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*Cured: The Journey of Tony Gabagool - shipwreckrising - 04-07-2020

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Welcome to Cured, a multi part journey inside the mind of Tony "The Big Salami" Gabagool as he makes his way through his football career. After refusing to return my call's and interview attempts for almost seven years, the reclusive Gabagool opened up to this reporter about his thoughts regarding his time in Colorado and the upcoming expansion draft.[/div]

Hello Tony, I am glad you decided to reach out to me for this interview. I know it has been quite a few years since we have spoken, would you mind giving the readers a quick rundown of your Colorado career and why you haven't been more open with the media before we get into the real reason why you reached out?

Hey Gony, glad you wanted to sit down with me for this. Yes I have not been the most vocal player in the league, that is for sure. I have always tried to let my play on the field do all of the talking. In the Yeti locker room there are a lot of natural leaders so I never needed to fill the role of the "vocal leader".

As far as my time in Colorado so far, let's just say it hasn't gone exactly the way I would have imagined. The last few years we have been close, and I know we are almost there as a team. I have faith in our team leadership and I would die on the field for every one of my teammates. Colorado is a special place. Our fans are the most intense fans in the league despite or lack of success.

You have also had some personal success though?

I mean, sure, I have I think the third most tackles since I came into the league. But stats mean absolutely nothing to me, all I care about is bringing the Ultimus to Colorado.

Which brings us to the reason you called me to sit down for this interview. It is well known within most circles that there is a good chance you will not be protected by the Yeti. First off, do you feel betrayed here? There is a good chance that your team is going to hang you out to dry, so to speak?

Betrayed? Gony, of course I don't feel betrayed. This is a business, and I trust the front office will do whatever it takes to win the Ultimus. If they feel that leaving me exposed in the draft is the best move for them, then they should absolutely do it. I will remind you though that nothing is official as of this point, so I would like to make sure the readers know that.

Of course, nothing is official at this point, but just looking at the math, it seems likely that you will be one of the odd men out so to speak. Are you excited at the prospect of potentially going to a new team? Will the change in scenery be good for you?

Am I excited at the prospect of changing my team? Absolutely not. I have a wife and children that live full time in Colorado, they go to school here. This has become my home. We have unfinished business in Colorado as well. It would tear my heart in two to see Colorado win the Ultimus after I leave, especially if it is not on my terms. I would feel so much joy for my old teammates, but it would be extremely bittersweet (like sweet and sour pork, as the great Andy Reid once said).

That being said, I respect that this is a business. If I did get drafted by either Sarasota or Honolulu, I would give my all for them during my time there, however brief it may be. I know that a lot of teams want a veteran linebacker like me so I understand the interest. There are worse places to be than Hawaii and Florida as well. Tony likes cocktails with umbrellas and laying on the beach.

As far as a change in scenery being good for me. Not necessarily, but it would be fun to be the number one linebacker on a team. I love Mo, we came up together, but it's hard to get out of the shadow of a player like that. He will always be the Willis to my Bowman though, even if I end up on another team.

*laughs* Yes, that would be a sight to behold, beach Tony. Another interesting thing for you, is that you only have one year left on your contract. It's got to scare the potential teams to draft you high and then see you walk in free agency after one year. Do you have any message to opposing teams in regards to potential future contract negotiations.

I want to choose my words very carefully here, as I don't want to leave myself open to any accusations of tampering, I find cheating to be horrible and Tony is above that. The following are just facts about me and the general situation of certain teams, and I will leave it to the readers to draw their own conclusions.

1. I really really enjoy my time in Colorado. I feel like I can win the Ultimus before I retire with them, and I understand their salary cap position will be difficult due to their talent level. I understand that.

2. An expansion team would have more money to spend, and if I was drafted to be a leader on defense it would be fair to assume that I would get a paycheque that would reflect that. I hope that expansion teams would understand that.

3. Being this is a business, I will always make the decision that benefits myself the most.

Again, I just want teams to know about my decision making process. It is not personal, it is just business. No matter what happens, if I get protected by Colorado, if I end up being drafted by another team and playing only a year for them, if I get drafted by another team and end up playing the rest of my career there, I will give my all on the field, every single game. That is a Gabagool Guarantee.

Do you have any other thoughts or anything you want the readers to know/be aware of?

Well Gony, thanks for asking. If this was actually my last year in Colorado, I just want the fans to know that I will always be a Yeti at heart, and that I gave it my all every time I was out on the field. I am sorry I was never able to get bring the Ultimus to the streets, but the future is still bright for your team. I hope to be in the league for years to come, and hope that my reception here remains as strong as it ever has been. And continue to shop at my local cured meat shops too, my wife will remain in charge if I end up leaving the state. Support local!

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Thank you for reading this segment of Cured: The Journey of Tony Gabagool. Not sure if this will be the final interview with Tony or not, but we are happy he agreed to sit down with us after all these years. This has been Gony Tabatool from the Boston Globe, reporting.[/div]

*Cured: The Journey of Tony Gabagool - Tesla - 04-07-2020

Thank you for sharing this interview. I hope nothing but the best for Tony and his family.