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Birthday AMA - Printable Version

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Birthday AMA - Jiggly_333 - 05-18-2020

Hi everyone. It's my 21st birthday. Figured that after three years in this league there's a ton of people who don't know me too well anymore or have only really learned about me in hushed tones or some shit. So, since I'm back and it's also my birthday, I figured that I'd do a 24 hour AMA. Anything you ask for the duration of May 18th (using Chicago Time) will be answered. If you ask a mean question, you get a mean answer; if you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer. But I hope most of you aren't going to do that.

I left in a massive shit storm, not just on here; but irl I've been battling... something (I haven't seen anyone so it might not be depression, but whatever) and I was also working on finishing out my final semester of community college. I joined the NSFL when I first started working on an associate's degree and I've just finished that. It should be in the mail soon. After this, I kind of want to go to a film school. I really enjoy writing and I want to try and get as far as I can in screenwriting. In fact, I'm trying to write a whole short film by the end of the week (Not just a script, but a shot chart and hopefully it'll be good).

Despite appearances and reputation, I'm not just an anime guy. I have a fairly deep knowledge of music and have released two albums (I might make another for Quarantine). As can be assumed by what I said my plans are, I'm into film and also enjoy 3D people on a screen (It's why I enjoy 2D as well, because it's great to see similar beautiful shot composition amplified). While it may seem that I only care about Chicago soccer, that's kind of true, but it doesn't mean I don't know anything about other sports. I mostly know historical stuff pretty well and that's about it, but moving on.

So yeah, ask me questions, I'll answer. I put it in here instead of Media because I don't want to be paid for this, this is just to talk and not feel lonely on my birthday.

[Image: lost-in-translation-essay-18.jpeg]

Birthday AMA - Skyline - 05-18-2020

What's the concept for the short film?

What is your planned first legal drink when bars open up again?

Happy birthday! I know it's tough to celebrate during quarantine (my brother turned 22 yesterday and he's stuck in a studio apartment on his own, it's rough), but things will be all that much sweeter when everything is back to normal.

Birthday AMA - Jiggly_333 - 05-18-2020

(05-18-2020, 12:31 AM)Skyline Wrote:What's the concept for the short film?
This idea comes from how over the past year or so, my morning commute left me at a bus stop for 50 minutes after getting off my train to wait for a bus to take me to class. And I thought about what would be an interesting scene to have at a bus stop. I've always liked rainy days, so it's set on one.

The idea is that this high school senior girl misses her bus and takes shelter at the bus stop from the rain. Moments later some disheveled office worker also makes it to the stop (visually, think Jim Halpert). They start to talk about how shit their lives are and then turn on eachother by trying to convince the other person that they have more potential.

It's not so much a plot as much as it's just a conversation. I want to capture a moment in time. These two people will never meet again in their lives and that's what makes this moment so freeing for each of them to talk about their problems. The girl is struggling with keeping up with relationships and has started to question why she even rebels against her parents. The guy is struggling with the existential reality that he's now a marketer for an insurance company, not whatever the hell he wanted to be. But each of them wants to help the other because it's in human nature to help others when you feel helpless.

There's some specific beats I know that I want to hit and while irl it took 50 minutes, I think it needs to be cut down a lot when I actually put this idea on paper.

(05-18-2020, 12:31 AM)Skyline Wrote:What is your planned first legal drink when bars open up again?

Jeppson's Malort. My parents made a special run. There's also a local brewery that I was actually planning on trying to get an internship with this summer and my dad got a growler from them (although I don't know if they're gonna let me have any). He realized afterwards that he should've gotten me Old Style instead, but we're just going with what we got.

(05-18-2020, 12:31 AM)Skyline Wrote:Happy birthday! I know it's tough to celebrate during quarantine (my brother turned 22 yesterday and he's stuck in a studio apartment on his own, it's rough), but things will be all that much sweeter when everything is back to normal.

Quarantine hasn't really changed anything for me. Which is probably really depressing. Only thing that's different is the lack of sports. Everything else is normal. I don't normally go out unless it's for school or soccer and now I have neither. ¯\_(?)_/¯

Birthday AMA - YoungTB - 05-18-2020

What is one piece of advice you can give me after 21 years of living?

Where do you see yourself one year from now?

What are some things that you'd like to change over the course of next year?

In one word, describe the past year.

What kind of cake will you be having, if at all?

Happy birthday bud! Appreciate everything you do.

Birthday AMA - Warner - 05-18-2020

Is there another transparency post in the works?

Did you participate in the Children’s Crusade of 1212? If not, do you know someone who did?

other than that I got nothing. happy birthday tho

Birthday AMA - HalfEatenOnionBagel - 05-18-2020

Happy Birthday! Live it up as much as you can.

Any music genres someone might be surprised to discover that you like?

If you could collaborate with anyone on an album who would it be and why?

Any particular goals for the career of your new player?

What is the mantra that you live by?

What do you think would be the perfect location to film a movie?

Assuming we weren't quarantined what would be your ideal 21sr birthday party?

What's your favorite type of frog?

Birthday AMA - LimJahey - 05-18-2020

Favorite US Football team?

Favorite word that starts with K?

Favorite cereal?

Favorite Date of Birth?

Happy B-Mas

Birthday AMA - CLG Rampage - 05-18-2020

No questions, just wanted to apologize to you. I know everyone gave you shit for the whole Chicago situation, me included, and I just wanted to apologize for anything that I said that hurt you in any way.

We didn't talk much outside of like 1 draft stream, but I still feel bad for the way you left the league for a time. So again, I'm sorry.

Birthday AMA - Jiggly_333 - 05-18-2020

(05-18-2020, 01:42 AM)YoungTB Wrote:What is one piece of advice you can give me after 21 years of living?

You're assuming that I have wisdom to give? No one knows anything. Just try not to get caught up with people who say they have all the answers.

(05-18-2020, 01:42 AM)YoungTB Wrote:Where do you see yourself one year from now?

Depressingly, the same exact spot. But hopefully I'll have gotten more writing under my belt and finished some of my projects (at least on the writing end).

(05-18-2020, 01:42 AM)YoungTB Wrote:What are some things that you'd like to change over the course of next year?

I mean, everything's gonna be real hard in Quarantine, but I always want to try to find a girlfriend. Or some sort of irl friend. I want to try to develop a better work ethic as it comes to writing and start setting aside time during the day. I need to get better at allowing myself to be more creative. I also need to start getting better at networking and promoting myself. Since I'm trying to go into an industry where that's a more important tool than actually being good, I need to do better with that.

(05-18-2020, 01:42 AM)YoungTB Wrote:In one word, describe the past year.


(05-18-2020, 01:42 AM)YoungTB Wrote:What kind of cake will you be having, if at all?

We were going to have ice cream cake, but couldn't find any. Just a normal chocolate cake, I think.

(05-18-2020, 01:42 AM)YoungTB Wrote:Happy birthday bud! Appreciate everything you do.

Just remember, mijo, this is all your fault.

[Image: 62e0fae57dd62e426fc1af974fcc0c76.gif]

Birthday AMA - Jiggly_333 - 05-18-2020

(05-18-2020, 05:47 AM)tractorcito_grande Wrote:Is there another transparency post in the works?

No. Clearly none of you can handle honesty.

(05-18-2020, 05:47 AM)tractorcito_grande Wrote:Did you participate in the Children’s Crusade of 1212? If not, do you know someone who did?

[Image: CnxJyTPWcAIo7fv.jpg]