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*NOLA @ SAR Highlights - Tesla - 05-12-2020

Agent Tesla: Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you dear viewer! I am here today with my client Magnus Rikiya to go over some of the highlights of the New Orleans Second Line's game against the Sarasota Sailfish from week six and also just to talk some about the game in general. We will see what all we want to do after getting through the highlights. Now I know you were especially excited about this first highlight so I will leave it to you to explain it for our viewers.

Magnus Rikiya: Thank you very much. Third and three after two successful runs by Frost, ball is set on the Sarasota twenty-two yard line, and Vega drops back to pass. Sarasota keeps in an extra blocker to account for our linebackers, but it does not matter as none of them see the nickel blitz coming. Andrew Witten flies in for the six yard sack that finalized a three and out. Excellent job by Witten there to get the ball back for the offense so early in the game.

Agent Tesla: Outstanding job by Witten I can definitely agree with that. Credit to the Sarasota punter Espinosa for being able to correct some of that field disadvantage though with a forty-four yard punt that was not returned.

Magnus Rikiya: Got to respect solid special teams play and that was definitely a good job on their part.

Agent Tesla: Absolutely! Now this next play is one that still does not make much sense to me from a decision making standpoint, but I am an agent not a coach so I will leave them to their devices. Just about six minutes into the first quarter, second and six after a good run by Forrest Gump, and the New Orleans Second Line go with a two tight end max protect play. This gives Stan just two targets to choose from, but as one was double covered it only really left the play with one option. Andrews read it as soon as the play was called and picked it off without even giving the receiver a chance at it. Even managed to get a nine yard return before a member of the offense was able to put a stop to it.

Magnus Rikiya: I love our tight ends and so I respect us using the two tight end formation, but a max protect on second and six makes no sense to me either. Just like you said they were able to rush eight and still double cover one of our receivers. Not the most impressive read by Andrews, but an outstanding job getting the ball before the receiver could and getting a return on it. Just hate to see it happen to my team.

Agent Tesla: Fair points on all counts. The very next play was also highlight worthy as Vega dropped back into a collapsing pocket, but got the ball out before the rusher could get home. He got the ball out to a covered Banks II who managed to catch it anyway and also managed to drag the defender along for a twenty yard gain before the defense could get the stop. We always highlight offensive players dragging defenders and this was a great job by Banks II to capitalize on a takeaway by the defense.

Magnus Rikiya: Good job by Banks II; also great job by Vega to get the ball out with one of our pass rushers in his face. That is tough to do. They got the touchdown there, but our first play on the next drive about halfway into the first quarter was also a highlight. Ordinary run up the gut out of a two tight end set that would lead to a total of a sixteen yard gain for Gump. Broke out of two tackles to get to the second level before dodging three would be tackles to get an edge for another several yards. Just outstanding work by Gump there!

Agent Tesla: Incredibly strong agree there Magnus! Also a solid job by his blockers, but this was most definitely the Forrest Gump show on this play.

Magnus Rikiya: The Forrest Gump show. I like it!

Agent Tesla: That drive unfortunately ended in a punt, but it was just about perfect for a punt. Prohaska fielded the snap clean and got off a forty-four yard punt in the corner that pinned the Sailfish at the three yard line.

Magnus Rikiya: Phenomenal punt by Prohaska there and you love to see that level of special teams play. I am just sorry that we wasted it the next play.

Agent Tesla: Yes; this next play is one that I hate to highlight, but have to in all fairness to the Sailfish. First and ten from the Sarasota three yard line and Vega takes the snap in his own end zone. The offensive line gets a ton of credit here as they held together more than long enough for Vega to take his time and find Blaze had gotten free past the defense. Blaze then proceeded to outrun the defense for a twenty-nine yard gain before the defense finally caught them. Completely negated the benefits of that potent punt and brought the field position game back into their favor.

Magnus Rikiya: This was a hundred percent on the offensive line successfully holding their blocks. Just a great job by them as much as I hate to admit it. The next play we were able to get past them, but unfortunately our free rusher flew past the quarterback without bringing them down.

Agent Tesla: Always want to keep your target in front of you.

Magnus Rikiya: That is for sure. Luckily our extra rusher on the next play was Ugarth and Ugarth has been outstanding at making the play when given the opportunity. A superb six yard sack that gave us a chance to get off the field.

