International Simulation Football League
Passing On The Torch for S23 - Printable Version

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Passing On The Torch for S23 - bex - 05-19-2020

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: NSFL_logo.png][/div]

Hello NSFL!

There has been a lot of buzz regarding HO in the last 24 hours as we prepare for the loss of our dear Teyon as he returns to civilian life. This is not the only new we have to share at this time as we make preparations for Season 23. We're pleased to announce that when he steps down this offseason, he will be replaced by our current intern, @Exilizer! Exil has done excellent work this season and is a key piece in the next leg of the HO journey! Congratulations to him on this auspicious promotion! He's not the only one moving up in the world, as our other dear intern, @Skyline is leaving us for new opportunities as well as he will be stepping up as Head Banker!

Now for the even BIGGER news!

As some of you may know, HO's work in the DSFL this season has been highly supplemented by the DSFL Advisory Board. This Board was formed in part as a type of a test run. While DSFL HO has existed in the past, it hasn't always been implemented with perfect success or in a sustainable manner. I'm excited to announce that @TomHanks will be taking the mantle of DSFL Commissioner and leading our DSFL Head Office comprised of @BaconBrother, @Duilio05, @Hallmonitor_20 and @nunccoepi. This group has proved themselves to be what is needed in the DSFL at this time, showcasing their drive and passion through rigorous interview as well as through service on the Advisory Board and in our Rookie Mentor department. I have full faith in their ability to care for and to lead this important component of the league!

One concern I personally have had is allowing NSFL GMs to serve as DSFL HO. This concern of mine is fairly well-known to many. However, after observing the DSFL Advisory Board in action, as well as through discussions with other commissioners to talk through how they approach minor league HOs, we've agreed to give the DSFL the green light for a time with NSFL GMs allowed to serve in this capacity. We'll be re-evaluating this for S25 to make sure that this does not set back the NSFL teams these GMs serve, and most importantly, to make sure that it does not negatively impact the DSFL in any way.

As we proceed, we will also be hiring some HO interns! We'll be hiring a DSFL HO intern and an NSFL HO intern for S23! If you are interested in applying, please message one of the commissioners with information about you and your sim league history, why you're interested in an internship, and what projects or ideas you'd like to work on during a potential internship year!

Thank you,

[Image: 32e31433db39c503e91a14e4a51827b0.png]

NSFL Commissioner

Hello all!

I am thrilled to have been selected as the DSFL Commissioner for this new era of the DSFL. Thanks to the hard work of HO and everyone with a job in this league, we’ve grown significantly in recent seasons. We’ve seen expansion of the NSFL, expansion of the DSFL twice, and a whole host of new faces making huge contributions. With all that, it’s time for HO to expand as well. The DSFL deserves a head office dedicated to it and dedicated to making new user experience the best it can be. The current administration has been doing a phenomenal job, but with all the moving pieces in the NSFL, it’s too much to ask them to be running both leagues.

We’re in a great period in terms of league health, and part of that means that there’s a wealth of worthy and willing candidates to join HO. While that made the decision-making process very difficult in terms of who to hire, it meant that those chosen are going to do great things. I couldn’t be more excited to be leading the group that I am. All are users with a really positive history in the league and passion for the DSFL. The DSFL has always been the league I’m fonder of, I loved being a DSFL player, a DSFL GM, and I’ve always been in a DSFL war room.

The first step to helping the DSFL improve is to get feedback on what you, the league, think needs fixing. We have our ideas and plans already, but we want to know what you guys are thinking. If you have a question or a concern, please reach out to one of us!

[Image: a0679c8ffb2d9c35bf9ab4a9d19d441d.png]

DSFL Commissioner

P.S. We know there are bound to be a lot of questions! Please send them our way via our current joint presser found here

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: DSFL.png][/div]

Passing On The Torch for S23 - Hallmonitor_20 - 05-19-2020

[Image: akPzS7D.jpg]

Passing On The Torch for S23 - infinitempg - 05-19-2020

This is going to be huge, mostly because now I can tell other people to deal with the DSFL!

No but seriously super excited to see these guys work and improve the first place new users see. Wonderful hiring!

Passing On The Torch for S23 - Faded - 05-19-2020

Congrats, and good luck!

Passing On The Torch for S23 - AdamS - 05-19-2020

I wanted to go with "HO RESIGNS FROM LEAGUE" but this role is also good.

Passing On The Torch for S23 - mithrandir - 05-19-2020

Could not have hired anyone better than Tom Hanks. He'll do great things for the DSFL.

Passing On The Torch for S23 - Memento Mori - 05-19-2020

Congrats all! Five excellent DSFL HO choices.

Passing On The Torch for S23 - Opera_Phantom - 05-19-2020

Damn, dream team for the DSFL right there.

Except BaconBrother. He sucks.

Passing On The Torch for S23 - AdamS - 05-19-2020

(05-19-2020, 01:20 PM)Opera_Phantom Wrote:Damn, dream team for the DSFL right there.

Except BaconBrother. He sucks.

I will punch you in the asshole.

Passing On The Torch for S23 - Opera_Phantom - 05-19-2020

I have heard a lot of things in my time in this life, but that's indeed a first!