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*Barlow's 10 wait, 5 Round Mock - Printable Version

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*Barlow's 10 wait, 5 Round Mock - Thiath - 04-10-2020

Originally I had planned to do a full 10 round mock draft. After careful consideration and many hours spent nearly losing my own sanity. I’ve decided it’s best to reduce it down to 5. This mock draft exists in a world where week 13 was the last game of the season, and the expansion draft never happened. I’ll also be doing a write up for the S21 end of season survey that was released a while back, we got 200 responses and it will take a while to go through all of it. Also be on the lookout for my “Armchair GM” series that will be coming out as well.

Master Key/ Team Needs

Honolulu Hahalua: All
Sarasota Sailfish: All
San Jose Sabercats: WR, DE, CB, RB
Arizona Outlaws: DE, TE, S
Philadelphia Liberty: DT, LB, CB, DE
Chicago Butchers: QB, CB, K, DE, DT
Yellowknife Wraiths: WR, TE, DT, DE, CB, S
Austin Copperheads: RB, DT
Colorado Yeti: LB, WR, CB
Orange County Otters: RB, DT, TE
Baltimore Hawks: CB, DT, LB, TE
New Orleans Second Line: QB, WR, DT, S, DE

Round 1

1: Austin CB - Colt Mendoza

I think it’s pretty well known by now that Austin has Colt Mendoza ranked very highly. It’s no surprise to see why, user iStegosauruz has definitely made a mark on the league in the short time he’s been here. Having already secured a spot as the Dallas Birddogs Co-GM after Gucci stepped down. It’s no surprise then, his partner in crime Kyle will have put a good word in with Joe and Mooty in Austin.

2: New Orleans DT - Magnus Rikiya

What can be said about Lady Tesla that hasn’t already? It has been clear to me since my first mock draft came out that New Orleans has interest. Much like Mendoza, it’s obvious to see why they traded up to get her. (speculation of course but you cannot convince me otherwise.) Tesla provides a very unique attitude to the locker room that few people can match. I would personally be surprised if she fell past two.

3: Philadelphia LB - Stanislaw Koniecpolsk

Of all the time I spent writing this mock draft, this is by far the pick that has gone through the most changes. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this pick be something entirely different come draft night. However in this situation Philadelphia not only addresses a key need, they're also getting experience. Maj is a well known player in the sim world, and is someone who is quietly rising among big boards.

4: Arizona DT - Phat Boi

Phat Boi is someone who I’ve rated very highly over the course of the season. Though in recent weeks it has become much more difficult to predict exactly where he’d be falling. Bdlck is certainly a player that has drawn interest from every direction. Much like Tesla, the newcomer provides something that I fully believe teams will place value in over much else. His presence in the locker room, and general happy go lucky attitude will secure his spot in the top 10.

5: San Jose LB - Derred de Ville

Now, there are many people who believe this pick will be a cornerback. However, I’m not sure I’m still one of them. While it’s true San Jose is in need of help in their secondary, I think a player like de Ville is much too good to pass on. Especially if Maj is gone at 3. De Ville is another player whom I suspect has quietly been rising in war rooms around the league. He is certainly someone I believe to be a guaranteed first round pick.

6: Philadelphia CB - Tyler Oles Jr

I’ve had Tyler Oles Jr mocked to the Liberty in every mock I’ve done this season. While I’ve been told by a less than reputable source that this is unlikely. I’ve also heard from much more trustworthy sources that they are indeed intending to take Oles at some point. He falls to six because of the Stanislaw pick, though there is a scenario where he is picked at 3 and de Ville is selected here.

7: Honolulu S - Johnny Hellzapoppin

I have Hellzapoppin falling quite a ways from where I have him in other mocks. Though I still fully believe he’s a top 10 selection, I do expect him to fall as teams look to draft the best combination of need and value. Honolulu is a difficult team to draft for when ignoring the expansion draft. However, I think Raven and Adwyer will be happy to get colabear here at 7 as he will certainly be an addition to their war room.

