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*NOLA @ SJS Highlights - Tesla - 05-18-2020

Agent Tesla: Hello and good time appropriate greeting to you dear viewer! Magnus and I are here today to go over some highlights from the New Orleans Second Line's game against the San Jose Sabercats from week nine and perhaps talk some more about the game in general. It all depends on how we feel and what we want to do after we get through our usual highlights and segments. Now our first highlight is also the first play from scrimmage, and I will let you take it from here Magnus!

Magnus Rikiya: First play from scrimmage and so a first and ten on the New Orleans fourteen yard after an unimpressive return. Gump gets the ball and gets the edge by dodging a couple of defenders. Gets a block by one of the wide receivers; can't tell who because the number is wrong, but then carries on for a total of a fourteen yard gain.

Agent Tesla: A good play by Gump on an off tackle run and credit to that unknown receiver. Also a good job by the offensive line to keep most of the front off of him. The next highlight comes about four minutes into the game. Second and eight for San Jose on their thirty-five yard line and they go with a spread package. New Orleans responds with a blitz that forces San Jose to rely on just a chip block against Quenton Bode that was not enough to stop him. Bode is a beast and powered through that block to wrap up Wright for the six yard sack.

Magnus Rikiya: Bode is a beast and to rely on a chip block against him is absurd. This play proves why that is the case. Our next highlight comes courtesy of Austin McCormick around ten minutes into the game. Third and two and New Orleans has it on their own thirty-nine yard line when Stan Francisco finds McCormick. McCormick makes it a fair bit downfield before being tackled by three players, but then drags them another yard for a total of a twenty-one yard gain and an appearance on our highlight reel.

Agent Tesla: Tight end of the year. We expect this kind of play from him at this point and he still routinely shows up in these highlight reels.

Magnus Rikiya: Totally agree on both counts. Best tight end in the league today.

Agent Tesla: Indeed. This next highlight I feel a bit bad for the receiver. Just a couple plays later on first and ten on the San Jose thirty yard line Stan Francisco finds an open Ed Barker. Ed Barker is a speedster of a receiver and manages to outrun the defense for a twenty-eight yard pickup before being tackled just shy of the end zone. Obviously Ed is the highlight here and deserves credit, but also credit to Trey Staley for being able to tackle him from behind to save the touchdown. Outstanding play all around.

Magnus Rikiya: Ed's speed is delightful for our offense. The fact that Trey caught him whomps for Ed, but is impressive enough to be noteworthy. Our next highlight starts the second quarter and sees Austin McCormick catch the ball while covered on a third and six that started on their thirty-seven yard line. Now Austin gets tackled immediately and it does not impact him in the slightest as he runs full speed downfield for another twenty yards with the defender just holding on for dear life before another defender finally manages to save them by getting the job done. Top tier tight end play.

Agent Tesla: Outstanding highlight right there and a great job by McCormick proving themself once again. Also just want to shout out Gump here as the next three plays were runs by him each of which went for seven or more yards. Great job by the offense this drive.

Magnus Rikiya: I agree with that. Mostly McCormick and Gump making the plays, but Marcella and the offensive line also contributed.

Agent Tesla: That they did! Now this next one is a bit embarrassing for the defensive front of New Orleans and so I will handle it. Around five minutes into the second quarter and San Jose has a second and three on their own thirty-seven yard line when one of the New Orleans front manages to get a hold of Dan Wright. Wright breaks free and finds Deondre Thomas-Fox for a frighteningly fast twenty-nine yard gain. This was a big highlight for Wright being able to get out of a sack, but also credit to Thomas-Fox for outrunning the secondary for that big gain.

Magnus Rikiya: Stan has dished out that kind of play to other teams, and so I know it is going to happen to us sometimes. Props to those two on terrific play here. What makes it worse is just a couple of plays later on a first and ten from the New Orleans twenty-three yard line Wright did it again. Broke out of the grasp of two members of our front and I just got a hand on him when he got the ball out so I whiffed too. This time he found Action Jackson who despite being covered carried on for a few more yards for a total of a nineteen yard gain. It hurts.

Agent Tesla: Credit where it is due though for an outstanding series by San Jose. A great series of drives given our next highlight. Nine minutes into the second quarter and New Orleans has a second and five on the San Jose thirty-two yard line. Stan Francisco successfully passes the ball and the receiver is blindsided by Chester Sweets who knocks the ball out for Trey Staley to fall on. Chester flew in like a missile and made the play happen, but credit to Staley for finalizing the takeaway.

