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*Outcome of 1OA DSFL Draft picks - Printable Version

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*Outcome of 1OA DSFL Draft picks - DarknessRising - 04-28-2020

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hello again, another analysis brought to you by the darkness that rises to consume us all, or for those optimist out there, the brightness that will eventually make way to darkness…yeah I know, it’s a failed joke. With a bad introduction out of the way, time to move onto the actual article at hand and that is looking at how predominately how the Number One pick in the DSFL faired in the NSFL Draft. I thought this would be interesting for many reasons, personally it will inform me on some of the league’s history, objectively we can see how draft position changed quite a lot between the DSFL and NSFL drafts for a player. Thirdly, it also serve to demonstrate to people why not to be so caught up in their draft position in the DSFL and that the NSFL draft is an entirely different beast. Lastly, I thought I would also tack on to the end a sort of prediction or average as to where the current DSFL 1OA pick, Greedy Sly, could see himself going if he does slide down. Hint: History is not on his side of being 1OA in the NSFL draft. [/div]

So with the description of what is being down, lets move onto the data. The table below is what will be used for pretty much majority of the analysis. Using the Forum pages, I simply went to the draft archives and wrote out who was drafted first in the NSFL and then what they were drafted in the DSFL.

[Image: blFB8Qc.png]

As you can see above, I have listed the number one pick in every DSFL draft as recent as S22 all the way back to S3 which was the original DSFL draft. This corresponds to the S23 NSFL draft, which has not happened yet, all the way to S4. This covers 20 seasons of the league’s history. The only other potential draft could have been using the S2 prospect bowl list, but considering it wasn’t an actual draft, I left it out for consistency sake. However if it was to be considered, it would in fact be Kicker/Punter Iyah Blewitt being the 1OA. There is the name of every player, as well as their position to see which positions have been first pick in the DSFL and which has seen the most. The last two columns list their NSFL draft and the difference between their draft, either 0 if they remained number 1 or whatever their NSFL pick number was minus one.

The first simple bit of data this table gives us and that I looked at, is the amount of players who converted their 1OA pick in the DSFL into the 1OA pick in the NSFL. Out of the 19 seasons where both drafts have already taken place, sorry Mr Sly your draft will come, there is 5 players who have achieved this feat. The first coming in S4 of the NSFL, Noah Goodman with the latest being in Bjorn Ironside in the S18 NSFL Draft. S18 and Ironside along side S17 number 1OA Ashley Owens is the only example have it happening back-to-back. If Sly does not go at 1OA in the NSFL draft, it will become tied with the record of most seasons between this feat at happening, reaching five and if the S24 NSFL draft doesn’t take the S23 DSFL 1OA, it will become the longest stretch in league history.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]On the flip side, the single biggest difference, or slide, between being the 1OA in the DSFL draft and draft position in the NSFL draft unfortunately belongs to Cal Lidious from the S21 NSFL draft. He slid down to picked at 53OA, a 52-spot drop from the top. However, there is one more interesting case that might actually be considered worse to most people, it is to me. Jamal Slick of the NSFL S11 draft was picked at 40OA, which sounds as though he narrowly beat out Cal and Josh Allen to not hold the record. The problems for Jamal is, there was only 40 people listed as being drafted that season, making him the apparent last pick of the draft. With this in mind, I would declare Jamal Slick has having the biggest fall from grace, going from number 1 to last place.[/div]

Moving on to the position side of things, we can see just how many times, if any, a certain position was taken as the number 1 OA in the DSFL draft. As could be expected, OL has not received a number 1 pick ever in DSFL history, but hopefully with the gaining momentum of fair rubs, that could just change one day and make history. Kicker/Punter as well expectedly doesn’t have a 1OA pick, but if we included the S2 Prospect Bowl draft, it would then have one in Blewitt. Only two other positions have not been on top of the DSFL draft board, being Defensive End and Safety. I found this surprising, especially Safety after my draft analysis of the S22 DSFL top picks, due to Safety being one of, if not the highest priority position and Defensive end as well since there is a higher demand on defence. Furthermore, even though it seems modern times for the league has been all about the defence, 13 out of the 20 1OA picks in the DSFL have been on the offensive side of the ball. The position with the most 1OA picks, with 6, is Quarterbacks. Linebackers come in second with 5 picks, thus meaning Quarterbacks and Linebackers account for 55% of 1OA in league history. They are then followed by Wide Receivers and Running Backs on 3 each and the remaining positions, Tight End, Defensive Tackle and Cornerback having only 1 each. This can be shown visually in the pie chart below.

[Image: kknpY3U.png]

The last thing I wanted to do with this information was get an idea as to where we may say Greedy Sly go in the S23 NSFL draft. Using the 19 other player’s draft position in the NSFL, it averages out to be pick 15, a early 2nd round pick. This seems a little low, due to only 6 players prior to have been drafted after this point, less than 1/3. With picks as low as 48 and 53, more than 3 times the average, these outliers make the average further down the pick order than the data may suggest. If we take these two out of the equation and only come to an average with the remaining 17, it comes to 9.1, so either pick 9 or 10 overall. This would move Sly into the late first round, a very good accomplishment and something to be proud of, though I would assume Sly would love to only the 6th person to be number 1OA in both the DSFL and NSFL draft.

This concludes yet another draft analysis, which by now I hope you have realised just how much I love and am interested in drafts. With a bit more findings in this analysis than the previous on on the S22 DSFL draft, the main take away from this study can really only be used the most by Mr Greedy Sly. All in all, its interesting to see the diversity between where players ended up, from remaining first to the unenviable last place complete fall from grace, as well as the breakdown of all the different positions making it to the 1OA spot in the DSFL, particularly the 65% of them being offensive players.

*Outcome of 1OA DSFL Draft picks - DarknessRising - 04-28-2020

Thanks to Jay_Doctor for bring this to my attnetion:

I have somehow manage to mistakenly label Greedy Sly as Linebacker instead of a SAFETY.

So what this means for the data:
- Safety has had its FIRST 1OA pick in the DSFL due to Sly
- Linebackers now have only 4 1OA picks in the dsfl
- Quarterbacks and Linebackers combined have 10/20

I apologise about this mistake

*Outcome of 1OA DSFL Draft picks - Tylus - 04-28-2020

I WISH I could make content as good as yours dark. Inspiring and well done.

*Outcome of 1OA DSFL Draft picks - Sylphreni - 04-28-2020

Don't stress about having me listed at LB, sometimes Greedy puts on a bit of weight... Easy mistake to make. Big Grin What a great piece, and a really interesting look into the history of the 1oa pick.

I'd be curious to see how many of these picks were GMs in the NSFL at the time they were selected, as that would drive their NSFL pick value down quite a bit as they can be picked freely in the second. Would be interesting to see that data as well.

Fantastic piece of media, look forward to more in the future!