International Simulation Football League
On The Butcher Block ep 1 - Printable Version

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On The Butcher Block ep 1 - Bayley - 05-20-2020

Hey y'all. I think I am going to join in the fun. I have been talking about doing a podcast with @Muford , so we will be taking some questions.

Ask away folks! If you are interested in joining a pod with me, let me know as well!

On The Butcher Block ep 1 - Opera_Phantom - 05-20-2020

Biggest challenge you guys faced/are facing with the Chicago Butchers.

On The Butcher Block ep 1 - retrospace111 - 05-20-2020

Where do you see this team in 5 seasons? 10?

How are you going to try and build this team back up? Draft? Free agency? Trades?

How does it feel to be the GM of (no offense) the joke of the league?

What was it like taking over a team that was in mass hysteria and very controversial?

What advantage do you feel like you have over the other GMs?

You don't have to answer all of them but I just wanted to give you guys some material to make that $$

On The Butcher Block ep 1 - furiousPanda - 05-20-2020

What was the biggest challenge when you took over the Butchers?
Who would you consider a steal from your S22 draft class?
Favorite place to eat pizza?

On The Butcher Block ep 1 - CDub2 - 05-20-2020

When you wrote your media piece “how to fix the Chicago butchers”, how on track are you?

Describe the Chicago LR

Describe each War Room Member in one word

Try to describe Muford in more than one word than just “Muford”

On The Butcher Block ep 1 - Hallmonitor_20 - 05-26-2020

1. If you could make a splash this offseason how would you do it? Trading for more draft picks, trading for a star player, or signing big free agents?

2. Will you ever fix the endzones so they aren't backwards?

3. Do you believe winning creates a good locker room or a good locker room creates winning?

4. Would you rather fight 3 geese holding knives or 1 honey badger that you owe money to?

On The Butcher Block ep 1 - ValorX77 - 05-26-2020

1. The butchers are looking to fill a WR hole this draft, how high am I on your board?

2. If you were to undo one of the moves I did as a GM, which one and why?

On The Butcher Block ep 1 - JKortesi81 - 05-26-2020

Top 5 Taylor Swift songs, and why.