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*Interview with Tychondrius Hood - Printable Version

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*Interview with Tychondrius Hood - TheCC - 05-24-2020

Hello everyone! I’m here with Tylus, one of the most promising prospects in the upcoming NSFL draft. There are almost always several quality wide receivers in each draft class, but not too many match up to the prospect that we’re talking to today. Okay, let’s get right into this interview with one of the TWO max earning rookie wide receivers that the Minnesota Grey Ducks have managed to snag in the last draft.

Question: What were your personal and team expectations going into this season? Are you satisfied with the way that the year has gone so far?
Answer: When I first made my player a bit more than a month ago, I knew nothing about what being in the league was like. My goals were ROTY, WROTY, record breaker, MVP, blah blah blah. Once I joined the Minnesota locker room I learned that winning, while really fun, isn’t everything. My goals now are to have a good time, be the best player I can, help my team the best I can, and if I’ve done all that, then I can try to pump my stats a little. I love being on the Grey Ducks, and would trade my stats instantly if it meant staying in this locker room.

I’m glad to hear that your expectations have changed for the better, in my opinion. I learned the same thing in Minnesota. Everybody is so selfless in that locker room; it’s infectious. The league is really about having fun and helping out your team. Stats are only a secondary bonus. I love how so many players in Minnesota are willing to put the team ahead of themselves, especially with the log jams at certain positions, such as wide receiver and cornerback.

Question: I understand that you broke the Minnesota Grey Ducks career and single-season receiving touchdown record. How do you feel about that? Do you think that it will help your draft stock at all?
Answer: I’ll be honest, it is a little bittersweet. While I am happy that I was able to break the record, I feel I should give a shout out to our true #1 receiver, Daymond Brooks. Brooks was tied for the record with two games left on the season, and just needed a single touchdown to break it. Sadly he caught zero touchdowns those two games while I was able to bring in three and break the record. The funny thing is, I was hoping to get yards and no touchdowns, so I could achieve the receiving yardage title, as I was close behind the person who actually took it, Vequain. Daymond Brooks had over 150 yards in those two games, and I would have traded my touchdowns with him for his yards so we could both achieve our goals. Moving past that, I do think it will help my draft stock some, but there are a lot of really great receivers in our class in Luca Scabbia, Kai Sakura, Videl-San, Dre Matthews, the list goes on. The thing that might actually help my stock is if my name is in the running for offensive rookie of the year or wide receiver of the year. I don’t expect to win one or the other, but knowing my name was in the conversation is amazing enough for me.

With two games left in the season, we all wanted to see Brooks get the receiving TD record. We all joke around about it often, but he holds no hard feelings about it and neither do the rest of us. We’re just happy to be the number 1 seed in our conference, and we’re happy that our guys are doing well. It’s a good problem to have when our top two wide receivers are fighting for the franchise receiving TD record. He’s handled it like a true professional. I’m sure that part of the reason for that is at least partially due to the fact that he is nearly guaranteed to go off to do bigger and better things in the NSFL. I’ll be honest here. I hope you don’t end up in the running for any awards. Listen, I want all my Ducks to do great and get the recognition that they deserve. However, I also want all my Ducks to end up on my team. Meaning I need you to last long enough in the draft for my Butchers to take you! We need more Grey Ducks besides me in Chicago!

Question: Are you happy with the way that your rookie season has gone?
Answer: I think that my regular season has gone well. The fact that we made the playoffs alone makes this season incredible, and a lasting impact on me as a player. Being around all of the guys in the locker room through the ups and downs has been such a great time. If we manage to win a playoff game, or even the Ultimini, it should be one of my favorite seasons of my career, and I’m not even in the NSFL yet. On the personal side of things, I made my goal of over 800 yards, managed to tie the DSFL league leader in touchdowns with 7, and had one of the highest average yards per catch. I even managed to land 80 yards behind the league yardage leader, with 15 less catches! So I can say without a doubt in my mind that this season has been a great success for me.

I don’t think that many players in their first ever season in the DSFL can say that their season went as well as yours has. You’ve been a delight to watch perform and grow. It’s honestly amazing how well your season has gone, and I’m sure that a lot of DSFL players would kill for the production that you’ve been able to provide this season. You mentioned the “ups and downs” of the season, which reminds me of one of my favorite things about this season, which was how we reacted after starting the season 1-3. Next to none of us lost hope in the fate of our season. We just knew we needed to keep earning and we’d turn it around. It’s such a great thing that you met your goals - even exceeded them. I’m sure that you will keep this trend of exceeding expectations going in your future.

Question: I know that most, if not all, of the NSFL teams have scouted you. Are there any that haven't reached out yet?
Answer: I’ll have to double check all of my scouting reports, but I don’t believe that San Jose, Sarasota, or the Otters have reached out to me yet. I’m not sure if they aren’t interested in me, or wide receiver, or if they just haven’t reached out yet. It could possibly even be that they have seen my content, or seen me around in the main discord enough that they feel that they have a bead on me. I honestly couldn’t say why I haven’t heard from them, but I’m still excited to possibly do so sooner or later. Even if they draft me without scouting me first, I would be happy to play for any of these teams, or any of the teams that have already scouted me.

A true team player, Tylus doesn’t even mind if a team completely ignores him before pulling the trigger. Although I would love it if every team besides mine passes on him, any team that doesn’t have their eye on Tylus should reconsider their choice of general managers.