8: Yellowknife DT - Octavio Clemente

DT is a position I fully expect to start moving off the board rather quickly. With Rikiya and Boi gone, Yellowknife looks elsewhere in a promising up and comer, Octavio Clemente. I don’t know as much about Clemente as I do the other defensive tackles taken before him. Though I’ve been informed by my sources that he is a person of interest for several teams. (HO, this is not a leek, just let me have my flair). With the position being what it is, some teams may look to draft them higher than others.

9: Colorado CB - Thubba Bumper

I’m fairly confident in Bauer ending up in Colorado. I’ve had mixed reception on this pick from my sources, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him join the Yeti. Bauer is another veteran of the league, and former Yeti. I think if anyone wants him, it’s Colorado.

10: Baltimore CB - Brandon Booker

Brandon Booker, aka Memento Mori. Is yet another player who has been rising the ranks behind the scenes. With Mendoza, Oles, and Bumper taken, there is not a shred of doubt in my mind that he will soon follow suit. However, I think there is one team in particular that could very well trade up to take him. Mori has proven his worth around the league, and his hype is certainly building.

11: New Orleans QB - Ben Slothlisberger

Now, let me be the first to say that when I eventually get around to my draft analysis pieces, this will be a B at best. That’s nothing against Sloth, or the people in NOLA’s war room. I personally just don’t see why you wouldn’t wait til the second when the demand for quarterback is very low. However it has certainly become no secret that New Orleans wants Ben. Another veteran with a wealth of experience that will certainly be an asset regardless of when he’s selected.

12: Orange County TE - Jeffrey Phillips

After the top two, this is by far the pick that I would bet money on. (Scorp this is not an invitation.) Drunkenteddy is a former otter, and another league vet that will certainly be getting attention on experience alone. From what I’ve been told, Teddy was a huge part in that early Orange County dynasty. With so little needs, the Otters could certainly be looking to ignite that fire once again.

Round 2

1: Honolulu DE - Patrik Money

Some of you may not know who Patrik Money is. That’s alright, I hadn’t seen much from him either. However, I’ve been informed that he is yet another quite riser among draft boards. Specifically for Honolulu. (Seriously HO these aren’t leeks) Defensive end is another position in this draft that a lot of teams need. Being able to have first grabs, Honolulu gets their guy in the second, but don’t be surprised if you see this name sooner.

2: Sarasota DE - Troen Egghands

You’ll begin to notice a pattern here I’m sure. Once someone takes a defensive end, a frenzy will start. Sarasota is a team that I expect will be drafting for familiarity, so whomever they pick at 14 I fully expect to be a former Buccaneer. However, the rumor mill has been turned into overdrive. There is speculation that Troen may very easily be gone before Frost can get him. I touched briefly on the trade in my last mock draft, and I think now is about the time where the Sarasota front office may be quietly panicking without a first round pick. (shouldn’t have had so many great players on Myrtle Beach Frost, lesson for next time.)

3: Arizona DE - Sandro Ryeu

I wasn’t kidding about that frenzy for defensive ends. Where exactly in the draft it starts I don’t know yet for sure, though what I do know is Arizona will be a major player. Who exactly this pick will be is difficult to predict, though it will most certainly be defensive end. Luckily for the Outlaws, they get quite a player at 15. Ryeu is a bit quieter than some in the main discord, though he has certainly put in work elsewhere. When the rush for edge begins, expect him to be a top candidate.

4: San Jose QB - Monty Jack

There is not a lot that can be said with a forced GM pick. Though there is some fun to be had when the possibility of a trade comes around. There is one candidate in particular I think may be looking to move. New Orleans is a team that isn’t afraid to take risks to get the players they want, for that reason I think there is potential they could move up.