Magnus Rikiya: Just a bang bang play. Good job to those two for getting it done though. We got back at them the next drive though as a second and ten on their twenty-nine yard line after a run was stopped by Dorfus they dropped back to pass out of a spread formation. Well we went with a blitz package that got Andrew Witten the opening that he needed to come right in and drop Wright for a five yard sack. One of the best blitzing secondary players in the league. Might actually be the best I would have to look at the league stats sheet to confirm that though.

Agent Tesla: Definitely good enough that we are thrilled to have him on the team! Great job Witten! That sack helped force a three and out that gave New Orleans the ball back on the San Jose thirty-eight yard line after a good return by Gump. First and ten play is a run to the right side by Marcella that I can only describe as magic. She breaks or avoids a tackle by every member of the San Jose front en route to a thirteen yard pick up.

Magnus Rikiya: I have no idea how these running backs can just dance through people like this, but I love to see it when it is for my team. Just after the two minute warning and San Jose has a third and ten on the New Orleans forty yard line. Wright finds Leon McDavid uncovered over the middle who manages to run for a twenty-eight yard gain before someone realizes to stop him. Good job by McDavid finding the opening in the defense.

Agent Tesla: A well executed play there. The next play after their time out is a first and ten on the New Orleans twelve yard line. Dan Wright drops back to pass out of a spread formation, although calls back an extra blocker when they notice the blitz. That extra blocker does not mean anything though as Ironside rips past the offensive line and buries Wright with the second blocker for a six yard sack. Just the ideal sack for a defensive tackle and one that you love to see!

Magnus Rikiya: Especially from Ironside who so often draws double teams to open up plays for the rest of the team. He deserves every stat that he gets and then some. This play is really worthy of the highlights as it is what kept them to a field goal on this drive.

Agent Tesla: Agreed on all counts! Now this next play is by Rando Cardrissian who I thought was a card player, but is apparently a San Jose running back. They have the ball with a second and three on their own forty-one yard line when Rando gets the ball. It is an off tackle run to the left side where Rando has to run just about all the way to the numbers to find the edge, however they do and get a solid twelve yard gain for their efforts. The fact they had to maneuver that much for it makes it highlight worthy in my eyes.

Magnus Rikiya: Fair enough to say as it was a good job by Rando. I prefer the next running back play as New Orleans had third and sixteen on their own fourteen yard line five minutes into the second half. Stan Francisco drops back and goes with the check down to Gump who makes it to the first down marker before being tackled, then about five more yards before being tackled again, and the pair only managed to bring him down after a thirty-three yard gain. Gump might be getting up there, but he still has the power to drag two defenders ten yards.

Agent Tesla: I can agree with that being the more impressive of the two plays. Grand job by Gump. It did get New Orleans out of a hole, however just a few plays later on a third and three from the San Jose thirty-five yard line it was rendered less meaningful. This highlight play is a blitz which already left the protectors of Stan Francisco at a disadvantage, but it was also a perfectly timed jump by Tyron Brackenridge off the edge. Offensive line blocked who it could and Brackenridge got home because he was the unblocked defender. Still a great jump by Brackenridge though!

Magnus Rikiya: Even if it was not a blitz that would have been hard to stop with how well he timed his movement to the snap, but with the blitz it was going to be a sack one way or the other. Unfortunately as it knocked us just outside of field goal range.

Agent Tesla: That it did. Which also unfortunately for New Orleans makes it more highlight worthy.

Magnus Rikiya: Yeah. We managed to force a three and out on their ensuing drive though so not all doom and gloom there. That is where our next highlight comes from as their punter McDairmid managed a fifty-five yard punt punt that was unable to be returned. Great special teams play to flip the field some there.

Agent Tesla: Special teams deserves love too and plays like this are the reason. Even if we do not always notice them given the poor choice in camera people the league has made. Now this next play is one of my favorite because of how it perfectly executes one of my favorite defensive formations. San Jose has a first and ten on their own seventeen yard line about ten minutes into the second half when Dan Wright does a deep drop back. Now I am not entirely sure what San Jose was doing here, but they kept back two potential receivers as additional blockers on this play. They triple team my client Magnus Rikiya, double team Bjørn Ironside, and then rely on their receiving options to block the ends. Neither one does enough and so it is a race to the quarterback that Dorfus Jimbo Jr wins for the eleven yard sack as the cover one shell left no open receivers for Wright.