Agent Tesla: Ugarth has been unbelievable in every game. Here he did indeed bail the defense out as even after giving up a seven yard pass on third down it was one shy of the first down. While Espinosa powered the punt downfield it was unfortunately a bit too much as it led to a touchback for the Second Line.

Magnus Rikiya: Overall a good series for the defense, but a great job by the punt team to make sure the Sailfish did not get to stop the punt short of the end zone. Just a really exciting start to the game I would say.

Agent Tesla: Especially as we have another highlight that came with just about a minute left in the first quarter. First and ten on the New Orleans twenty yard line has Stan Francisco drop back into what should be a clean pocket with six players back to block. The Sailfish send seven though and Fabricio Baldari made the Second Line pay for forgetting about them. Unblocked off the edge for a fast ten yard sack that shows they know how to rush the passer.

Magnus Rikiya: Not that hard to get the sack unblocked off the edge, but credit to Baldari for bringing Stan down regardless. Luckily just two players later we opened the second quarter with a terrific play on third and eight from the New Orleans twenty-two yard line. Stan drops back into an ultra clean pocket and finds Gump uncovered outside the numbers. Gump made it about fifteen yards before defenders connected with him, and he dragged them a few yards forward for a total of a twenty-one yard gain before going down. Gump is great!

Agent Tesla: Undeniably great! Now there is no individual play on this drive that I could point to as being outstanding for any one of them, but the offensive line as a whole deserves credit for this drive. Sure there was a sack surrendered on the first play of the drive, however it was an unaccounted for rusher and they did not allow so much as an ounce of pressure to get to their quarterback after that blitz. Also provided good blocks for the running backs to make their plays. Outside of a drop; every play after the sack was a successful one, and most went for seven or more yards too.

Magnus Rikiya: When you can win at the line of scrimmage you tend to win. That is what we did here to get a touchdown. Thanks to Gump though as well for bailing us out after that sack.

Agent Tesla: Thank you Gump! This next highlight came about four minutes into the second quarter, third and ten on the Sarasota seventeen yard line, and Vega drops back to pass. The line did a good job here picking up the pressure long enough for Banks II to get open for a reception and then Banks II managed to outrun the defender for a total of thirty-three yards before they got brought down. Impressive play by the offense, but especially doing such a good job on third down deserves recognition.

Magnus Rikiya: Good job by Banks II here, but great job by the offensive line buying time for their quarterback. You always want to get the offense into third and long situations so for them to bail themselves out of that like this is an outstanding play for them overall.

Agent Tesla: I can agree with that. Now this next play was an outstanding one for the New Orleans Second Line that came with just about five minutes left in the first half. After that long play by Banks II the Sailfish were able to march down the field all the way to the one yard line thanks in large part to reliable running by Frost. Second and goal from the one yard line saw Vega get pressured before throwing to what they believed was an open receiver. They did not see Rector behind the receiver and their burst allowed them to pick the ball clean for a fourteen yard interception. An amazing job by Rector there!

Magnus Rikiya: I could not agree more. After allowing them to get all the way down to the one yard line to be able to deny them the touchdown there is an absolutely fantastic play by Rector. Thank you Rector for saving us there!

Agent Tesla: Yes! Thank you Rector!

Magnus Rikiya: The next highlight is another outstanding job by a single member of a defense, but unfortunately for New Orleans this was the Sarasota Sailfish making things difficult with about three minutes left in the first half. Second and four on the Sarasota forty-nine yard line saw Stan Francisco drop back to pass. Sarasota goes with a no safety blitz that leaves their defensive tackle Freezer Riposte one on one with the guard who they are able to bypass to get to Stan Francisco for the six yard sack. The first negative play of the drive and one that stopped what would otherwise be a probable touchdown drive. Just a great job by Riposte there to help throw off the drive.

Agent Tesla: Definitely agree that they caused the drive to stall out and they did it almost by themself. Good job by them there, but especially as a defensive tackle.

Magnus Rikiya: Much harder to make waves as a tackle. The fact they did such a good job here is deserving of recognition.

Agent Tesla: Indeed! Now this next highlight comes just after the two minute warning, and I have to say I think it was just an honest mistake by the offense. Sarasota has it second and seven on their own twenty-five yard line when Vega drops back to pass. Gets lightly pressured by the defensive front, but throws it to a player clearly covered by Rector who had just picked them off just a couple of minutes prior. Rector had already jumped the route and once they got the ball they made their way to the end zone only to be tackled just a single yard short of it by the offense.

