International Simulation Football League
(Re)Becoming a Media Writer II: the Interest Form - Printable Version

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(Re)Becoming a Media Writer II: the Interest Form - woelkers - 04-20-2020

Although most of the interest expressed in seeing this series revived came from the young blood of the league, I've decided (perhaps foolishly) to give it another run anyway. So, I'm going to leave this interest form here for anybody (yes, anybody) who is interested in seeing their player's story shared through media. I'm hoping to get a wide variety of players, from our freshest faces to our grizzled veterans, from quarterback to cornerback, and everything in between. I hope to see plenty of options to choose from; make it hard for me to be selective, maybe I'll consider two full rounds instead of one (against my better judgment).

(Re)Becoming a Media Writer II: the Interest Form - Jo3fish5 - 04-20-2020

I dont have an nsfl team
nor is my regression season listed

(Re)Becoming a Media Writer II: the Interest Form - infinitempg - 04-20-2020

(04-20-2020, 08:47 PM)Jo3fish5 Wrote:I dont have an nsfl team
nor is my regression season listed

I believe you are S23!

(Re)Becoming a Media Writer II: the Interest Form - woelkers - 04-20-2020

(04-21-2020, 02:47 AM)Jo3fish5 Wrote:I dont have an nsfl team
nor is my regression season listed
I assume you're S23, which means you'll be in the DSFL. I did a round of these in the DSFL a while back, and am looking to jump up into the NSFL this time around, so I'm not opening this to S23 quite yet. But, if I decide to do another round in the NSFL, it will probably be next season, at which time I'll reopen the survey for S23 players to add themselves to my list.

I'm excited that even our newest class is excited for something like this!

(Re)Becoming a Media Writer II: the Interest Form - Jay_Doctor - 04-20-2020

Pick me, choose me, love me - Meridith Grey - Mason Blaylock