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*All or Nothing Ep.5 Win and We're In - Printable Version

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*All or Nothing Ep.5 Win and We're In - 2Burkeulosis - 04-08-2020

Narrator: Previously on All or Nothing

Jim Nantz: Tijuana now leads 40-7.

Kevin Harlan: Quinn Hughes charges in for the sack and the safety. Royals lead 12 to nothing.

Reggie Shakesphere: I wholly expect that we will sweep the division this year! Ultimini HERE WE COME!... Fire the coaches, hire new GMs, cut all these players.

Joe Tessitore: Kick is up and he nailed it. The Royals will win this in a shocking upset.

Narrator: The London Royals are on top of the world right now. With a record of 4-6 they are gearing up to make a run for a playoff spot. Standing in their way are the Portland Pythons who currently stand at 5-5 but in the final month of the regular season anything can happen.

Royals Team Meeting

Duke of Modern: This is it gentlemen. No more mistakes, no more fuck ups. If we can win out we are guaranteed to make the playoffs. On the other hand a single loss could be the deciding factor on whether our season ends at the end of the month or not. This might not be an ideal situation for us but it’s the situation we find ourselves in. Win and we’re in people. That’s the thing I want everyone to be focusing on this month. Win and we’re in. I want that to be the first thing you say to yourselves when you wake up in the morning and I want those to be the last words out of your mouths before you go to bed at night. Win and we’re in.

Sir Deadly Player: Now our next two games are going to be against the Myrtle Beach Bucs and the Kansas City Coyotes. Now it just so happens that these two teams are currently sitting at the top of their divisions. They are obviously good teams that will be very hard for us to beat. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we will get to play these two teams on our home field. These are going to be our last home games of the year. So if the thought of winning it all isn’t enough motivation for you, if all the fame and the millions of dollars aren’t enough for you. Do it for the fans. Win for the fans.


Peyton Manning: Welcome back everyone to the DSFL. The first quarter just ended with the 14 yard rushing touchdown by J.B. Apollo. Bucs lead by 10. Can the Royals rally? What do you think Cam?

Cam Newton: Well that’s going to depend on the players. They certainly have the talent but do they have the discipline, the drive, the determination to beat this Bucs team whose eyes are firmly focused on going back to the Ultimini this year.

Narrator: The Royals begin to rally behind their team captain Acura Skyline as he marches his team down the field for a pair of touchdowns.

Susan Cash Jr.: We’re going to win this one. I can already tell man. We’re about to run away with this one.

Narrator: Susan should know by now that nothing in this league is ever that easy.

Peyton Manning: With just 20 seconds left on the clock the Bucs will try for a 54 yard field goal. Solarin lining it up. The kick is up...and it’s good. The Bucs cut the Royals lead down to 1.

Cam Newton: Both teams seem pretty evenly matched. It’s starting to look like a game of chicken. Whoever flinches first is going to lose.

Narrator: The Royals are a lot of things. Chicken is not one of them.

Peyton Manning: Ramos passes to the Tight end Evans. Caught for the first down. He gets hit hard on the tackle and the Ball is out! Quinn Hughes not only forces the fumble but recovers it and actually manages to scramble for a couple of yards!

Cam Newton: Yeah I’m still surprised that he even got the fumble. Heath Evans is a big dude with good hands. Do you have any idea how hard you have to hit him to cause a fumble?

Peyton Manning: I don’t know about you Cam but it’s hits like that that make me grateful that I’m up here and not down there.

Narrator: The Royals are only able to cash in the fumble for 3 points and not long after that.

Peyton Manning: Jack is going to throw. Intercepted. That could prove to be costly.

Cam Newton: I like the adjustments they’ve made for the second half. They’ve taken away their ability to run forcing Jack to try and beat one of the best secondaries in the entire league. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the only interception we see from Jack today.

Narrator: Newton is right about one thing. It isn’t the only interception of the day.

Peyton Manning: Chris Ramos is trying to audible but I’m not sure if the guys out on the wings heard him. He’s throwing into triple coverage. Intercepted.

Cam Newton: I think you're right there Peyton. Ramos saw something he didn’t like in the defense and tried to audible into something better but this crowd is just so loud that it creates confusion among the receivers resulting in the interception.

Peyton Manning: Well these London fans sure do love their defense and the atmosphere in this stadium has been electric.

Narrator: The Royals offense is once again unable to capitalize on their defense’s heroics. In the end the Royals give it their all but it’s not enough.

Peyton Manning: A real heart breaker for the Royals but what a victory for the Bucs those guys are going to be celebrating the entire flight home.

Royals Team Meeting

Sir Deadly Player: Ok guys obviously no one here is happy with that loss but looking at things from a big picture perspective if there was one game we had to lose. That one was the one. An out of conference opponent who was probably going to the playoffs already. We can bounce back from this. Nothing has changed Win and we’re in. Just remember that. Win and we’re in.

Royals Locker Room

Sir Deadly Player: Gentlemen before we head out today we have a special guest who would like to say a few words. (Entering the room is none other than Queen Elizabeth II of England. The 110 year old woman has been queen longer than anyone else in the room has been alive. She commands respect without saying a single word.)