Magnus Rikiya: Rector wanted to give us more secondary plays to highlight and did an outstanding job of that here. Two interceptions in three minutes, one that saved a touchdown, and one that would lead to a one yard touchdown run by Marcella. Basically took seven off the board for them and put seven up for us over the course of those two plays. Could not say enough good things about Rector here honestly. This is the ideal level of play for a member of any secondary.

Agent Tesla: Speaking as a big fan of strong secondary play I have to absolutely agree. Interceptions are the stat that reigns supreme and to get two in one game is good, but two in one quarter is just ridiculous.

Magnus Rikiya: Strong agree. Now this is not exactly a highlight, but I have to highlight here the gutsy play call by the Sarasota Sailfish on the first drive of the third quarter. Just two minutes into the second half and they go for it on fourth and one with the ball at their own thirty-three yard line. We have discussed our grievances with conservative play calling before, however I have to say this feels like taking it too far in the other direction.

Agent Tesla: I respect the guts required to make that call, however I am inclined to agree that it may have been a bit too much. A fourth down play like that would normally be a run given how well they had run in the first half, but unfortunately for them their first two runs of the second half went for a combined negative one yard thanks to you and Dorfus. If it were me I would have still kept it on the ground, or gone with a trick play as you know how much I love my trick plays. That said I will stand by the fact that I respect them going for the gamble. You have to take what you can get when you play against a dominant defense like New Orleans and I respect them betting on themselves there.

Magnus Rikiya: When you put it like that it makes more sense. They could have played it safer definitely, but they went for the potential big payoff and got burned for it. After what you said though I agree; respect to them for going for the win. Also to be fair it did not hurt them too much as we had to settle for a field goal thanks to solid defensive play by the Sailfish during our drive.

Agent Tesla: That is also true and perhaps their defense is a reason why they were willing to make that gamble. Now this next highlight might feel fairly familiar as we essentially covered it just a little while ago, however it somehow happened again! Sarasota was able to march down field yet again although without any distinct highlight worthy plays. Third and goal from the one yard line and Vega drops back into a clean pocket to find their target. Goes to Rector's side once again only to have Rector jump the play and get the ball for a third time! Now credit here to the receiver for managing to get a hold of Rector to prevent any kind of return, but huge credit to Rector for being able to pull off the exact same play twice in one game.

Magnus Rikiya: Maybe we shouldn't try and ban ninjas given we apparently have one playing for New Orleans. Jumped the ball three times in one game. Love it!

Agent Tesla: Too true! Now the play was a phenomenal job by Rector saving the touchdown again, although it did leave New Orleans in a poor spot in terms of field position that made it easy for Sarasota to get a three and out. So Sarasota got the ball back and even got a first down before our next highlight came up about eleven minutes into the second half. Second and ten on the New Orleans thirty-nine yard line and Vega drops back to pass. Sarasota attempts to chip defensive tackle Magnus Rikiya who plays along with it before flying in behind the now double teamed Ben Tu’inukuafe to connect with Vega for the seven yard sack that took the Sailfish out of field goal range.

Magnus Rikiya: They thought that I had been successfully taken out of the play by a quick block and so I had to prove them wrong. Ben Tu’inukuafe and Bjørn Ironside both drew doubles on this play which meant once I rolled off the offensive line there were no line players left to stop me from getting the sack. Also want to shout out Ugarth for breaking up the pass on the next play to force Sarasota to punt.

Agent Tesla: Yes credit to Ugarth for that, however I would like to highlight first that although there were no offensive line players left to stop you that you did have to fight through two running backs to get that sack. Great job by the defense here forcing a punt that would lead to a touchback that gave New Orleans ground in the field position game.

Magnus Rikiya: This might be arrogant of me to say but I do not trust a running back to block a tackle. No shame in it for them to fail there. Being able to get that field position back for the offense was huge here and I am so glad to have been a part of it.

Agent Tesla: Fair enough. This next highlight is one of my favorite offensive plays by the Second Line this game and so I hope to do it justice. First and ten on their forty-one yard line with about two minutes left in the third; Stan Francisco drops back to pass out of the I-formation only everyone is covered. Well everyone should be covered, but Rainier Wolfcastle manages to get the jump ball despite being triple covered. Rainier even manages to take it on the run for a nineteen yard gain before the defenders manage to bring them down.

Magnus Rikiya: That is the exact kind of play that you want to see from a tight end. Just one of the best security blankets you can ask for as a quarterback and I am so glad we have such terrific tight ends on the team.

