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*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - Printable Version

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*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - thevoicelesscreator - 04-18-2020

A wave of flashing lights erupt as the Mo "Mamba" Magic, the 8OA pick of the S22 NSFL Draft steps outside. Mamba is sporting a fresh Colorado Yeti's jersey underneath an unzipped Canada Goose jacket, and a snazzy team ball cap. There is another wave of flashes as Mamba approaches his new General Managers, Peter Brand, and Tom Ozzborne. He shakes both of their hands, taking time to allow the cameras to capture the moment. The three share a laugh as Mamba approaches the press podium and takes off his jacket, revealing the brand new Mo Mamba "97" jersey.

He taps the mic gently before taking a seat.
"Uhh, thanks for being here today. I've got some time before lunch with Bubba, so ask me anything."

(04-18-2020, 06:10 PM)FleshBagSoup Wrote:Do you know any magic tricks/ does magic run in the family?

Favorite flavor of ice cream?

The Magic men sure have the disappearing act down pat. Mo chuckles into the mic
Nah, but seriously, have you listened to my walkout song? I've got the Magic in me

And I love me a good orange creamsicle. Used to go to the convenient stores and mix soft serve and orange slushie. Best - combo- - ever

(04-18-2020, 06:11 PM)woelker11 Wrote:Now that you've had just a little bit of time to soak everything in, how does it feel to be a Colorado Yeti?

It's unbelievable. I'm incredibly humbled that the Yeti valued me so highly, and playing with Bubba Thumper has been a dream of mine since I started playing. It still feels like a dream if I'm honest.

Quote:[table border=\\\'0\\\' align=\\\'center\\\' width=\\\'95%\\\' cellpadding=\\\'3\\\' cellspacing=\\\'1\\\' id=\\\'QUOTE-WRAP\\\'][tr][td]QUOTE [/td][/tr][tr][td id=\\\'QUOTE\\\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]What are you most hoping to accomplish in the season ahead of you?

This season, I know the team is primed to make a big run. I'm going to be there every step of the way with them, and hopefully I can put up some good numbers while doing so. As an overall, I'm hopping to make big leaps in growth this year. Bubba has been a great mentor from the moment I got draft , and I look forwards to continually learning from him

Quote:What do you think you bring to this team that other potential draftees couldn't?

I bring the X-Factor baby! The Mamba Magic ~ the gumption, the grit, the integrity, and the intensity. The Mamba mentality if you would

Quote:If I know Bubba, lunch should be good; where y'all headed?

Some place called Carlos' Bistro. I googled it on my way here, and it looked real good.

Quote:Do you miss your old locker room and do you miss playing in the DSFL?

Do I miss the Grey Ducks? Every day! I loved my boys down there, and the coaches were fantastic. Even though I was only there for a year, they've grown to be family. Coach was one of the first people I called after Colorado picked me. I know they're going to be amazing this year

Quote:Lastly how do you rate me as a friend 1-10?

I give you a 7. Sure, we don't know each other too well yet, but I'm going to be absorbing those double teams so you can mess up the QB's day. We win together, and if that does build bonds, I don't know what does

[!--QuoteBegin-FlyinHawaiian date=1587252300]Two questions for you:

1. How have you adjusted to the new locker room? [/quote]

New locker room has been great. I obviously haven't had too many snaps with the boys, but I had a chance to talk to most of the other guys taken by the Yeti in my class. I'm looking forward to meeting the veterans like Mo Berry, and Wolfie McDummy, and really seeing how they run the locker room.

Quote:[table border=\\\'0\\\' align=\\\'center\\\' width=\\\'95%\\\' cellpadding=\\\'3\\\' cellspacing=\\\'1\\\' id=\\\'QUOTE-WRAP\\\'][tr][td]QUOTE [/td][/tr][tr][td id=\\\'QUOTE\\\'][!--QuoteEBegin--]2. What improvements do you think you need to make for this season?

I need to get faster, stronger, and smarter. Guards and tackles at the NSFL level are a different beast. Most of them can probably bench me. So I need to work on getting stronger to compete, faster to get by them, and just smarter to outwork them. My job is to get the guy carrying the ball, and if I can't get past the guy protecting him ever, I'm not doing my job

[!--QuoteBegin-Jangorhino date=1587253380]Congrats on being drafted in the first round!

Who are the 5 people you’d like to thank for your success?[/quote]

Oh god, so many people. Only five? Okay, first and foremost I want to thank God. Big guy upstairs always looking out for me. I know my Grans and Gramps are up there smiling down at me with him.

Next is my mama. Mama Magic always gave so much up to let me chase my dreams. First cheque went straight to her. And she gave it straight back. Mama was always like that. Love her.

After that is Michael. Love my bro - my homie forever. Michael took some time away from his journalism career and became my agent. Really let me focus on football while he handled the off the field work. If I have anyone to thank for going so high in the draft, it's him

Uhh, next is all my supporters over the years. All my coaches, all my mentors, and all my teammates. Y'all were all a part of the journey, and you got me here today. If I didn't call you personally already, call me! I always make times for those that showed me love.

Last is my haters. Just want to thank everyone that said I'd never make it. The ones that said I'd end up on the street, and that I wouldn't amount to anything. The ones that made me fear. It's thanks to your words that I learned to work so hard. You mean nothing to me now, and that means everything. Thankful for that.

(04-18-2020, 08:10 PM)ForSucksFake Wrote:Who is the worst franchise in the DSFL and why is it Norfolk?

Mo looks from side to side of the room nervously before holding up both his hands in the shape of zeroes

'Nuff said

Mo looks about the room one more time to check for stragglers.

Well, that looks like that's everyone. I want to thank everyone for coming out. It's been a pleasure.

Mo glances to his phone

Oh yeah. These sick jerseys are available right now. Just head over to and enter promo code MoMos for free shipping - terms and conditions apply.

There is another wave of flashes as Mo stands up. He turns and pause for a moment, allow the cameras to capture the back of his jersey, before putting his jacket back on, and walks off the stage. A stray photographer manages to capture Mo shaking hands with what appears to be Bubba, as the two walk down the hallway

Ready for grading

*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - FleshBagSoup - 04-18-2020

Do you know any magic tricks/ does magic run in the family?

Favorite flavor of ice cream?

*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - woelkers - 04-18-2020

Now that you've had just a little bit of time to soak everything in, how does it feel to be a Colorado Yeti?

What are you most hoping to accomplish in the season ahead of you?

What do you think you bring to this team that other potential draftees couldn't?

If I know Bubba, lunch should be good; where y'all headed?

*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - Ismael8907 - 04-18-2020

How do you feel being drafted by the yeti?

What other NSFL team do you think would pick you up if you didnt go to Colorado.

Do you miss your old locker room and do you miss playing in the DSFL?

Lastly how do you rate me as a friend 1-10?

*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - FlyinHawaiian - 04-18-2020

Two questions for you:

1. How have you adjusted to the new locker room?

2. What improvements do you think you need to make for this season?

*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - Jangorhino - 04-18-2020

Congrats on being drafted in the first round!

Who are the 5 people you’d like to thank for your success?

*Mo Mamba Post-Draft Presser - ForSucksFake - 04-18-2020

Who is the worst franchise in the DSFL and why is it Norfolk?