5: Arizona DE - James Cho

They say lightning never strikes the same place twice. To those people, they must simply look to the Outlaws to be proven wrong. In this scenario they take full advantage of the forced GM pick and go back to back on a position they need desperately. I’ve begun to sound like a broken record when I say this. James Cho is another player quietly moving up draft boards, and there is serious speculation he won’t even be around by the time Arizona makes their second pick in round two.

6: Philadelphia S - Matt “Son of Havoc” Cross

Safety is a position that I don’t think anyone will be able to accurately mock for. There is simply just too much talent to know who teams have preference for. In this instance, Philly gets who some have argued is the best safety in this class. Though I don’t know enough about them personally to really comment on their character.

7: Austin RB -White Goodman

Is anyone really surprised by this? I mean if Gucci’s available here I think it’s inevitable Austin snags him right? Okay, okay let’s put this together yes? Firstly, Gucci has experience. Secondly, he’ll have an immediate chemistry with stego and Kyle. Thirdly, Austin only has one runningback, and while that runningback is damn good, they could still benefit from having more depth in the back field. Is it making sense now? Though here is one stipulation to this, they could draft some other runningback purely to spite Gucci and I would find that hilarious.

8: Yellowknife - QB Colby Jack

Another forced GM pick, one that I don’t expect to move either. Oddly enough, I don’t think I’ve seen much of Colby Jack anywhere. Well except twitter of course, he has a great twitter game.

9: Colorado LB - Fawn Dilmibals

To those of you who don’t know Fawn, or as I know him “Booger”. You truly are missing out. His meme game is unmatched and I kid you not, that increases his stock. Locker room presence will be a big factor the later into the draft we get. Booger has that and then some, I fully expect him to become a well known face of the league at some point.

10: Chicago - LB Benson Bayley Jr

Another forced GM pick, one that certainly won’t be able to move. In the short time I’ve known Bayley, I do believe he is exactly what Chicago needs. I would call it their rebuilding phase, but I think it’s more of a “rebirth” I for one, am excited to see the turnaround. (HO please I’m begging you just let me have a franchise.)

11:New Orleans S - Wesley Erikson

Lightnoir, my dear friend, you’ve finally out passed me in TPE. (though that may change this week I did exceptionally well in fantasy this year the race is on). I know I said safety is hard to predict, but I’m fairly confident Wesley is headed to the Big Easy. Nola is a team that I think knows who they want and how they can get them. If you think about it long enough, they should be pretty easy to draft for. I’ve said it a lot by now but I’ll say it some more, locker room presence means leagues more than TPE, this is what gets Lightnoir here. He’ll also be rejoining Tesla which I don’t think either party is opposed to.

12: Orange County DT - Deshun Jones

Orange County becomes much more difficult to predict after the first round. They don’t have much in terms of needs, and what they do need can be supplemented rather easily. With their second pick, they go for defensive tackle Deshun Jones. They get immediate chemistry between him and teddy, and they also prepare for the future. I do expect somewhat of a frenzy for DT’s somewhere along the line, though I’m not sure when.

Round 3

1: Honolulu WR - William Lim

These next two picks were difficult for me, as I personally rank them both much higher than the third round. I think a lot of other mocks do as well, but the one thing that has them falling is simply need. Locker room presence, as important as it is, sometimes won’t be enough in a class like this that has so many amazing players at some much more high demand positions. Though in the third after most teams have addressed their primary needs, it will become a game of preference. The expansion GM’s aren’t stupid, they’ll use their third round picks to take highly sought after players off the board. Lim is someone I expect to be getting looks from many teams, and I also expect this pick to be a potential trade candidate because of that.

2: Sarasota WR - Eddie Jeeta

Both Jeeta and Lim will be targets in the third. They both add an unmistakable presence in the locker room, and are certainly top of their class. I expect this pick to also be a potential trade candidate for any team looking for a culture change. I consider both Jeeta and Lim to be highly prioritized by several teams, despite what some have told me.

