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*Disaster in Arizona - Printable Version

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*Disaster in Arizona - StamkosFan - 04-17-2020

1.5x draft media

Sirens wail lowly, resounding through the streets. People are running everywhere, flames are engulfing the town hall. Unicorn stares in shock at the scene of destruction, not understanding. Not understanding how this had all happened. Paramedics race past him pushing a stretcher. A blood-covered man groans and begs for them to make the pain stop. The gurney is wheeled into an ambulance, the doors shut, and the ambulance whisks away.

TV crews stand in the streets, filming. The reporters don't say a word, there was no commentary needed. The scene of devastation spoke for itself. Just when it all seemed to be dying down, the local police station exploded in a giant fireball. The shockwave knocked Unicorn to the ground as thought he weighed nothing. He felt the power of the blast in his bones. He could feel it rattling his brain in his skull. The reporters spectating also were swept off their feet and stunned by the calamity.

Unicorn's ears were ringing and his head was spinning, but he forced himself to stand. In a trance, he dusted himself off. Looking around, the city that had been bustling and alive an hour ago seemed like a war zone. It looked like a bomb had gone off...well actually, it had. How many people had been injured? Should he turn Passmann in as the perpetrator? This guy was a sadistic, suspected-vampire whose idea of a spectacle was destroying the entire town, sure, but getting his Pro Bowl, top-50 prospect locked up on the first day would be very costly to his team. They would have lost a major asset and been set back in their wide receiver depth. He was supposed to be the future, and he couldn't do that from behind bars.

No, the Arizona Outlaws had to keep Passmann's secret. But it would take the city a long time to rebuild, and for the public, his team's fanbase, to recover from this tragic night. Unicorn only wished that he had realized what was happening before it was too late. That he had been able to stop Passmann. To prevent this all from taking place.

When Thomas Passmann had promised to celebrate the team's successful draft and invited everyone to attend the party he was going to throw, Unicorn had never thought he meant...this. The Outlaws drafted him 44th overall, even traded to get him, in spite of everything they had heard. Introductions had gone smoothly, without Passmann leveling a single threat against anyone on the team. Sure, he threw a menacing glare or two at his fellow prospects, but he was fairly respectful and even charming to the veterans he was meeting for the first time. Maybe this could work. Maybe the team could work together without getting taken hostage by their own vampire. Perhaps Passmann's psychotic tendencies would be directed at someone else.

Be careful what you wish for, because that last aspiration came true. Passmann was grateful enough to the team for selecting him that he created a mini-apocalypse. Well, his exact words when pitching the idea were "I'm gonna put on a show, it'll be very entertaining. The greatest party you've ever been to, with live, unfiltered entertainment. All you guys have to do is watch. C'mon, it'll be fun." The team went along with it. It seemed fine at the time, there was nothing that suggested violence. Perhaps the media had Passmann all wrong.

They did not. Unicorn stood in the ruins of his city, where the arena the football team played in was the only prominent building left standing. Tears rolled down his face as reality set in. He stared at the stars, cursing his luck, wondering how he could possibly manage this guy for seasons. He wished he could turn back time and not make this draft pick, but it was too late now. Passmann was Arizona's problem, and there was no easy way out.


Thomas Passmann appeared out of nowhere, as he had an uncanny way of doing. It was like he had materialized from the shadows. He stood walking calmly, surveying his handiwork. He waved to the cameras. A wide smile stretched across his face, and he approached the reporters.

"Hi! I'm one of your local football team's newest prospects. I just wanted to say I'm so excited to be playing for the Arizona Outlaws. I've had a wonderful first night here, and I feel like I've really gotten to know my new teammates. I can't wait to see what the rest of my time here will be like and to one day play for you!" said Passmann.

His GM, Unicorn, was watching all of this happen. He was staring in disbelief at the wide receiver, stunned by Passmann's boldness. The reporters either did not recognize him or were too busy with the smoldering aftermath of a disaster to care about some scandalous young football player they just read about, dismissing him as oblivious. Clearly too swept up in the excitement of getting drafted in the NSFL to notice his poor timing. If they only knew.

Unicorn sighed, ignoring the pounding in his head. A million Tylenol would not fix this. He tried to block it out. He staggered over to Passmann, nearly tripping over a large piece of rubble. He mustered all the strength he could gather and firmly grabbed the vampiric wide receiver by the arms, dragging him away.

"We have a lot to talk about, Thomas," said Unicorn once they were out of earshot of the cameras.

Passmann laughed, delirium dancing in his eyes. "I know what you want to talk about, you don't have to ask! I'd love to teach you how to do this yourself."

Unicorn frantically shook his head, barely resisting the urge to strangle the prospect. "This kind of behavior is unacceptable, nothing like this can ever happen again. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I was hoping you would be cooler than my last GM. I guess you can't have special treatment then." Passmann's smile faltered and was replaced by a menacing frown. "Well, tonight was fun. I'll see you at development camp. Sleep with one eye open."

Passmann darted off in the opposite direction. Unicorn spun around to see where he was going, but somehow, he had already vanished. It was impossible that he had gotten out of his sight so quickly. A lot was not adding up about this guy and the red flags were astonishing. All logic told him to deny this conclusion, but he had no other choice but to accept it. Even if it was outlandish, even if science could not explain such a strange notion. Everyone said all these things, but he had not believed them. He was a man of reason after all, he could not accept such things. And yet it was true: Thomas Passmann was a vampire, an inhuman being who fed on the suffering of others.

What would this monster do next? Only time would tell, there was no way to predict where he would strike next. But training camp seemed like a good bet for a sighting. And wherever Passmann went, chaos and destruction followed. This training camp was bound to be a disaster, and if Passmann decided he had to outdo what he did tonight, Arizona might not survive to the regular season. Literally. Perhaps it was best to cancel training camp. It was not ideal, but there was no other choice.

Unicorn had to keep his players safe at all costs, even if it meant that they could not practice together in the summer. Even if it would leave them totally unprepared for the regular season. It was final then, training camp was cancelled. After that, he had no idea what to do about this guy. Some instinct told him that this would be a long, enduring saga that would test his leadership skills in ways he never imagined. That would threaten the core of the Outlaws franchise. That might destroy everything he ever worked for.

Drafting Thomas Passmann was definitely a terrible mistake.

*Disaster in Arizona - slothfacekilla - 04-17-2020

Stammer pls

*Disaster in Arizona - Evok - 04-18-2020

interesting PT

*Disaster in Arizona - StamkosFan - 04-18-2020

aw crap I posted it in the wrong place again

*Disaster in Arizona - Kyle - 04-18-2020

How much TPE is this?

*Disaster in Arizona - StamkosFan - 04-18-2020

(04-18-2020, 12:15 AM)Kyle Wrote:How much TPE is this?

*Disaster in Arizona - caltroit_red_flames - 04-18-2020


*Disaster in Arizona - J0EB - 04-18-2020

I've never been so scared to live in Arizona. Let's hope Unicorn can somehow contain this madman or the Outlaws might be rebranding to the Vampires pretty soon.

*Disaster in Arizona - SabaDonutMan - 04-18-2020

I’ll protect us!!

*Disaster in Arizona - Memento Mori - 04-18-2020

I really hope we don't play the Outlaws at home this season