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*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - Printable Version

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*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - Thiath - 04-13-2020

Ladies an gentlemen, I present to you, the comprehensive NSFL Logo Tier List. (Yes, this is what I'm doing instead of ultimus week)

[Image: ZWIok5H.png]

Let's start from the bottom and move up. In last place we have the Hawks.

[Image: zodbp8L.png]

For a team called the Hawks, you'd expect their logo to be more intimidating. I'm also fairly certain that's not even a hawk to begin with. I will however give the hawks some praise, the color scheme, is that of the Maryland state flag. While I would argue it would look better with the primary color being anything but yellow.

Next we have the Chicago Butchers

[Image: 6JL3AJ1.png]

This logo is cursed through and through. I fully expect it to soon join the likes of the Solar Bears and Marshall in purgatory. Why does the knife look like a poorly photo-shopped after thought? With it being the same gray as the shading in the hand, it looks like it awkwardly hooks around the palm. I've never been a fan of having the city name in a logo either, and it seems like Chicago didn't want that either.

The sole member of D tier, Austin.

[Image: 5GgCCpS.png]

The concept behind this logo is nice, though it falls short in execution. Austin's biggest issue is the lack of color. What colors they do use are dull, and it makes the design feel washed out. I'm also not sure what that triangle in the middle of the mouth is supposed to be, especially because it's not attached to anything.

Moving on to C tier, we start with San Jose.

[Image: tlwApMG.png]

San Jose suffers from a lot of the same color issues as the Copperheads. However, the one saving grace for the cats, the logo is more interesting. That being said, I think the "SJ" in the logo feels out of place. It could be because it's hard to read, but I think it's biggest issue is placement.

Up next, the liberty.

[Image: Au0cswX.png]

The Liberty have one of the most engaging logo's in the entire league. However, much like the two before it, color weighs it down. However, where the other two suffered from dark, the Liberty is overly bright. So much white in everything makes the logo difficult to read at times.

Rounding out C tier we have the Yeti.

[Image: T9hvTKy.png]

The Yeti's logo is fairly solid. The one things that could make it better is making the yeti itself just a tad smaller, to bring the look together.

Into the B tier now, the Orange County Otters.

[Image: EJvNraS.png]

The Otters have a logo that is everything a logo should be. Simple, easy to read, good contrast. The one thing keeping it from the higher tiers is it's just not overly interesting.

The Second Line

[Image: mSkAxKe.png]

New Orleans could be rated higher by other people. What sets it in B tier for me, having "NO LA" on either side of the fleur de lis feels unnecessary. When you have so much symbolism for the city of New Orleans, do you really need to beat me over the head with it?

A tier is starting off with the Yellowknife Wraiths.

[Image: ABEvytB.png]

What's not to like about the Wraiths logo? It's interesting, it has great contrast, it looks badass. The only think keeping it from S tier is the eyes don't look great when the logo is scaled down.

Finally in A tier, the logo I thought was best when I first joined the league. Arizona.

[Image: F99mGiV.png]

Great concept, great execution. Even after being here for nearly two months I still think this logo should be the standard. What keeps it from S tier is having "Arizona" as part of the logo itself. If it was only "Outlaws" it would be without question the best logo.

Now the highly coveted S tier, starting with the Sailfish.

[Image: ji5wlTD.png]

I'm aware of the complaints some people have with this logo, but this is my list. What I like most about the Sailfish is the color scheme. It's a breath of fresh air from all the dreary and dull color palates of other teams. It's a scheme that works really well.

Finally, what I consider the best logo in the league the Honolulu Hahalua.

[Image: we6tn4O.png]

Now this, this is a good logo. Look at this thing. It's colorful, it's interesting, it's unique. Everything they've done with this they've done incredibly well. The colors contrast nicely, there's a surprising amount of detail. I don't know who made this beautiful creature, but I hope they're doing well.

*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 04-13-2020

You are nitpicking and biased

*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - RainDelay - 04-13-2020

@Nokazoa we made it

*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - Thiath - 04-13-2020

(04-13-2020, 02:18 PM)HalfEatenOnionBagel Wrote:You are nitpicking and biased


*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 04-13-2020

(04-13-2020, 05:57 PM)Thiath Wrote::0


*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - Duilio05 - 04-13-2020

WOOO!! we're last!

*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - Aenir - 04-13-2020

(04-13-2020, 04:57 PM)Thiath Wrote::0
I request you update the list with the strongest of all logos....

[Image: jyp85AO.png]

*Comprehensive NSFL Logo Tierlist - HENDRIX 2.0 - 04-13-2020