3: Baltimore LB - Lawrence Bass

The third round in my opinion will be more exciting than the first. I expect a lot of things to change. One thing that won’t change though is Baltimore’s need for linebacker. Lawrence Bass is someone who I think often gets overlooked, and someone whom I consider to be a sleeper in this draft. Linebacker, much like safety becomes quite hard to figure out after the first few. In all likelihood Bass will go much higher.

4: San Jose CB - Chester Sweets

Corner is another position I expect to fall simply based on the way this draft class presents itself. Cornerback is by far the most contested position in this draft, and it also has the most max earners with safety and linebacker following behind. After most teams address their primary needs, we could very well see a round with 8 or more picks being corner. San Jose gets to an early start in the latter half of the cornerback race, after the top selections are gone. The somewhat less known, though just as loud Chester Sweets falls comfortably to the Sabercats. I know well and good one of the critiques I will get with this mock draft is where I have corners, though my main argument is that there are simply other positions that fill both a need, and have incredible presence in the locker room. Most of these players are at positions with far less supply than corner.

5: Arizona TE - Daniel George

Arizona has a lot of flexibility in this draft; they can easily address their primary needs early. Once that’s done, they have unprecedented luxury to draft purely on their own metrics of value. Daniel George could very easily be someone they target in the third. Being one of only three teams in need of a tight end, they get incredible value here.

6: Philadelphia LB - Haha-Mango Panda

Panda is another player who I personally believe is often overlooked. Though I will admit that could be my own biases at play. However, Panda plays at a position that many teams need, some quite badly. He has everything a team could want, a high earner, great locker room presence. Call me biased all you like, I think Panda could be rising on draft boards.

7: Honolulu DT - Mo “Mamba” Magic

Now, this is a controversial pick to some of you out there. I know for a fact Mo Magic will be valued much higher than this, the thing is though, I wanted this mock draft to be more balanced than others. There will be a standout player at every position that falls further into the draft, in this case it just so happened to be Magic. Though I’m certain Raven wouldn’t complain about it for a second.

8: Yellowknife CB - Andrew Witten

Andrew Witten is another quiet riser, and yes Zamir before you even comment, that means above you. To some of you this is not a shocking statement. Witten has been pumping out all sorts of interesting material for some time now. While he is someone I don’t know personally enough to make character judgements, I’ve been told nothing but great things.

9: Colorado DT - Big “Snacks” Edd

Snacks, this is punishment for not having me in your pokemon draft. You have fallen to Colorado. Big Edd will be a good addition to any team, though you better hope you have pokecord in your locker room.

10: Baltimore LB - George “Corpse Grinder” Fisher

I think I will probably be saying this about every linebacker after the second. Fisher is another guy that I think has been somewhat overlooked by a lot of mock drafts. If I wasn’t trying so hard to keep this somewhat balanced, I’d say there’s a pretty good chance he goes somewhere earlier in the third or even the second. Though of course, I don’t want my comments to be flooded with people calling me a cornerback hater.

11: Sarasota TE - Heath Evans

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Frost wants Myrtle Beach players. As such, he’ll look to take guys he knows can be an asset. Getting evans so late in the third will certainly be something Sarasota can’t refuse.

12: Orange County RB - Acura Skyline

Orange County can now officially begin their dynasty. They’ve gotten hit after hit so far in this mock, and they get another home run here. Skyline has proven to be someone with recognition within the league. After missing out on White Goodman, the Otters are more than happy to take his rival from across the pond.

Round 4

1: Honolulu RB - Tatsu Nakamura

Seeing runningbacks begin to come off the board Honolulu moves on another promising up and comer. Tatsu Nakamura May not be as widely known as their counterparts, but that shouldn’t be held against them.

2: Sarasota QB - Jim Waters

Siddhus is this a good compromise? I know Sarasota just recently added a quarterback, but we’re living in a different world here. With quarterback being the way it is, Sarasota can safely wait and still snag an incredible player. Whether or not that’s Siddhus we’ll have to see.