Magnus Rikiya: I know you love your cover one and this was definitely a great job by the linebackers and secondary covering everyone for the duration of the play. Huge credit to Dorfus though for getting such a speedy sack that they did not have to cover for long. Our next highlight comes with just a few minutes left in the third quarter and New Orleans has a second and ten on their own thirty-six yard line. Stan Francisco throws it up to a covered Rainier Wolfcastle who makes the catch and drags the defender ten extra yards before being gang tackled. Totaled an eighteen yard gain that got us in business.

Agent Tesla: Love to see a defender get dragged down field when you are cheering for the offense. Have to respect that high level play either way though! First highlight of the fourth quarter comes in five minutes into it with New Orleans having a first and ten on their own twenty yard line. The offensive line holds long enough for Stan Francisco to get the ball to Bona’beri Jones who makes it about nine yards before being tackled, and then an extra nine before being tackled again to actually be brought down after an eighteen yard gain. Good job on them for dragging a defender nine yards.

Magnus Rikiya: You love to see it as you said. I admit our next highlight is not quite as impressive, but is an explosive play worthy of highlighting. Same drive and New Orleans has a first and ten on the San Jose thirty-seven yard line when Stan Francisco finds Ed Barker for a good thirty yard gain. Ed Barker just outran the defense to make it happen and went down to the first tackle. Still a showing of speed is just as good as a showing of strength as far as our highlights are concerned.

Agent Tesla: When it comes to speed Ed is hard to beat it seems based on the highlights we have seen. Now we get another strength play as after the two minute warning New Orleans has a first and ten on the San Jose forty-seven yard line. Stan Francisco finds Bona’beri Jones near the numbers, and Bona’beri Jones drags the closest defender over ten yards en route to a twenty-two yard reception. Outstanding job by them there!

Magnus Rikiya: Love that we have such a good combination of strength and speed on the offensive side of the ball. This was a great game for them I would say as they put up twenty-four points and had a first down just fourteen yards shy of another touchdown when time expired.

Agent Tesla: Agreed on both counts. All the highlights covered I believe we can move on the players of the game segment of our show. Now offensive player of the game I believe is getting split in two again, but you say you have one defensive player that you are comfortable giving defensive player of the game to over everyone else. So I will trust you to handle that first Magnus.

Magnus Rikiya: Quenton Bode gets the nod from me as they led the team in tackles with eight, tied the lead for sacks with one, and had a pass defended on top of it. Not a great game for gaudy defensive stats, but Bode did enough here that I am happy to honor them with the defensive player of the game award.

Agent Tesla: Agreed! Offensive side of the ball Stan Francisco gets it for the third time in a row on account of their streak of multiple touchdown zero interception games. Going twenty of twenty-eight for 282 yards and two touchdowns on a 127 passer rating is too good to not reward. Meanwhile sharing it with them this time is Forrest Gump whose twenty-three rushes for 128 yards and a touchdown combined with their four receptions for 56 yards; also makes for a stat line too good to go unrewarded.

Magnus Rikiya: Since they are both my teammates I will also shout out the people who were runner up for the awards. On defense Dorfus Jimbo Jr was good with a tackle at the line, a tackle for loss, and a sack for three good stops. Offense meanwhile was almost McCormick's whose five receptions for 72 yards is definitely worth a nod of approval even if not an award.

Agent Tesla: All good performances I would say. Now for our viewers who are just joining us this far into the season the next segment is one where we discuss who my client Magnus Rikiya swapped jerseys with after the game. It is a fun activity that he has participated in since his time in the DSFL only now we get to shout out the people who agree to the swap thanks to this media series of ours. So tell me dear Magnus who you swapped jerseys with this time around?

Magnus Rikiya: Unfortunately since we were not able to get approval to mention it I cannot say who I swapped jerseys with this game. Nobody responded to our requests after the fact and without their okay we are not comfortable including mention of what happened here. Even if no one has said no to us yet about this series we would never want to assume and negatively impact someone's day.

Agent Tesla: Unfortunate, but it does happen. Perhaps they were busy with preparations for their next game. So do you have anything else you want to cover before we wrap up?

Magnus Rikiya: Nothing major. Just stay safe out there everyone!

Agent Tesla: Agreed there! Strange times we are living in and so be sure to be careful out there. Have a good day and we will see you all next time!

Word Count: 2972