Queen Elizethbeth: I just wanted to tell you boys how grateful we are to have all of you representing us tonight. It truly is remarkable seeing all of you people coming from so many different places and upbringings stand together for a common purpose. I know the road to get here hasn’t been easy for any of you, but that is the life of a trailblazer. Thanks to your hard work and effort generations of British children will have the opportunity to explore and pursue their passions for this strange and wonderful sport. Know that your names will echo in the halls of history for all of eternity. Now go out there and BURN THIS MOTHER DOWN!


Kevin Harlan: One last game in London as the Kansas City Coyotes take on the London Royals. Now Kansas is coming in off of a three game winning streak. The Royals are looking to return to their winning ways and just maybe a playoff spot.

Narrator: It’s do or die for the Royals. A win keeps their playoff hopes alive for another week. A loss all but guarantees elimination.

Kevin Harlan: Skyline gets drilled hard losing the football and Fawn Dillmiballs has given his offense excellent field position. (A few plays later) Chika Fujiwara making her case for MVP this year by using her legs to rush in for the touchdown! Coyotes draw first blood.
Duke of Modern: It’s okay no game has ever been won in the first quarter. Let’s bounce back and score here.

Kevin Harlan: 2nd and 5. Skyline takes the ball right. Oh the defense wasn’t ready for him! He’s got blockers up front! Touchdown Royals.

Tom Brady: While the credit will deservedly go to Acura Skyline for that TD that was a team effort. Everyone on offense was working in complete synchronicity.

Kevin Harlan: Godspeed jukes a defender and rushes in for the touchdown! Coyotes take back the lead!

Tom Brady: The defense is thinking pass so they’re completely unprepared for the run.

Narrator: The Royals are completely outmatched, Their playoff hopes are technically still alive but it would take a miracle now. They’ve given all they had just like every other team in the DSFL and with the exception of one team per year their best wasn’t good enough. All that remains now is to come to terms with that fact.

Kevin Harlan: Now the Coyotes don’t need to kick a field goal here but they’re going to.

Audience: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (They begin pelting the field with garbage)

Tom Brady: The crowd is not loving this and honestly I don’t blame them. Poor sportsmanship here. Completely unnecessarily.

Kevin Harlan: The kick is up and it’s good. Heh heh kind of impressive considering that I think the kicker got beaned with a tub of popcorn. Now the Royals players are coming out onto the field and I don’t think it’s to shake hands. Nope full on brawl.

Tom Brady: I get where they’re coming from but this is not good football. This is just ugly.

Kevin Harlan: This is hard to watch. We’re just going to sign off. Goodnight everyone.

Royals@Grey Ducks

Narrator: The Royals playoff hopes are technically still alive thanks to a Pythons lost to their next opponents the Minnesota Grey Ducks but for the first time in team history their fate depends on what their opponents do more than what they do. All they can do is take things one play at a time and pray for a miracle.

Derred de Ville: (In a huddle with the other players) No mistakes today. Don’t think about playoffs, or seedings, or where you're going to end up next year. Just focus on here and now. Take things one play at a time and we’ll see where we stand once the dust settles. Stand Proud on 3. 1 2 3

Everyone: Stand Proud!

Tony Romo: First play for the Grey Ducks. Snowbow fakes the handoff. Throws and It’s picked off. Cadillac Harris played that perfectly. The Grey Ducks very first play of their first drive is intercepted.

Troy Aikman: Cash going to try and return this punt. He’s been hit or miss this year but this one is looking like a hit. That’s going to be a touchdown and I don’t think anyone even touched him. Royals lead 10-0.

Narrator: The Royals have struggled on special teams all year. The punt return touchdown signals blood in the water.

Troy Aikmen: Vega tries to run and he's going to just get back to the line of scrimmage. Ball is out. Royals are saying they have it, but was Vega’s knee down? Refs are saying yes! They have it!

Tony Romo: The Grey Ducks nightmare afternoon continues Cadillac Mitchell getting in on the turnover game. Grey Ducks have had 3 turnovers in the first quarter alone.

Troy Aikmen: Samuel L. Sackson Senior gets a small amount of revenge with his first sack of the game. It’s now 3rd and 16. Jack throws to a wide open Nick Kaepercolin. Touchdown Royals, they have scored 17 unanswered points.

Sir Deadly Player: (Whispering to Kaepercolin) That’s the reason I picked you up.For that moment right there.

Troy Aikmen: 3rd and 10. Royals are… going to throw? Tony does that make any sense to you?

Tony Romo: Yes it does because the Royals have none other than Acura Skyline for a running back. 87 yard touchdown.

Narrator: It’s a statement win for the young Royals but was it enough?

Sir Deadly Player: I just want to say that I’m proud as hell of all of you. I’m so proud. You we’re all drafted into an incredibly difficult situation and not once did I ever hear any of you complain about it. You made the most of the opportunities you were given and persevered in the face of adversity. We put up one hell of a fight and for a second there our shared dream of going to the playoffs looked like it could have been a reality but that dream is going to have to remain a dream for at least another year. The Pythons secured the second playoff spot. We will not be going to the playoffs this year.

*All or Nothing Ep.5 Win and We're In - benstackinpaper - 04-08-2020