft so far? I know you were feeling a little antsy but can you talk about that some more?

SR: The draft is what it is. I'm really looking forward to it, and I know that once my name is called up, I'll be ecstatic, but for now I am anxious. I feel like a lot of rookies are anxious too. I'm not afraid to say that I'm worried about not presenting my best self, and that I'm too fixated on past mistakes. But it's interesting because of the last two games we had, it hasn't really been on my mind. I feel so laser focused on winning that Ultimini and bringing it back to Norfolk, Virginia, and then I’m taking it on a private holiday to Norfolk, in England. It's really all I can think about right now.

MC: Have you had GM's reach out to you and if so how did those conversations go?

SR: I've spoken with scouts and GMs. It's a nice feeling to know that I'm being considered, especially with how low I think of myself as a player. I would like to think that they all went quite well. They're all really nice people, and I really enjoyed chatting with them, but I asked about the chances of being drafted by them, and to be quite honest with you, the answers created some more self doubt within me. I'm very appreciative of their honesty, and I believe it's driven me to become even better and show how much better I am at the Ultimini.

MC: What's your top team to be drafted by?

SR: (Chuckles) I don't know if I can reveal this off the bat, but I will say that every team I've had the good fortune to be put in contact with has made a great impression on me and I'd love to play for them. Of course, anywhere with a nice proximity to Seattle would be nice. I dig that city. It's like a little England; the rain reminds me of home. I would be remiss if I didn't mention that it would be nice to play with Moonlight. That guy's an inspiration.

MC: This is probably my last question for you. Since I don't think any QB's go straight from the DSFL to the NSFL in their first season, what are your thoughts on being a send down and playing for Norfolk for another season or two until you're ready to be a starter in the NSFL?"

SR: Absolutely. I love being in Norfolk. It's so much better than English Norfolk. I think out of all the quarterbacks on the table, I would benefit most from being in the Developmental Simulation Football League a while longer. So if any teams are looking for their QB of the future, don't sleep on me! I'll give you a great return on investment and be carrying three rings with me to your training camp.

Haha, I do like going into full promo mode, but the fact of the matter is, continuing to be in the Developmental Simulation Football League sounds great to me, and I'm looking forward to more seasons at Norfolk. Thanks for having me, Matt.

MC: There's no shame in a little self-promotion and I know what you mean Ramza, I really love it here in Norfolk too.

Ramza has been a great friend in the locker room. He's inspired our team when we're down and always tries to keep the spirits high. I look forward to the playoffs and I hope that we can get that Ultimini victory together. He's improved a lot over the season and is gonna be a great pick up for whatever lucky team drafts him.

3058 Words

*An Interview Between Nor-Folk - J0EB - 04-03-2020

This was a lot of fun working on together! It was a great idea on your part and it was fun getting to know more about your player too. Let's go beat MB and win that Ultimini!!!

*An Interview Between Nor-Folk - Tesla - 04-03-2020

Norfolk best folk!

Love to see the inside thoughts and especially the strong desire for an Ultimini. Great interview process and a great read!