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*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - Printable Version

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*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - SwagSloth - 04-07-2020

One of the more unique characters in the DSFL has been the Minnesota Ducks’ RB Maz-Ta “Baby” Yoda, a strange little man hailing originally from the poor nation of Dagobah. As many are aware, Yoda’s small size and strange green pigment are the result of poor healthcare received in his home country, which is described as being “95% swamp” according to Wikipedia. After moving to the United States in his teen years, Yoda discovered the sport of football and absolutely fell in love with it. In fact, it was his college teammates who first nicknamed him “Baby” due to his height and size. His introduction into the DSFL caught a lot of attention, but despite the fanfare and commotion surrounding him, Yoda remained out of the media with teammates describing him as being unusually shy. After two seasons, the Grey Ducks’ “Sultan of Smol” has finally agreed to come forward and talk about his experience so far.
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Media Reporter: This is your first interview. What inspired you to come forward and speak out after two seasons of silence?

Baby Yoda: Thank you. It is pretty scary. But coach told me to be brave. He said it will get easier if I talk more in public. Coming from another country, I sometimes pronounce words the wrong way, so I hope no one makes fun of me.

MR: That’s perfectly okay. We’re just recording this interview for the website, but it will be translated to print. The team has said you don’t have to speak on camera if you’re not comfortable with that yet.

Editor’s Note: Much like Yoda himself, his speech is fairly unique due to both his Dagobah accent and high pitched voice. Our team has worked hard to transcribe the interview as accurately as possible.

MR: Now that you’ve been in the DSFL for two seasons How have your first two seasons in the DSFL been so far?

BY: The DSFL is super fun. All the ducks are really nice. They even told me I get to be a Four Ducksman. Plus, I love ducks. They are really nice animals. Sometimes, we get to go to the park and feed them. I was worried I might have to play for a scary team like the snakes or the wolves, but I don’t want people to think I’m scary.

MR: On the field, you’ve averaged almost rushing 1200 yards and 4.8 yards per carry each season, but only 5 touchdowns. Clearly, your speed and quickness are your best asset, but you haven’t been given a lot of opportunities in the red zone. Are you worried this trend will continue because of your small size?

BY: I am small, but I try my best to run very fast. When Zack gives me the ball, I want to keep it away from the other team, so I try to be careful, too. I fumbled it once and everyone got mad at me. But I also try to still be very fast without dropping the ball. The end zone is scary, though. All the guys on the other team get together and form a wall in front of the touchdown line, which makes it hard to get past them. But Rick and Jamar are really good at it, so they’ve been trying to help teach me to be better at it, too.

MR: I assume that’s referring to Rick Skuff and Jamar Lackson. And, of course, Zack Vega. Speaking of your teammates, Minnesota won the Ultimini in S20, but surprisingly fell off the championship radar in S21. How did it feel to win the championship? And what do you feel contributed to the team’s drop in success?

BY: Winning the trophy was awesome. I even got to hold it after the game, but I had trouble picking it up over my head like the other players because it’s really heavy. The coach told us we all did a good job that season. But then this season, I guess we didn’t do a good job because we didn’t win many games. The DSFL is really hard. The other teams work hard to win the games and that means we have to work hard, too, or coach gets really mad and makes us run a lot. I guess he thinks I like to run a lot because I’m fast, but it gets hard if I run for a very long time.
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MR: Both seasons, you were part of a Running Back by Committee. Are you okay with being in this type of situation or would you prefer to have the ball to yourself?

BY: I like to share. That’s what my parents taught me growing up. Coach gives everyone a chance to run the ball, so we all get turns. That way is a lot more fun for the other players. One of the other players told me he wants to become a bell cow, but I’m okay being a duck.

MR: Well, word going around is that Arizona plans to bring you up to the NSFL this season. Do you feel you’re ready to move up to the big leagues? And how did it feel to get drafted?

BY: It sounds fun. I always wanted to play in the NSFL after I learned about football. Hopefully, I am good enough to be play there. I will just keep trying really hard to be a good player. I was excited when I got drafted. They told me the third round is really good. And I get to play with Ruff Ruff; he’s one of my favorite Running Backs. When I got drafted, they asked me if I wanted to be a duck or an outlaw last season. I told the general man that I prefer to be a duck more than an outlaw, but that’s because I like ducks more. They don’t have any ducks in the NSFL, though, so I guess being an outlaw is okay. I told them they should change the team name to the cowboys because outlaws are scary and I didn’t want to be scary. But I’ll try to be a nice outlaw, so the fans don’t have to be scared.

MR: How have your interactions with your future teammates been so far?

BY: The team is all very nice. I guess maybe they are all nice outlaws. The defense looked really mean during practice, but I only got to watch and didn’t play against them yet, so I don’t know yet. I hope they won’t be too mean to me during practice. Saba has been really nice and signed an autograph for me. And Jay Cue told me I was doing a good job in the DSFL.

MR: What are you goals for the upcoming season?

BY: I just want to be the best player I can and help the team out. Being a duck was so much fun and I want to have fun as an outlaw, too.

MR: But do you have any specific goals? Maybe Offensive Rookie or the Year? Or a championship?

BY: Maybe. I want my team to win. The NSFL trophy looks even bigger than the DSFL one, though, so they probably won’t let me hold it. And that would make me a little sad, but I’d also be happy because we won. Maybe Ruff Ruff or Saba can help me pick it up and we can take a picture together with it.

At this point, a member of the team staff walks up and informs us that they have to cut the interview short.

MR: Thank you for taking the time to speak to us today.

BY: Thank you for being nice to me. I have to go now.
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1260 Words

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - Moosecop - 04-07-2020

Can't wait to hit you in practice BY. Just don't force choke me please.

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - Opera_Phantom - 04-07-2020

Jay Cue said no such things!

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - IsaStarcrossed - 04-07-2020

We clearly need more Baby Yoda media!

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - SwagSloth - 04-08-2020

(04-07-2020, 03:51 PM)IsaStarcrossed Wrote:We clearly need more Baby Yoda media!
This is the plan!

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - moonlight - 04-08-2020

Cutest render in the league

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - BRNXB0MBERS - 04-08-2020

(04-08-2020, 07:50 PM)moonlight Wrote:Cutest render in the league

I'm still going to hit him in practice.

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - moonlight - 04-08-2020

(04-08-2020, 06:59 PM)BRNXB0MBERS Wrote:I'm still going to hit him in practice.

You also have a very cool render I must say

*First Words - the Baby Yoda Interview - BRNXB0MBERS - 04-08-2020

I know Coca-cola is cool. So is Right Guard Power Stripe. I'm "Mean".