3: Arizona S - Buck Thornton

Shocking isn’t it? I used to mock Thornton in the first, though recently I’ve held the philosophy that safeties will fall regardless of what they bring to the table. I haven’t seen him around as much as I’ve seen some of the other safeties, and for that reason I’ve started to think he falls further than people expect. If he happens to fall here, Arizona won’t have to worry about their secondary much for some time.

4: San Jose RB - Kichwa Jones

San Jose misses on their top runningback target in White Goodman. Instead, they take his teammate Kichwa Jones. Kichwa is a valuable asset to the Birddogs locker room and is what I would consider a steal in the fourth.

5: Arizona CB - Eldrick Avery

I haven’t seen much of Avery in the last few days. Though I do know he can be an important piece of any team. After addressing glaring issues on the defensive line, Arizona looks to rebuild their secondary in the latter half of the draft. Eldrick would certainly be a great place to start.

6: Austin DT - Nuniq Anastaseia

Defensive tackle starts to thin out, Austin looks to get what they can to fill that hole. In this scenario they snag Anastaseia. I don’t know much about them, but I have seen they are active which is always a plus.

7: Austin S - Quinn Hughes

I wasn’t kidding when I said I expect safety to fall, and Austin is certainly happy they did. Getting Hughes in the middle of the fourth might be shocking to some of you reading this. I’ve seen Quinn create quite a lot of interesting pieces on the media section, so he will certainly be getting looks.

8: Colorado WR - Thomas Passman

Another mini frenzy is taking place here, with receivers starting to have their dues paid. Thomas Passman is certainly among the upper echelon of his class. Certainly a vocal player, it will be interesting to see where he lands.

9: Yellowknife WR - Michael Witheblock

Witheblock is another promising player out of Kansas City. Much like his teammate Jeeta, he brings with him an enjoyable presence in the locker room. As receivers begin to disappear, he will certainly be highly sought after.

10: Baltimore DT - Hank Steel

Steel is another often overlooked player that I expect to shock people when his time comes. Defensive tackle is an interesting class to watch, as there are quite a lot of characters. Steel being among the lesser known group, will be looking to prove himself on draft day.

11: New Orleans LB - Spike Suzuki

I’ll say it again, New Orleans knows who they want. I’ve heard great things about spike from my friends in Norfolk so I expect he’ll be on the Second Lines’s target list.

12: Orange County LB - Jack Banks

Unfortunately for NOLA, they can’t get everyone. Fortunately for Baltimore however, they can snag whoever New Orleans doesn’t take.

Round 5

1:Honolulu CB - Ben Stackinpaper

We are now starting to see the second surge of cornerbacks. As I’ve said before with safeties, corners will be difficult to predict as teams look to fill other holes. This is another instance of a player falling due to no fault of their own. Stackinpaper is certainly a player to look out for on draft night, as I expect him to surprise people.

2: Sarasota CB - Cadillac Harris

Cadillac is certainly a character, but at some point his activity and presence among the league cannot be ignored. I have him mocked here because I believe Frost is someone who can put up with his sometimes tiresome antics.

3: Arizona WR - Susan Cash Jr

The wide receiver frenzy continues as Arizona grabs Susan Cash Jr. In any other draft class I would say Cash would easily be taken in the first two rounds. However, Arizona won’t have anything to complain about getting him here.

4: San Jose WR - Nick Kaepercolin

Kaepercolin is someone who’s flown under the radar for most. Though he came into the league later than some of his peers, he has definitely shown his dedication. Quickly pumping out media and TPE and moving up the ranks of his class.

5: Arizona RB - Richard Gilbert

Arizona goes back on offense because they have the luxury to do so. Gilbert is another guy I don’t know enough about to know what he brings to a locker room, but having an active runningback for the future certainly can’t hurt.

6: Arizona CB - Johnathan Altidor

Arizona has 3 picks in the fifth, and that makes things very difficult to mock. I can guarantee every single one of these picks will be looking to add to the locker room. I think in this scenario they’ve done exactly that.

