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*S21 Dallas Birddogs- where are they now? - Printable Version

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*S21 Dallas Birddogs- where are they now? - yonggarius - 04-21-2020

It's been a season since the Dallas Birddogs were founded to accommodate the massive influx of S22 'reddit' rookie draft class. And now, as the S22 NSFL draft is all done and dusted, the Birddogs are sending their first class of alumni up to the big leagues after they were drafted and called up by various NSFL franchises. As one of those soon- to- be Dallas Birddogs alums, I wanted to see how every members of the first ever draft class in Dallas Birddogs franchise history did so far and where thry are now.
As this draft class was massive- especially so for the Birddogs, who accumulated a lot of draft picks to have enough depth for their inaugural season- unfortunately I won't be able to mention every member of the draft class in this article. So, I will only talk about the people who are still active, whether they joined through the draft or through the waivers. So, without further ado, let's go meet the rookie class.


Round 1, 1st overall: QB Monteray Jack
Monteray, or Monty as everyone in the team calls him, was the first ever draft choice for the Birddogs back in the draft. Throughout the season, he had been a good quarterback for the team, even though he was under a very, very bad offensive line that had him running for his life every game for the majority of the season until the team acquired a good left tackle through waivers. As a User, Rradum was, and still is, a very pleasant individual to talk to, and filled in the role of a much needed veteran advisor in a team mostly full of rookies. Monty was drafted by San Jose, a team that he currently GMs, wih the 24th overall pick in the NSFL draft, and will stay down with the Birddogs for another season as quarterbacks usually do. I'm already looking forward to see what he will do with his DSFL capped build next season.

Round 2, 16th overall: RB White Goodman
White Goodman was selected here as per the rules, because he was the player of then Birddogs GM gucci. Even though White Goodman had a great season with more than 900 rushing yards and quite a few touchdowns, I want to focus on user gucci instead of his player in here. Gucci, along with his then co- GM kyle, played a crucial part on building and maintaining this team. He scouted dilligently from the start of the scouting process, and managed to found numerous late round sleepers in the draft as a reward of his efforts. Even after the successful draft, gucci and kyle found a lot of people who were thought to be inactive to our locker room and strived to build a good locker room culture throughout the whole season, which succeeded greatly in my opinion. And even after he stepped down, making kyle the GM, gucci is still helping the team in many aspects, and he will continue to due so after his player departs to Honolulu after he was selected by the 13th overall pick by them. I really want to thank gucci for everything he did- and still doing- for the team.

Round 3, 22nd overall: LB Stanislaw Koniecpolski
Stanislaw was considered a steal pick when he was selected as he was one of the highest TPE players in the draft class. Throughout the season, Stanislaw had been a key contributor to the strond Birddogs defence, who called themselves the 'troublemakers'. Stanislaw was a great fit to that nickname, as he gathered every defensive stats from sacks to interceptions as he roamed all over the field and disrupted the opposing offence. He made the DSFL pro bowl at the end of season. As a user, majesiu is a good guy to hang out with in the locker room, and a veteran of many sim leagues who helped out confused rookies like me immensely through the first few weeks. Stanislaw will be gearing up to play for the Arizona Outlaws next season, where he was selected sixth overall in the first round.

Round 4, 26th overall: DT Deshun Jones
After he was selected in the fourth round, Deshun had been the anchoring piece for the fiersome Birddogs defensive line, padding up good stats throughout the season's progress. As a user, Jordy is a co siderate and easy going individual, whom I shared many conversations in the locker room. He was helping out another rookies even though he was one, and provided many effective and timely advises to those who needed them. He also wrote many high quality media pieces, including one of the first statistical analysis pieces done by a S22 rookie. He is also helping to scout the upcoming batch of rookies alongside the GMs. Deshun will be heading back to his home state of California to play for the Orange County Otters, who selected him with the 34th overall pick in the draft, and will begin his season a lot slimmer than before, as he is switching positions to linebacker.

Round 5, 33rd overall: TE Jeffery Phillips
Jeffrey was another major steal pick when he was selected in the 5th round despite being one of the top TPE players in the draft, undervalued because of the position he plays. Jeffrey was a key contributor in the offense, as he caught most touchdown passes in the team, despite only recording some more than 400 receiving yards. He eveolved to be a even more fearsome target in the later part of the season, as he tore through opposing defense utilizing his big size and wide receiver level speed. As a user, Drunke teddy is another veteran of the league, who put in a lot of contributions towards building a good locker room culture. He led many pleasant conversations and helped many rookies along when they were in need of some help. Jeffrey will be Joining Deshun in the Orange County Otters where he was selected 10th overall in the first round. He will be a great offensive talent with the Otters.