Agent Tesla: Definitely agree with you there. Now I want to comment here since we did give credit to Sarasota for being gutsy even if it did not work out, and the end of that drive for the Second Line saw the coaches play conservative which paid off in the end as the team won. That said I am still against kicking a field goal that close to the goal when it will not give you an extra score in terms of lead. Go for it with the knowledge that worst case scenario you give up the ball inside the ten yard line.

Magnus Rikiya: Yeah. You are an aggressive play caller though and to be fair we had pinned them inside the five earlier only to give up a big play. Rather trust Prohaska there given those circumstances.

Agent Tesla: Fair points. Now after the kickoff about a minute into the fourth quarter Sarasota had it on their own eleven yard line with a third and six. Sarasota plays a spread option against New Orleans no deep safety look. One of Sarasota's receivers gets open early on, but not before Andrew Witten gets home as the blitz nickel to bring down Vega for the seven yard sack and force the punt. Tremendous job by Witten here.

Magnus Rikiya: Absolutely! Apparently we need to try this nickel blitz with Witten more often because he seems to have a real knack for it. Also want to say that I always love to sack the opponent on third down.

Agent Tesla: All good points and agreed on third down sacks! It also leads directly into our next highlight as Espinosa standing in their own end zone boomed a punt over sixty yards down field without giving up a return. Managed to undo the terrible field position they were in for the most part on that one punt. A phenomenal special teams play.

Magnus Rikiya: Espinosa deserves respect for how well they punted all game in my opinion. Now this next highlight is a bit of an odd one, but I want to give respect to the players involved here. Four minutes into the fourth quarter and we had a second and one on the Sarasota forty-nine yard line. Simple run to the left side that breaks for a fourteen yard gain thanks to a perfect block by Givussafare Rubbe, followed by a perfect block by Austin McCormick, and then Marcella carries a few defenders a few extra yards just for good measure. Just an outstanding job by three major pieces of the offense who all deserve some recognition.

Agent Tesla: Fantastic job fully agree. Unfortunately just a few plays later on a similar play to the right side the runner connected with Mango-Panda who managed to force a fumble that was recovered by Franchet. Fantastic job by Mango-Panda to be able to jar the ball loose, and good job by Franchet to scoop it up for an eight yard return. Turnover took almost guaranteed points off the board based on field position.

Magnus Rikiya: Yup. Just like what Rector did for us they did here for the Sailfish. Hate to see it playing against them ,but a defensive play like that you have to respect it.

Agent Tesla: That you do!

Magnus Rikiya: They also made the most of their opportunity as their first and ten play five minutes into the fourth quarter was another highlight worthy play. I managed to get through the offensive line here so Vega rolled out to the right to buy themself enough time to find their target. Now they are welcome to correct me if I am wrong here, but I believe Rayne Gordon was running an option route that is what allowed them to find the opening in our zone to get wide open on this play. Vega found Gordon who then proceeded to outrun the defense long enough to complete a thirty-four yard gain. Great job by the quarterback to buy time, and outstanding job by Gordon who managed to to be the knife in the heart of the zone.

Agent Tesla: Stellar work by Sarasota to practically march across the field in that one play. The next highlight though is my favorite of the season because I have a deep love of my own client doing well. Sarasota's ball, third and nine on the New Orleans thirty-two yard line, and Vega drops back to pass with two extra blockers out of the I-formation. New Orleans does not blitz and so Sarasota has enough blockers to double team one tackle and triple team the other. It did them no good though as my client Magnus Rikiya blew through all three blockers to get to the quarterback for a sickeningly sweet six yard sack! Pushed them out of field goal range and by extension gave the ball back to the offense.

Magnus Rikiya: In fairness to Sarasota two of those players were running backs. That said I am always happy to be a part of a stop and glad I was able to do a good job here. Want to give a huge shout out to the linebackers and secondary for covering all the receivers long enough for me to get to the quarterback. Fabulous job by them playing tight man coverage.

Agent Tesla: Agreed this was a good job by the defense as a whole doing their jobs, but since you went above and beyond I will heap the majority of praise on you.

Magnus Rikiya: Thanks for that I guess. Now this is normally a play you would cover, but I will handle it for reasons that you will probably make obvious. After Sarasota forced a three and out they marched down field coming to a third and six on the New Orleans seventeen yard line with just over a minute left to play. Vega drops back to pass in a pocket that begins to collapse so they throw it up for grabs between two of their receivers. Before the ball can get there though Mason Blaylock flies in to undercut the route, grabs the ball out of the sky, and then runs it back from our nine yard line into their territory with an excellent eighty-seven yard return.

