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*NSFL S22 QB Prospects - Printable Version

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*NSFL S22 QB Prospects - thevoicelesscreator - 04-05-2020

Coming into the S21 DSFL Draft, the quarterback pool was quite crazy. However, since then it’s become quite clear which quarterbacks have stuck around and which have washed out. Out of the 14 we started with, 8 still remain – which in all honesty is pretty amazing. I’m going to exclude a few for various reasons: Colby Jack (GM of the Yellowknife and guaranteed second round pick), Monterey “Monty” Jack (GM of the San Jose Sabrecats and guaranteed second round pick), Sim SnowBow (conflict of interest).

*DISCLAIMER* - These are different from my normal fruity overviews. Due to the sheer size of the class, I will be focusing on the tangibles rather than the intangible (save those for my draft profiles)

1. Ben Slothisberger (@slothfacekilla)
First up is Ben Slothisberger. Sloth has a proven history in the NSFL, hitting 1000+ TPE with his last player before recreating. Should this be longer? Yeah probably, but nothing more really needs to be said. If anyone has proven they can lead a franchise, it’s Sloth.

2. Luke Skywalker (@muse316)
Probably one of the biggest unknowns at the QB position, Luke Skywalker could be a very good QB prospect. His earning rate has been decent (sitting at 193TPE), and he is a pocket passer - perfect for an air raid style offense. The concerns lay in his rate of media production (a few sigs and couple of stories in March), and his relative newness to the NSFL. However, he has shown that he can tangle with the best. Might be a good pick for a team willing to take a risk

3. Tom Sofa (@NamelessNate)
As a spectator to the Tom Sofa series, I have really enjoyed the media that has been coming out of namelessnate. As a gunslinger archetype QB, Tom should have a chance of slinging his way into a starting gig in the NSFL. His TPE rate has been a little underwhelming (181 TPE so far), but the real concern lies in his history. Nate had a player in S8 but went IA for a while. He’s back now, but the concern comes with the question - for how long?

4. Jim Waters (@siddhus)
So this is no doubt the most controversial QB in the bunch. Siddhus is a grader, and money is more or less guaranteed assuming he can maintain his job. He is also a recreate. So why so low?
The QB position requires a significant amount of trust between themselves and the GMs of an organization. Siddhus has proven that he is a tad fickle, and GM’s are slow to forget his last retirement (retired after just a single year to recreate). This makes Siddhus more of a risk than even he would like to admit.

5. Suleiman Ramza (@Blasoon)
Blasoon is a recent addition to our league, the second out of the eight available QB’s to be completely new. At 164 TPE, he has clearly under-earned compared to his colleagues, but has made good progress for a standard player. My concern is with his style of QB (Mobile), and whether that will fair well in the current meta of the league (heavily focused on run stop). I can see Ramza making an excellent late pick if the right team can guide him and build around him.

*NSFL S22 QB Prospects - siddhus - 04-05-2020

Quote: Siddhus is a grader, and money is more or less guaranteed assuming he can maintain his job. He is also a recreate.

He also has the most TP of anyone on this list

*NSFL S22 QB Prospects - gucci - 04-05-2020

(04-05-2020, 01:42 PM)siddhus Wrote:He also has the most TP of anyone on this list

I think the only reasons anyone would be averse to drafting you (after showing you can be a good earner) is the retirement out of the blue that left OCO needing to draft or acquire yet another RB, and that it’s well known you will leave your team behind if a team that needs a QB offers you a GM job. Or at least that’s what people have been saying.

It only takes one team to put their trust in you however, and if you keep at it, you’ll be a franchise QB sooner or later.

*NSFL S22 QB Prospects - ADwyer87 - 04-05-2020

Smh how dare u exclude snowbow :rage:

*NSFL S22 QB Prospects - thevoicelesscreator - 04-05-2020

(04-05-2020, 01:37 PM)ADwyer87 Wrote:Smh how dare u exclude snowbow :rage:

I legit love Snowy too much to not put him at 1, its really not even close <3