Round 6, 42nd overall: S Eric Barlow
After being selected by the Birddogs in the 6th round, Eric held the position as the starting safety for the team through the whole season. While his stats might not be that stellar because of him being a safety and the sim hating safeties, Eric was definitely a solid contributor for the defence this season. As a user, Thiath is someone I interacted a lot in the locker room. I always liked that he had strong opinions in many things, from mock drafts and controversial personnel moves in the NSFL to whether or not weedle is a bitch, and that he was always passionate in defending his stance. I remember many conversations I had with Thiath about those topics, and the fun time I had having those conversations. It was through those conversations that I was inspired to write mock drafts and lengthy articles based on research. On top of that, Thiath also runs a book club, a gathering I immensely enjoy. Even though he isn't visiting as frequently as he used to after having a brief hiatus a while ago, I'm sure Thiath will return and be his vigorating self soon. Eric will be headed across the country to Sarasota, where he was selected with the 62nd overall pick in the 6th round.

Round 6, 46th overall: WR William Lim
And here's me. I'd like to use this section to thank my Birddog teammates for the amazing experience they gave me. Gucci and kyle gave me a chance and drafted me, an under the radar kind of wide receiver prospect, relatively high with the 46th overall pick. Since then, them and my other teammates kept me active and engaged, and basically shaped me up to be a player and user that I am now. And along the way, I had great time in the locker rooms. So, for that, I want to thank them. And even if I will be heading up the Rocky mountains to play for the Colorado Yeti next season, the Birddogs will always hold a special place in my heart.

Round 7, 49th overall: DE James Cho
James had been a solid contributor for the fearsome Birddogs defensive line throughout the season, and got several sacks to his name along eith other stats. As a user, he is a frequent face in our lock room's pokecord channel, in which he is known as the master pokemon catcher. He diligently catches pokemons while he's there, and generously donates pokemons to other people if they seem to want one that he just caught. Away from the pokecord channel, he is a reserved and pleasant individual who always adds positivity to the locker room. James will be heading way up to Yellowknife, Canada to play for the Wraiths, who selected him with the 35th overall pick in the 3rd round.

Round 8, 58th overall: RB Kichwa Jones
Kichwa is a speedster runningback, and he played in a RBBC system with White Goodman this season, as the two backs complimented each other. Kichwa also recorded over 900 yards and has several rusbing touchdowns to his name. As a user, Howsour is an easy going individual, who maintains positive conversations with everyone in the locker room while he's there. I had a great time hanging out with him this season. Kichwa was drafted by the Austin Copperheads with the 42nd overall pick in the 4th round, but was sent down to the Birddogs to play one more season with the team. Kichwa, now at the DSFL cap of 250TPE, will be a force to be reckoned with next season.

Round 10, 74th overall: QB Haha Mango- panda
A lot of things changed for Panda this season. When he was drafted, he was a quarterback. Now, he's one of this draft class's top linebackers and a key contributor to the Birddog defense, proudly dubbed the 'troublemakers'. As a middle linebacker, Panda roamed all over the field, doing everyting from rushing the quarterback to dropping in to pass coverage. As a user, Panda is one of my favorite people in the locker room. Him and I had numerous conversations, both about NSFL and real life. He's always fun to talk to, and very helpful when I need any help. He's been helping out with scouting this season, and I can tell he's a damn good scout from what I saw alongside him. Panda will also head across the country to Sarasota, where he was drafted by the Sailfish with the 26th overall pick in the 3rd round.

Round 11, 81st overall: WR Mike Lee
Mike had been my partner in opposite side this season. Him and I complimented each other as he is more of a speedy guy, and he padded up decent stats including 2 touchdowns. As a user, youngcricket is a vocal member of the locker room, he vigorously joins in conversations in there and not hesitates to give needy people his advice as a veteran of this league. He also said that I am his favorite Korean, and even shouted me out for it in his article, so I'd like to thank him for that. At the draft, Mike had to endure a long and frustrating wait until he was drafted by thr Yellowknife Wraiths in the 8th round with the 95th overall pick. Mike will be returning to the Birddogs for the next season, and he'll be a surefire WR1 and a great asset for the team as he is approaching the DSFL TPE cap.

Round 12, 90th overall: S Hamish MacAndrew
Hamish was one of the two starting safeties for the Birddogs this season. Again his stats are not top notch because of sim seems to hate safeties for some reason, but he sure was a solid contributor for our secondary defense. As a user, Ithicahawk is a reserved but pleasant individual in the locker rooms, who usually appears in early morning U.S time. As someone who is in a time zone very differnet from U.S, I appreciated his presence in the locker rooms a lot, as his presense alleviated a lot of boardum caused by U.S. people being asleep. Hamish will be heading up north to Chicago to play for the Butchers next season, where he was drafted in the seventh round with the 78th overall pick.

