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*Dookmarriot Reflects on First Step of Pro Journey - notorioustig - 04-12-2020

1558 words

After a late-blooming interest in the game of football developed into a standout career at the high school and NCAA levels of play, University of Oregon alumnus L'Carpetron Dookmarriot entered the pro ranks recently for the completion of S21. The young wide receiver was claimed off of waivers as a draftable free agent by the Myrtle Beach Buccaneers, where he would dress in four games on route to an Ultimini win last week. His statline in these four games: 1 reception for 10 yards, and zeroes across the rest of the board.

Dookmarriot knew that he was not going to be a key cog in the machine that was the Buccaneers' offense, especially in the playoffs. However, the adjustment was jarring for a player who had never been anything but the star of the show at lower levels. "I wasn't expecting to play much, so I was just trying to soak in the experience as much as possible," he said at the team's locker clean-out. "Being able to get a catch under my belt was a nice milestone. It's out of the way now, and I can hit the ground running next season."

He would go on to admit that the hardest part was switching his focus from his college season, to DSFL recruitment, and finally to the in-game atmosphere of a contending team. "These guys are warriors and anyone who knows them understands why they won," smiled Dookmarriot. "They welcomed me with open arms and taught me what it means to be a professional. I thought I worked hard before I got here, and I wasn't even close. They've taught me what it really means to devote yourself to the game, and it was a really great learning experience."

Were there any players he got particularly close to? "I would say Hingle McCringleberry and DB Jadakiss all came in at the same time as draftable free agents off of waivers, so we kind of leaned on each other a bit and formed a bit of a support network. It helped that we were all rooming together for our time in Myrtle Beach as well. The vets were all awesome, they made us feel like part of the team even though with the draft coming up, we're just as likely to be the enemy next season. There's a lot of character in the room and it just goes to show how they were able to go all the way."

When asked for his highlight of the DFA stint with the Buccaneers, Dookmarriot paused. "On a personal level, I want to say it was that first catch, just because it felt like I had done something and made a contribution. A 10-yard catch is a pretty good start overall. However, I think nothing compares to the feeling of winning the Ultimini. It really affirmed to me that I'd made the right choice pursuing a career in football. The feeling of excitement as we closed out the game and then getting to lift the trophy, it's unlike anything I've ever experienced. I'm going to be chasing that high the rest of my career, and I can only hope that I'll be able to experience it again many more times."

Dookmarriot has now settled back in his Seattle, WA home with his family, where he is working out in preparation for the DSFL draft where he will find a more permanent home. He said that he's looking forward to seeing what happens on the day. "It's a huge moment in my career and it affects the trajectory I'll be on for the rest of my life."

But does he have a preference? "I think my preference would be to stay in Myrtle Beach if it worked out that way, yeah," he admitted. "I've spent some time getting to know the people there, it's a really great locker room, and I feel like I could have success there. However, I'm happy to go anywhere. Myrtle Beach is just the place I know best, it doesn't mean that other destinations wouldn't be awesome as well. "

With regards to locker rooms, Dookmarriot has some things in mind that he's looking for in a potential destination. "Ideally, the team would have at least a couple of people I know," he said. "I knew a couple of faces in the Buccaneers' organization and that really helped me acclimatize a bit better and more quickly. I think it would be nice to have that happen if I go to a new team in the draft, as there are quite a few guys around the league I know. I think it would definitely help to be in a scenario where I have an anchor, as it's such a whirlwind going to a new team."

He'd also be looking for an upbeat group of teammates. "I really like being part of a chatty locker room where everyone is always hanging out, talking about everything. The social aspect of a locker room is huge to me and I think it would be really important to me to go to a team where that's a priority. Knowing that you're coming to work every day with guys you consider friends and brothers makes all of the punishment and hard work worth it. Every guy needs to be willing to run through a wall for a teammate or you can't succeed. That's what Myrtle Beach had and that's what I want wherever I end up."

For now though, all Dookmarriot can do is wait. "It's an anxious time for sure," he smirked. "Not knowing what's coming next is always hard, and for such a pivotal moment in my career it's really been hard not to think about it. Even when I go train specifically to focus on something that's not the draft, I can't help myself. It's on my mind every minute of every day. Part of me just wants it to be over with but the rest of me knows that I need to savour this experience and soak it all in, I'll never get to do it again and I'll always remember it fondly. I'm just excited to get going."

After a taste of professional football, and in particular the grind of the playoffs, Dookmarriot saw a lot of things he needed to work on. "The speed of the game is so much greater than in NCAA," he said, shaking his head. "You can't take a second to process everything, you've got to process while you're moving. Being able to read the play is so important and as a wide receiver, I have to know my routes better than I know my own name or else I won't get there at the right time. My plan for this summer is going to be a ton of athletic training, a lot of cardio to continue building up endurance but mostly I want to get faster. I'm pretty agile and have good straight-line speed at the moment, but to really separate myself from the pack I need to gain a step or three."

Dookmarriot is training with his former university athletic trainer over the course of the summer to achieve what he hopes will be the best fitness level of any rookie entering the DSFL. "I want to be the fastest, I want to be strong enough to fight off tackles, and most of all I need to put all of it together to be in the right place to make catches and move the ball down the field. It's all about raising my personal bar again and again, until I can achieve everything I want to achieve."

And what is it that Dookmarriot, who 4 years ago had never suited up for a game of football, wants to achieve? "Championships, mostly," he laughed. "Winning is the best feeling, I was fortunate enough to be along for the ride in the Ultimini but now I want to do it again. Then I want to win championships in the NSFL as well. Overall, winning is my goal. All I can control is my own play, so to that end I need personal goals. I want to be a top tier receiver in pro football, I think I have that potential. If I ever won any personal awards I'd be really proud, but mostly just happy since that probably means I'm contributing a lot to a very good team. There's a ton of track ahead of me in my career, and I'm excited to start working towards it."

I asked Dookmarriot if, when all is said and done, he could picture himself being in the Hall of Fame. He just laughed. "That's a bit too far, man. I'm not even in the NSFL yet. I can't even imagine things going that well, so for now I'm just going to keep taking things a day at a time and work towards being the best player I can be. With any luck, you're onto something and we can look back at this moment in 20 years."

As we look towards the draft, Dookmarriot maintains an air of calmness despite admitting to his anxiety. He is certainly an exciting prospect for the game of football, and fans will be closely watching to see if their favourite team may be the one that lands this larger than life personality.

*Dookmarriot Reflects on First Step of Pro Journey - golden_apricot - 04-12-2020

Tig stinks DND

*Dookmarriot Reflects on First Step of Pro Journey - notorioustig - 04-12-2020

(04-12-2020, 12:14 PM)golden_apricot Wrote:Tig stinks DND

These allegations are untrue and I'm now preparing a defamation lawsuit. Lawyer up, fucko

*Dookmarriot Reflects on First Step of Pro Journey - golden_apricot - 04-12-2020

(04-12-2020, 03:34 PM)notorioustig Wrote:These allegations are untrue and I'm now preparing a defamation lawsuit. Lawyer up, fucko