7: Austin S - Sebastian Vettel

The safeties continue to fall into the middle rounds. Vettel is another guy that could very easily be a top candidate in any other draft class, though once again I think like all safeties he gets edged out from teams addressing other needs.

8: Philadelphia WR - William Alexander

Purely a luxury pick here for Philadelphia. William Alexander is another player that doesn’t get as much recognition as they should. The wide receiver class this year is incredibly stacked, and I don’t think Philadelphia would complain.

9: Yellowknife S - Shawn Dawkins

Shawn Dawkins is a player I’ve been watching for a while now. Though they weren’t active for a while, they’ve come back and put in quite a lot of effort in recent weeks. If that can be maintained, I expect him to be a major sleeper.

10: Baltimore TE - James Angler

Baltimore needs tight end, and after addressing their other needs, they miss out on the top 3. Though angler should not be so easily written off. He certainly has a lot to offer for any team that is willing to take him.

11: Sarasota DE - Slinky Claxon

In this scenario, the could quite possibly be the single greatest steal of the draft. During the rush to grab defensive ends, Claxon is overlooked. Sarasota rejoices as they realize the potential they have just acquired.

12 : Orange County S - Eric Barlow

I mean, I have to end up somewhere, right?

Closing Thoughts.

I have spent a lot more time on this than I’d like to admit. Though I still feel there are a lot of things I’ve left out. Word of advice, don’t get into mock drafts if you’re in anyway a perfectionist. I have revised this thing at least 20 odd times. I even considered rewriting the entire mock draft after the playoffs, but had I don’t that it never would have come out. I do apologize for promising a 10 round mock draft and only giving half of that, though I hope you will look forward to my future series “Armchair GM” and my draft analysis that will be coming out immediately following the draft. I will start with the team who I think drafted the worst, and finish with who I think drafted best. They will then receive the most coveted award. Thiath’s “King of the Big Board”. I hope the title alone is enough to get you excited because I really can’t wait to get started. One final note. Yes. I know there are obviously picks that are wrong here, but give me the suspension of disbelief for a bit yeah? Enjoy the possibilities dear reader.

(Hey gm’s is this enough to draft me yet?)

*Barlow's 10 wait, 5 Round Mock - thevoicelesscreator - 04-10-2020

Great job with this mock!! The time frame which people have to get these out and the constantly changing environment with the NSFL make these very challenging to get out! I had to do mine overnight!!

I love how you took into consideration draft pressure when another team takes a needed position! Well done!!

*Barlow's 10 wait, 5 Round Mock - Booger - 04-10-2020

Thanks for the kind words Thiath! I sure hope that I can go as high overall as you predict!

*Barlow's 10 wait, 5 Round Mock - RussDrivesTheBus - 04-10-2020

Thank you for the kind words! I've gotta say, I agree with you haha. People may be sleeping on me, but it's all good. This is a great write-up all around. Well done!

*Barlow's 10 wait, 5 Round Mock - caltroit_red_flames - 04-10-2020

(04-10-2020, 06:49 PM)Thiath Wrote:Master Key/ Team Needs

Honolulu Hahalua: All
Sarasota Sailfish: All
San Jose Sabercats: WR, DE, CB, RB
Arizona Outlaws: DE, TE, S
Philadelphia Liberty: DT, LB, CB, DE
Chicago Butchers: QB, CB, K, DE, DT
Yellowknife Wraiths: WR, TE, DT, DE, CB, S
Austin Copperheads: RB, DT
Colorado Yeti: LB, WR, CB
Orange County Otters: RB, DT, TE
Baltimore Hawks: CB, DT, LB, TE
New Orleans Second Line: QB, WR, DT, S, DE

Couldn't help but notice the lack of offensive linemen on here.

*Barlow's 10 wait, 5 Round Mock - DrChops - 04-13-2020

Thanks for the shout out! Great mock draft!