Agent Tesla: You know I love interceptions and good safety play so it is rude of you to take that from me. Especially when you say the pocket begins to collapse without giving any credit to the defensive tackle that caused the pocket to collapse. It was Magnus for the viewers at home who did not get to watch the game. While that certainly helped it was Blaylock's perfect play that made the interception return happen as no amount of pressure could give someone the talent to undercut a route like that with two possible targets. Plus to get such a good grasp on the ball in stride to allow an eighty-seven yard return is proof of their incredible instincts.

Magnus Rikiya: My part was not important. Blaylock absolutely killed it this play to ice the game and deserves all the love for their work.

Agent Tesla: Fair stance to take as a teammate. I respect that. The team as a whole was excited enough about it that they got a too many men on the field penalty before their first play after the takeaway as the coaches could not get everyone to the sidelines.

Magnus Rikiya: It did not end up hurting us, but yeah we can be a rowdy and excitable bunch sometimes.

Agent Tesla: I love it! Now I believe this is an interesting game as defensive player of the game is on lock, but offensive player of the game is more wide open. Which one do you want to present?

Magnus Rikiya: I'll go with the easy one then. David Rector defensive player of the game and it is not exactly close. Now I am going to do something a bit odd, but do not think I am disrespecting you David. This was a great game for the defense as a whole as Jimbo Jr, Witten, and I all had fantastic games as well. That is what makes Rector winning such a big thing in my opinion as three of us had careers games, and Rector's won out by a country mile! Five tackles, six pass break ups, and three interceptions! Two that saved touchdowns and one that essentially gave us a touchdown. This one game put Rector in the running for cornerback of the year and another performance like this would guarantee it I say.

Agent Tesla: One of the best games of the year so far no doubt. Now offensive player of the game is an interesting one as a lot of people might pick Gump off of his twenty-three touches for 144 yards and a touchdown, and no disrespect to Gump but I do not think that is a good enough stat line for this game given all the circumstances. Instead I am going to give offensive player of the game to a key component of the offense that I think does not get enough recognition and that player is Givussafare Rubbe. In a game governed by defenses playing great Givussafare Rubbe did not allow a single sack, a single pressure, and had seven pancakes to prove their value. Combined with being involved in one of our highlights and I believe they are deserving of the award here.

Magnus Rikiya: I love that take! Gump had a good game that is for sure, but you are right that in a game so defined by defensive play Givussafare Rubbe's protective performance was perfect. Definitely deserving of recognition for it.

Agent Tesla: Glad to hear you agree! Next for the viewers at home who did not pick up any of my other highlights articles from this season; the last segment we have for these articles is focused on who Magnus swapped jerseys with after the game. My client Magnus has been a big fan of jersey swaps throughout his entire career, although we have only just started highlighting them now as my media work before was more draft oriented. Always want to hype up the nice people of this league, and especially those who are nice enough to participate in these exchanges. All that said; who did you swap jerseys with this time around?

Magnus Rikiya: I got to swap jerseys with a friend and one of the best defensive players for the Sarasota Sailfish Ragnar Rok. It is a bit interesting since that makes four weeks in a row where I got to jersey swap with a friend thinking about it. Atlas and I became friends on Norfolk, Troen and I became friends during the DSFL draft process, Momona and I became friends on the Muleriders, and Ragnar and I became friends during the NSFL draft process. We actually met at a prospect meet and greet of sorts where he talked about some mock draft stuff that was really interesting. Ran into each other a few times after that and became fast friends I would say. Glad we got to talk after the game and that he was willing to swap jerseys with me. Wish him all the best in Sarasota.

Agent Tesla: It is interesting, but I am thrilled that you have made so many friends thus far Magnus! I will also second wishing Ragnar the best of luck in Sarasota.

Magnus Rikiya: Now I believe that covers everything is what you would say next and so the only thing left I have to say is thanks for reading! Hope you have a good day whoever you might be!

Agent Tesla: I see. Well I do not have anything else to cover either and so I will say as well thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this and we wish you a very merry day!

Word Count: 5080

*NOLA @ SAR Highlights - IsaStarcrossed - 05-12-2020

I'm absolutely loving these, Tesla! Look forward to them after every game week. It is always a joy to see what Magnus has to say.