Question: Is there any specific team that you seemed to mesh really well with?
Answer: I honestly find something or someone that I enjoy about every team. Honolulu has two GMs I really enjoy in Dwyer and Raven, and I’d love to play for them. They also have forsucksfake, who is one of my major boys from Minnesota. Chicago has seemingly amazingly competent and positive GMs in Bayley and Muford, and I really can see what they’re doing for the Butchers, and I really respect the moves they are making recently. They also have YOU, Tyron Shields, another of my favorite Grey Ducks. Going to Yellowknife would be great, they have one of our GMs that I love oh so dearly, CLG Rampage, on the team, and it would be great to be a part of their high powered offense. I also really enjoyed my interview with one of the Wraiths GMs. Arizona and I had a nice interview, and who wouldn’t want to be a part of the epic rebuild they’re pulling off? Isteg is an awesome individual, I really had a good interview with him for Austin, and the Copperheads offense is definitely one I’d like to be a part of. The yeti have a fun locker room, and I’d love to be on a team with our boy thevoicelesscreator, and help supplement their stronk defense with an offensive weapon such as myself. I also had a good interview with Baltimore and Philly. I could go on about how each team has something really great about them. You honestly can’t go wrong.

Nope. I won’t stand for this. Every team besides Chicago is inept. I truly suggest that you tell all of the other teams that you will refuse to play for them. Pull an Eli Manning. Pls. I’m kidding, of course. Kind of. I also think that every team has something positive that they are bringing to the table. Chicago is just bringing more. Wink

Question: What do you think that the single greatest thing is that you will bring to the table with your NSFL team, once drafted?
Answer: I’m not one to brag about my self, but I think that I would be a positive influence for any team. I’m a max earner, and I find myself helping my teammates max earn as well. Whether it be pushing them to make predictions, or a player ahead of me who doesn’t want me to pass them(lol), I’m all about helping my team grow TPE wise. In the locker room I hope that I’m a fun guy to be around, and I try to get people involved in what's going on as often as I can. On the field the sim seemingly loves me, giving me way more yards and touchdowns than I deserved!

Well I can definitely vouch for the part that you mentioned about pushing players to max because they want to stay ahead of you. On May 7th, 2020, I declared that my mission was to stay ahead of you. Although your predictions have been absolutely killer, I have managed to stay up front, for now. We’ll see if it holds true through the rest of our careers, though. If nothing else, it will be an exciting friendly rivalry to keep an eye on, that’s for sure!

Question: Is there anything that you'd like to tell your potential suitors?
Answer: I’m excited to be a part of your team, and max earn for the next 10 or 12 seasons! I may be new, but I plan on being the best wide receivers in my class, and one of the best someday in the NSFL. I hope you’ll consider making me a part of your team. I won’t let you regret it.

I fully expect Tychondrius Hood to retire as a Hall of Fame wide receiver. You earn too much, and so far, the sim loves you. It would also just be nice to see such a great guy be rewarded for his hard work, as long as you keep it up. I’m sure you’ll get there eventually!

Question: If you were asked to stay in the DSFL for another season, would you be okay with that?
Answer: I would absolutely be okay with that. In fact I would be happy to do so! With my being a capper player next season, and Snowy getting close as well, we could be an ELITE duo in the DSFL next season. I love being a part of the Grey Ducks organization, and would have no qualms about banking up some TPE and winning another Ultimini with the great GMs and teammates I should have next season.

Honestly, I would be excited for you if you were to be sent back down to the DSFL for one more season. I know how much you love the Grey Ducks. I was on a podcast with CLG Rampage and Darkness Rising tonight, and CLG Rampage mentioned that the Ducks may be fucked next season, since so many of us are going to be called up at the conclusion of this season. If nothing else, the offense would still be stellar if you were to be sent back down to the DSFL for one more season. I’m sure that you, Sim SnowBow, and Zed Keppler would put on an absolute show for all of us next season, and keep the Minnesota Grey Ducks in the hunt for an Ultimini for another season. However, it seems like you are too strong currently, and earn too much, to be kept in the DSFL for another season. I know that you’re trying to keep your expectations low, so that you don’t get disappointed, but I predict that you will be drafted earlier than you expect to be drafted, and I predict that you will be immediately called up to the NSFL. That may depend on which ever lucky team gets the opportunity to draft you, but I think that you are too good to leave in the DSFL.

Question: Give me your best shot at how many golf balls you think could fit in the room that you're in right now. How did you come to that answer?
Answer: I’d guess maybe ten thousand? I have a pretty small bedroom, and a huge bed in it, and have no idea how many golf balls fit in a square foot. Lol

Yikes. A mere guess from the wonder kid, Tychondrius Hood. I expected more from you, Tylus. I was asked this in my last job interview, and I like to think that my quick thinking with my answer won me the job. My answer was something along the lines of: I would start by calculating a rough area of the room, using length x width x height of cubes that I separated and then added together. I don’t remember the formula to find the amount of space that a golf ball occupies, so I would treat it like a cube. I would measure the diameter, and then use that measurement as the length, width, and height of a cube. I would then find out how many cubes of that size would fit into the volume of the room that I calculated previously. Apparently there is a formula to find the number of spheres in a certain amount of space, but I didn’t know that at the time. Perhaps I would be making more money now, had I known that formula. We will never know, I suppose.

I’d like to thank anyone that managed to read through this entire interview. It ended up being a bit of a long one. I’d also like to give a huge thanks to Tylus for participating in this interview, and giving more than his fair share of the word count. Lord knows I need the money more than he does. This concludes another captivating interview with one of the Minnesota Grey Ducks’s rookies. Good luck to Tylus in the draft, and I sincerely hope that I end up being lucky enough to call you a teammate in the future.

Please split this 50/50 between me (Tyron Shields) and Tylus (Tychondrius Hood). Thank you!

*Interview with Tychondrius Hood - Tylus - 05-24-2020

Thanks for the interview, and for being such a good teammate. Good luck in the NSFL next year, you're going to be a solid contributor for the Butchers for years to come.