Round 17, 133rd overall: TE Tristan Hex
Tristan had been the 3rd string tight end for the Birddogs offense this season. He didn't see many actions apart from catching a few passes because of his low TPE level and semi- inactivity. As a user, Hexify was unfortunately kept from this league by seceral real life causes. However, he's a very fun guy to hang out with in the locker room, and dropped by occasionally even when he was awaym I'm sure he will be back to his fun self once his irl issues are resolved and he is back. Tristan was drafted by thr Honolulu Hahalua with the 121st overall pick in the 11th round, but will stay down with the Birddogs for the next season. Hopefully he'll be able to play a more crucial role in offense nwxt season.

Round 19, 146th overall: CB Colt Mendoza
Colt had been the Birddogs CB1 for the majority of this season. He's been a solid contributor for the defence and racked up some stays including a few interceptions himself. As a user, Stego is the epitome of late bloomer. I first remember him being brought into the locker room while I was writing my DSFL draft recap article, which listed him as semi- IA at that time. Since then, he produced many super high quality articles, many of those changed paradigm of player builds and position value, with the most notable one being his research about the value of human offensive linemen, which gave him the title of 'hero of the fair rubs club'. He's also been great in the locker rooms, leading conversations about various topics. And now, he's my boss as the new Dallas Birddogs Co-GM, and it's been a real pleasure working with him in the scouting process. He's a real great guy, and I really look forward to do more things alongside him in the future. Colt jumped 146 spots in the NSFL draft and was selected 1st overall by the Austin Copperheads. He's headed back to the birddogs for one more season.

Round 19, 149th overall: S Abbas Muhammad
Abbas had been moving back and forth between cornerback and safety, but he mainly played corner towards the later part of the season. As a user, I didn't had that many interactions with him, as he was not the most active user and only dropped by once in a while. But he seemed like a good person from what I remember about the few interactions we had. Abbas was drafted by the Chicago Butchers with the 103rd overall pick in the 9th round, and will return to the Birddogs for this upcoming season. He'll be a cornerstone for he Birddogs secondary defence.

Round 20, 154th overall: RB Aaron Feels
Aaron was the third runningback in the Birddogs RBBC this season. He didn't get flashy stats like the other two, with only some more than 400 rushing yards and a couple rushing touchdowns to his name. As a user, soupman isn't the most active guy, and dropped in casually from time to time. But I can tell that he is a very mature and pleasant person from my interactions with him. Aaron was drafted by the Sarasota Sailfish with the 98th overall pick, but will return back to the Birddogs for the next season. He will be facing a much larger role as RB2 to Kichwa Jones.

Round 20, 155th overall: DT Big Edd
I daresay that Edd was the biggest steal in the S21 DSFL draft. After being selected in the 20th round, Edd produced elite class stats through the whole season, being a key contributor in the 'troublemaker' defence, and made the pro bowl at the end of the season. As a user, Edd is one of my favorite guys. He's always there in the locker room, joking around. And he's super fun. Well, except for that one time that he gave all of us a real scare and demanded a trade. I got fooled by that so hard that I even wrote an article describing his possible trade destinations. Apart from that one mishap, he's been a great guy to hang out with. He's fun, easy to talk to, and I noticed him helping out S23 rookies in our guest chat section. Edd will be donning orange instead of familiar gold and blue next season, as he will be playing for the Orange County Otters after being selected 22nd overall in the second round.

Round 21, 161st overall: TE Zee Rechs
Zee was our second tight end this season. He didn't saw a lot of action as Jeffery Phillips took the lion's share of the snaps, but he managed to catch 2 touchdown passes this season. As a user, ZootTX is again not the most active guy who occasionally shows up in the locker room. Unfortunately I didn't had any dorect interactions with him, but I think he's a good guy from what I observed. Zee was selected by the Yellowknife Wraiths with the 107th overall pick in the 9th round, and will return to the Birddogs for another season. He's the TE1 in the roster now.

<Waiver claims>

LB Benson Bayley Jr
Bayley Joined us shortly after the draft and he made instant impact. He was a crucial part of Birddogs defence and racked up elite numbers and got nominated to the linebacker of the year award. As a user, I liked bayley from the start. He was a fun guy who always hanged out in the locker room, and he helped me out with several things I was struggling with right after he joined. I remember many pleasant conversations I had with him about happenings around the league, and was really happy that he got the Chicago GM job along with Muford. It seems like they've done a great job turning Chicago and their reputation around, as they had a good draft only with the limited resources they had. I trust that bayley and Muford will make Chicago good again. Benson Bayley Jr was drafted by the Chicago Butchers with the 21st overall pick, as a automatic GM pick.

*S21 Dallas Birddogs- where are they now? - Kyle - 04-21-2020

Lim you're an amazing teammate and the Birddogs love you!

*S21 Dallas Birddogs- where are they now? - gucci - 04-21-2020

This was a great read. Thanks for the kind words. I know all of you Dallas teammates appreciate them too. Can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds for the inaugural Dallas Birddogs draftees.

*S21 Dallas Birddogs- where are they now? - Rradum - 04-21-2020

Thanks for the kind words man! And awesome article!