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Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Printable Version

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Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Kcobb9 - 07-14-2017

With the off-season comes shit posts, and today I'd like to make a BuzzFeed-esque list of the top team name and logo combinations in the NSFL. This list is just to fill the off-season void, and I'd like to say that even if I don't like your team name, I'll happily play for you. That's unlike some other rookies here for whatever reason.

#8: Yellowknife Wraiths YKW

Where do I even begin with this monstrosity? I guess we can start with their city, Yellowknife. I'm not even gonna get into what a logistical nightmare it is having a pro football team in northwestern Canada when most teams are in the US southwest, but we'll just focus on the name itself. Yellowknife is known for diamond mining, yet somehow we get stuck with a melee weapon in an ugly color. Named for the natives of the of the area who settled on the Yellowknife River, near it's outlet into Great Slave Lake. I guess this isn't that bad considering the city is just named for it's location, but still quite unfortunate. Next onto the "wraiths" part of the name. A wraith is a Scottish word for ghost or spirit, but here we are, stuck with a skull logo. Skulls are not cool, what are we 12? And wraith? Someone must've played too much Halo. This name and logo combination is like the brainchild of /r/THE_PACK and the kid I went to high school with named Jarrett.

#7: Philidelphia Liberty PHI

Now that I'm done nitpicking Yellowknife, we can get into the other 7. I feel bad for Philadelphia, this isn't even an inherently bad name. The liberty portion goes well with Philadelphia because of the liberty bell of course, which gets reflected in their logo. I think the logo is good, but some have made jokes about it looking like Taco Bell. Here it is at #7 though, because liberty just isn't a football team name. It's not aggressive enough, I mean they share a name with a WNBA team. Not a horrible name, but I just couldn't force myself to put it higher.

#6: Baltimore Hawks BAL

Next up are the Baltimore Ravens... Wait. The Baltimore Orioles. Shit. The Baltimore Hawks end up 6th on this because of their lack of originality. Just like their cross town and cross sport counter parts (Joe Flacco is Elite), they're named after a bird. To be fair, someone probably likes all the teams named for birds. I guess if you're gonna name your team after a flying creature, Hawks are a good choice. The Hawks do have a good logo though, regardless of the fact it looks a lot like the Philadelphia eagles.

#5: Las Vegas Legion LVL

Now we move on to what the Las Vegas Golden Knights should've been called. The NSFL's expansion to Las Vegas has had a lot better luck in the naming department compared to the NHL's franchise in Paradise, Nevada. Again though, we have another case of unoriginality. What's with Las Vegas and old time warriors, especially Spartans? Another almost stolen logo here too, but a profile view of the mask, as opposed to the front. The only reason this ends up 5th is because alliteration is cool.

#4: Colorado Yeti COL

On to the Colorado Yeti. I really like this team name actually, but again it ends up 4th because of even better named teams. Not much to say about this one. Yeti is a great name for a team located in a snowy mountainous location. Who ever named this franchise did a very good job. Plus that logo looks menacing, great work all around here.

#3: Orange County Otters OCO

A few days ago @Jbearly documented the story of how the Otters got their name. It's a great back story and part of the reason I made this list. I think it fits the franchise well because of the Sea Otters prevalence on the California coast, and like I said before, you just can't go wrong with that alliteration. Like their cross town counterparts, the Anaheim ducks, orange is the main color of the team because of their residence in the aptly named Orange county. To go along with that, the logo is about as menacing as you can make an otter look. Another great name and logo combination that would easily be ranked higher against many other teams.

#2: San Jose SaberCats SJS

Let's preface this one by saying I'd probably put this #1 if it wasn't for the unoriginality, because I know I harped on it before. I'm an arena football fan, and this name is just too bad ass. To begin with, we have that alliteration I love. San Jose is the best sounding name in the Bay area, so that's nice. Now onto their real name, SaberCats is just too cool. They're not any other type of cat like a weak little lion or tiger. They aren't just the swords like in Buffalo. They're SaberCats, both put together. You're probably saying "they're just sabretooth tigers" and you'd be right, if not for the fact that sabers are swords, and the cats are spelled sabre. These are sword and animal hybrids, that's awesome. Oh yeah, the logo is nice too. This combo is great, but not enough to be first on its own merit, sadly.

#1: Arizona Outlaws ARI

Arizona doesn't do any one thing particularly well, but all the goodness put together here makes it the best. The logo is cool, and what you'd expect for a sports team. Outlaw's is a good namesake because outlaws are real people you probably wouldn't want to mess with in 1903. And what better place for outlaws to be, than in Arizona, just like in the old westerns? John Wayne would cheer for this team, and he's a badass. Whatever he supports has to be as well. Arizona Outlaws just rolls off the tongue. I just can't stop saying it because it's so perfect. Couple the name with the logo, and you've made yourself a franchise that could go in the hall of fame based on their branding alone.

So thanks for reading my somewhat awkwardly worded article, and my first foray into the real media. I know we've all got busy schedules, so my crap on your screen means a lot.


Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 07-14-2017

This was the offseason shitpost we deserve, fantastic stuff

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Bzerkap - 07-14-2017

Offseason shitposting has finally reached the NSFL. I love it. Ain't even mad about Yellowknife at 8. High quality

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Oles - 07-14-2017

As a baltimorean this is an outrage that the hawks are 6. The bird names are great! Good call on Joe flacco being elite though

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - AsylumParty - 07-14-2017

Flacco is elite! :cheers:

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - RavensFanFromOntario - 07-14-2017

Had the logo made by @enigmatic you're looking for ties to Las Vegas and Legion but Sabercats clearly belong in San Jose? Also Otters are 3? It's a god damn gerbil.

Also just to clarify to everybody now, Las Vegas is home to the most Legions for the Army, the Veteran's associations for those who fought in the army.

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Admin - 07-14-2017

TIL top 15 means "elite"

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Bwestfield - 07-14-2017

(07-14-2017, 06:51 PM)RavensFanFromOntario Wrote:Had the logo made by @enigmatic you're looking for ties to Las Vegas and Legion but Sabercats clearly belong in San Jose? Also Otters are 3? It's a god damn gerbil.

Also just to clarify to everybody now, Las Vegas is home to the most Legions for the Army, the Veteran's associations for those who fought in the army.

Go Gerbils!!!! OCO

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Kcobb9 - 07-14-2017

(07-14-2017, 10:51 PM)RavensFanFromOntario Wrote:Had the logo made by @enigmatic you're looking for ties to Las Vegas and Legion but Sabercats clearly belong in San Jose? Also Otters are 3? It's a god damn gerbil.

Also just to clarify to everybody now, Las Vegas is home to the most Legions for the Army, the Veteran's associations for those who fought in the army.

I never said sabercats belong in San Jose, and I never said the legion didn't belong in Las Vegas. I was just wondering why Las Vegas always has army names.

Ranking the Team Names and Logos in the NSFL - Valtookan - 07-14-2017

(07-14-2017, 05:59 PM)Ballerstorm Wrote:TIL top 15 means "elite"

