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*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - Printable Version

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*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - 4D Chess - 07-12-2017

Ask the prospect anything as he prepares for the S2 draft!

GRADED 1765 words

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - kckolbe - 07-12-2017

Wide receiver is a position with a ton of established talent and at least a couple of high draft prospects. Why are you worth a pick in the first 3 rounds?

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - ErMurazor - 07-12-2017

Pretend you're just an NSFL fan, what team do you root for?

What WR do you model your game on?

Who's the hardest hitter in the NSFL's secondaries?

What's your favorite candy?

How do you feel about getting down field and blocking in the run game?

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - 4D Chess - 07-13-2017

Pretend you're just an NSFL fan, what team do you root for?

Interesting question, well I grew up in Flint so I think a team like Yellowknife appeals to me because they kind of come from that same "blue-collar" mentality. That or the Outlaws because they're the Champs.... I'm not trying to be a bandwagoner, but I do enjoy winning.

What WR do you model your game on?
Calvin Johnson. Primarily because we're both larger targets, I want to have such sure hands and come up with those insane circus catches so many times that everyone forgets I also have enough speed to blow by someone when I need to.

Who's the hardest hitter in the NSFL's secondaries?
While he might not be technically in the secondary, Lee from Arizona is such a good tackler -- that's one thing I've picked up watching film. He can bring down a power RB or speed WR and I think that's what makes him so intimidating.

What's your favorite candy?
Probably the toughest question I'll end up getting in this process haha. I really like Snickers, but Reeses are incredible too... the only issue with Reeses is there's only 2 and I need about 11.

How do you feel about getting down field and blocking in the run game?
Definitely, especially in the early portion of my career. I understand that as a rookie who has joined so late I'm going to have to prove myself. I'm not going to be a prima donna wideout, you won't see me doing situps shirtless in my driveway, I'm going to do what's necessary to win my first Ultimus.

Wide receiver is a position with a ton of established talent and at least a couple of high draft prospects. Why are you worth a pick in the first 3 rounds?
Well first off while there's definitely a lot of talent at the wideout position I feel like it's rather top heavy, meaning that there's a few REALLY good receivers and then a string of mediocre ones. I think whatever team picks me up is getting a steal whenever they pick me, I've only been around for a few days and I'm already at 68 TPE with two articles yet to be cashed in. I think one team will take a chance on me, and they will be rewarded with the best passing threat in the NSFL.

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-13-2017

Which NSFL QB would you most want to play with? Is there one who's skills you feel align best with your strengths?

What do you feel was your best play in your college career and what do you think it shows about you as a player?

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - 4D Chess - 07-14-2017

Which NSFL QB would you most want to play with? Is there one who's skills you feel align best with your strengths?
Thank you for the questions. This may sound like a cop-out, but I really don't have a preference. At this point in my career I'm so malleable and feel like I can pick up on any arm or any system, as a red zone threat my job is to catch the pigskin where it counts -- doesn't matter who it comes against.

What do you feel was your best play in your college career and what do you think it shows about you as a player?

There's two options, first off the obvious choice would be my game winner against Penn State. That was just a moment where the whole Big House was so amped up, and despite all the nerves in that huddle I felt like that as long as the ball got thrown my way I was going to come down with it. Second would be my senior year against Michigan State, I was out injured but the coach insisted that I give the half time speech -- I thought that was a real honor and showed that he thought of me as a leader in the locker room even if I couldn't produce on the field.

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - jparks98 - 07-16-2017

What type system would you prefer a West coast or vertical one?

Last year we saw YAC being very important how would you grade your ability to get yards after catch?

Would you say you are more of chess or a checkers type of guy?

What are you expecting out of a locker room when you get drafted?

Is there any DB in particular that you can't wait to burn?

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - 4D Chess - 07-17-2017

What type system would you prefer a West coast or vertical one?
Either or is good for me, I've got the advantage of being a malleable type of player, and as I've told the interested teams I'll build my player around them.

Last year we saw YAC being very important how would you grade your ability to get yards after catch?
I think people are misled by my red zone archetype, sure my primary asset is my hands but I've also got some speed and agility, and since I'm so new you can expect it to get even better.

Would you say you are more of chess or a checkers type of guy?
Lol, the funny thing is I actually don't even know how to play chess (which is crazy to me that I've just never learned. But my girlfriend is planning on teaching it to me at some point this summer, so hopefully I pick up on it.

What are you expecting out of a locker room when you get drafted?
Locker room environment is actually quite important to me, and luckily of the three teams I see it likely that I go I really like the locker room vibe from all three. I just want a place that doesn't take itself too seriously and where the GM is there to help new players out and make sure they don't miss out on easy TPE. Add those two ingredients and a winning team and you've reached what I like to call "Sim League Nirvana" baby.

Is there any DB in particular that you can't wait to burn?
DB? No. But there's a particular linebacker I'm really looking forward to competing against and that's Kevin Cushing. He's a talented player so I'm not going to say anything about his on field play, but off-the-field I'd consider him pretty much the NSFL version of Lavar Ball. It'll be interesting to see how that strategy works out for him off the field. That's all I'd like to say about that.

@[jparks88] Thanks for the questions my man! I appreciate it.

Now somebody else ask even more questions haha

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - Bzerkap - 07-18-2017

Who is one player in the league you look up to and want to model your game after?

Are you a Nixon fan?

What's your favorite down and distance?

Will the new Mossing be called Chessing after you're done with this league?

*WR - C.A. Chess Pre-draft Press Conference - timeconsumer - 07-18-2017

Is football more like chess or poker?